Post by Katanaheart on Jul 14, 2024 12:29:26 GMT -5
I have finished Riverstar’s Home June 8th! (Very beloved book, easily in my favorites. I also don’t get people’s hate towards the recap when it felt important to show how Riverstar’s cats were doing at that time. My complaints were the lack of good allegiances and descriptions for characters but the latter could have been helped by the former. I also don’t see Skystar going back on his character development here and he was easily rebounded. All to say, I greatly enjoyed RH and Riverstar’s character, best vote I made on those polls! Unfortunately/Fortunately, we return to my intense salt as I’m stuck with three cats in the main series. And my opinions on one-two of them should be rather clear by now…)
Oooooh, founders!
Also glad Gray Wing isn’t here, he was fan-service in ALITM. The founders are more recognizable.
Riverstar like always is having to pivot since Frostpaw was never meant to be a medicine cat apprentice.
Also Riverstar being the odd one out again by not being overtly worried about Frostpaw’s potential death.
Curlfeather’s design worked well, helps RiverClan has no StarClan medicine cat to begin with.
Very short Prologue, kinda sad about that.
Chapter One
Return to Frostpaw!
Have you considered screaming for help?
Splashtail seems to have just done a claw and run, so I doubt he’s nearby.
Scab cracking sounds oddly gross, makes me think blood and pus is just going to start flowing from her neck if she moves the wrong way.
And this is why she abandons RiverClan when the only cat she can talk too, is right there?
Seriously, Frostpaw.
I get you’re reasonably paranoid but said paranoia is going to lead you into a realm of torment when you could just… talk to Whistlepaw… literally right now.
At least give her the information before you’re taken off to the Cutter.
Say goodbye to any future of kits considering you won’t be able to have any soon.
You’re literally leaving RiverClan in the dark.
I wonder if she can also be indirectly blamed for Harelight’s death on this?
Since Splashtail wouldn’t be in power if Frostpaw hadn’t been elsewhere.
Why is Whistlepaw even out here?
Any WindClan cat could have come to her aid, considering WindClan sleeps outside, usually.
You have time to tell Whistlepaw about the vision.
Do that, dummy.
You can figure out who attacked you later, tell Whistlepaw about Reedwhisker!
Chapter Two
“Nightheart was purring,”
*Groans in frustration because of this guy getting to have his Clans betrayal and leading on cake and gets to eat it too.*
ThunderClan just has many unnecessary warriors. I hate this era of peace, we need to get back to bloodshed and fighting to keep ThunderClan’s numbers low.
Also a Fernstripe mention that isn’t going to go anywhere because ShellFern May as not even have existed with as much relevance as it gets…
She should have stayed in ShadowClan, you don’t deserve her.
And no further love or mention to Grandma Lilyheart, sad. Just affectionate gaze which could have been done to any mentor character, really.
Meh, it’s not dangerous. The Moon Pool is close to ThunderClan territory and is not as dangerous as the trek to the Moonstone was.
I really hope they don’t accept her.
Squirrelstar, 1 life leader.
At least Nightheart and considering the reactions of his Clanmates, imply, they haven’t given up on Bramblestar and his ability to lead.
Alas, if only he’d remain ThunderClan’s leader, it would give some time for Squirrelflight to die and Bramblestar to choose a new deputy.
Because neither of them are going to retire together, which would be for the best.
But nope! :/
And we got the daughter being biased.
She won’t be.
But if she dies from her own poor decision making because she didn’t decide to retire, that would be nice.
Lionblaze briefly concerned he’s going to be deputy again, my poor boy.
Also him having a point that Squirrelflight just shuts down, you’re not going to live forever if you’re a squishy one lifer.
And we now make another POV cat into deputy, yay. And it’s not even temporary.
It’s not like this wouldn’t be an awesome time to flesh out any of the background characters while serving under someone like Squirrelflight…
Plus, she needs a doormat deputy and Ivypool is… certainly not that.
Squirrelflight is a “my way or the high way,” character, even if she feels she’ll listen to Ivypool in the moment right now… I don’t think she will.
Ah, yes. Where she went into the Dark Forest and did barely anything in terms of reports. The only good thing about Ivypool’s POV that was enjoyable was learning about the Dark Forest in further detail, that was kinda it, for me.
Interesting that Squirrelflight left it up to Ivypool, I wonder who did Fernstripe’s trials…
Not that we saw them because Nightheart is a very “Me, me, me!” Character and doesn’t pay attention to the plights of background characters…
Once again, missed potential.
He should have been replaced with Whistlepaw, her POV would be so cool, right now…
Is Jayfeather not going? I guess he doesn’t want be around his adopted parents?
Nephew and uncle bonding time, not that it’ll get mentioned because it’s Nightheart.
At least Bramblestar is being a cute grandpa and teasing, since he is to be thanked for them interacting in the first place.
Nope, she has to choose. Them’s the breaks.
To live in another Clan means abandoning and facing the eventual possibility of harming and killing cats close to your kin in your former Clan.
And she dodges an important question.
I think impending war is an important discussion, Squirrelflight. But as usual, gotta think of those short-term problems. Or are you too afraid that joining SkyClan in battle means Tigerstar II rips you apart?
And that was a very foolish decision considering Tigerstar II is actively defying StarClan, right now…
“Wise and reasonable.”
I see, we’re still licking Tigerstar II’s tyrant paws, Nightheart…
Maybe you should run back to ShadowClan as you enjoy his treatment of RiverClan so much.
Wise and reasonable, how stupid.
And I’m not surprised Bramblestar is again, defending his nephew. His character has at least remained consistent about him.
Squirrelflight grows a brain and doesn’t needlessly argue with her husband!
Finally, you’re maturing!
Very slowly.
This won’t last.
It’s weird seeing the Moonpool again after the spirit and body dragging shenanigans of TBC, specifically with it being described as black as night. I think I’ve always picturing it as a shimmering blue.
It would be cool if they were interrupted.
Mmmm, it would be interesting if Sunbeam killed Hollowspring in battle, he didn’t do much.
Squirrelflight gaining insight and being as reluctant as her mate would be irritating but also show some form of maturity with leadership. Would also make her look foolish for fighting him about political decisions as she now knows how her other half lived.
And once again, I disagree with Nightheart. We need less independently aggressive cats who think of themselves and their kin, before their Clan in leadership.
Chapter Three
And now, Sunbeam.
A POV, I’d be more interested in if she was in ShadowClan, atm.
And an all gal patrol and with all of Nightheart’s relatives, not that the narrative would mention Poppyfrost as a great aunt as apparently Sparkpelt gave birth without Larkspring…
Also missed opportunity to showcase anything useful by not showing how this patrol went, at all.
How did Sunbeam manage to catch the rabbit, that isn’t ShadowClan prey?
Who helped her?
Rabbits are best caught in a paid, after all.
Lionblaze being a bit distrusting makes sense, he did have to pick loyalty over love. (And avoiding violent tendencies but still.)
Also him eating with Poppyfrost is nice, considering they trained together.
Poor Honeyfur, not even ShadowClan remembers her that well.
So, Myrtlebloom potentially helped her with the rabbit?
I am once again annoyed that none of this is being shown. Learning skills for different prey in different territory is important, you’re essentially training a skittish and love-sick cat each time they decide to move.
And we will probably not see Finchlight giving these tips…
It isn’t unfair to Nightheart.
He was a brat in River and Sky and remains mostly a brat. (Yes, I’m still annoyed by him having self-awareness of his own mistakes in River and then chucking that character growth and blaming everyone else around him. Which only Squirrelflight and Sparkpelt really deserved from that tirade…)
Also failing to mention Nightheart failed on purpose because he picked his Clan over you, Sunbeam.
Berryheart! Normally, I’d be happy to see you but unfortunately, she’s not going to leave.
She prefers her trash boyfriend over ShadowClan.
You could have just shredded Berryheart and chased her out before she even got to camp?
A badger could walk into ThunderClan camp and they’d let it, at this rate.
They seem very interested, Sunbeam.
You are actively betraying ShadowClan, sorry Sunbeam. But you are.
You’d rather bite and claw your former Clanmates because of your trash boyfriend, that was the choice you made.
Sunbeam is now Sunshine according to the book. Kinda ruins the tension. Lol
Of course ThunderClan is agreeing, they’re the only Clan that has benefitted from this nonsense. They get two free she-cats that have knowledge of both WindClan and ShadowClan.
Berryheart is going to look so deliciously right since I think Nightheart abandons ThunderClan before they return from the Moonpool?
Sparkpelt, you know he only left ThunderClan because he was throwing a hissy-fit. Sunbeam was the secondary reward in that moment, not the first.
And being just as loyal as any other ThunderClan warrior means plunging your claws into the flanks of ShadowClan cats, I hope you know this.
Why doesn’t ThunderClan just chase off Berryheart?
She is actively trespassing and did so in both SkyClan and ThunderClan territories…
I do agree with Sunbeam’s sentiment, especially as we have read about another cat’s issues with Clan-hopping. *Glares at the still not dead Twigbranch.*
It’s probably my own feelings talking but Berryheart feels more foolish than brave.
(But I also live with a mother that cries during arguments every time and gets mad when I get mad. You taught me that yelling is how I should respond when angry, you did it every single time when I was younger with no thought to work on it other than I should get used to yelling…)
Blah, me having a side-tangent aside, you did betray her Sunbeam, you’ve betrayed all of ShadowClan.
Lol, Ivypool doesn’t know herbs.
I hope someone does on her journey, otherwise someone is going to die horribly with lack of herb knowledge.
Yes, he would.
The ending of that chapter really makes me wish Sunbeam would be in ShadowClan. Her existence in ThunderClan isn’t going to develop any of the background characters that I care about and are needed.
The Clan May as well be all of Firestar’s relatives at this point but only Sparkpelt’s kids receive any acknowledgment of being related to Firestar.
And before I forget, Nightheart and Berryheart being two strong sides of the loyalty coin. Berryheart is loyal to her Clan and shows how the old ways definitely need to stay while Nightheart is more loyal to himself as an individual.
Chapter 4
And back to me being mad at Frostpaw for not telling Whistlepaw vital information…
Yeesh, I’m hating all three of you very early on…
Frostpaw, beloved, please stop this and just tell Whistlepaw before you’re carted off to the cutter.
In hindsight, everyone sans Leafpaw should have gotten snipped when caught by Twolegs. As much as I love Ambermoon, Snowbush and Dewnose just complicate the gene pool and CloudXBright didn’t need more kits. (Mistystar also didn’t have another litter, either. So, things would have worked out.)
Thank StarClan, you’re telling her!
Also Frostpaw really playing with the idiot ball trope by not going to Kestrelflight and it’s going to cost her, her reproductive organs.
I do get people not liking she got fixed but I really enjoy it as it shows a super helpful and dangerous af side to Twolegs that hasn’t been mentioned since ITW.
Unfortunately for you, it is a yes, Frostpaw.
Splashtail did it, he tried to kill you.
Buzzard mention!
I hate Little Daisy’s name so much, they could have named her anything else? Something floral for a reminder of Daisy at least?
Petal, Stem, Leaf, Nectar, all of these were options.
Nope, Little Daisy. Stupid.
(I haven’t read Daisy’s Kin so if there’s something significant there, it is lost on me. I also have a hatred of most exact named parent-child for personal reasons.)
Why haven’t these kits been taken? Surely, the Twolegs would fix Little Daisy by now if not sold her?
(Since they did that with Floss and Daisy’s first litter otherwise.)
I’m sad Frostpaw didn’t get more time at the Horseplace, I was hoping she’d remain there for a chapter or two after her arrival so Smoky and his kids wouldn’t be cameos for one chapter.
And that prick was probably a needle, Twoleg came prepared.
And now I’m back to being stuck with Nightheart and Squirrelflight’s lousy tails.
Chapter 5
The fact that it’s now morning means she’s not Squirrelstar yet. Even a nine lives ceremony doesn’t take that long.
I was correct!
May she never get her nine lives and she and Tigerheartstar murder one another on the fields of battle!
It would be glorious.
Too bad, it’s not going to happen…
I feel this would not have been a problem with the Moonstone.
But I also feel this is an excuse that StarClan just didn’t want to deal with Squirrelflight.
The fact the moon was clear for a while does just mean StarClan doesn’t want to deal with her tail. I’m with you StarClan, I don’t want to deal with her either.
I wish she had died with her sister, letting us avoid a lot of needless death and manipulation and me having to deal with her continued existence within the narrative.
(As without Squirrelflight, Ashfur would have had zero reason to go bother her in life when he could have just bothered her in StarClan. At best, he would have just made both afterlives awful as he had dug that tunnel but he wouldn’t have possessed Bramblestar. So, a plus! And we wouldn’t have had some awful warrior names too.)
But yeah, with the amount of half-moon meetings I’ve been too, I think Alderheart is just lying through his teeth to save his parents.
Yes, you don’t know your own territory.
You helped found it, and I imagine it’s easy to mistake SkyClan for what used to be ThunderClan.
I hope SkyClan shreds you for trespassing.
Needleclaw! Cloudmist! Cute patrol with her great niece and great nephew!
Rootspring has had too much screentime so I’d appreciate him not being present on SkyClan patrols, thank you very much.
I also wanted a fight, another reason I don’t want Rootspring here.
And Bramblestar was correct and if Squirrelflight loses her head over this and just waltz into another Clan’s camp, she is not fit for leader at all.
Let alone arguing with her Clanmate over something insignificant.
Really, they should have just left her to barrel into Leafstar’s den.
Lights in the Mist. Gah, stupid title.
They had both been warriors fighting inside the Dark Forest to stop Ashfur, there.
That’s all you have to say.
Lights in the Mist, ugh.
That’s like giving a stupid title for the cats who fought against BloodClan or The Kin.
And the book immediately follows up with an explanation of the Lights in the Mist when they could have just removed that useless title to begin with and just had that explanation instead.
And the odious code changes that were not needed. Sure, let’s hope this enemy warrior is fine with ripping the fur off their brother in battle, because they’re so in love with this one guy from our Clan.
That is the pin point of tested loyalty, are you fine with killing and injured someone who raised you?
For example, Russetfur’s situation, would you kill a deputy in order to save your new Clan’s leader?
(I’m aware there are other circumstances related to Lionblaze but that’s a killing accident that comes to mind.)
Berryheart is just so right about being paranoid in regards to how bad this code can be twisted for the benefits of another Clan.
No one is going to listen to Tree.
Tree only works for a SkyClan problem, the other Clans are too stubborn and set in their ways
I misread Sunbeam as Squirrelflight. Squirrelflight would be pleased to see you back Nightheart, ignoring the fact she’s right there. Lol
Weird, Alderheart isn’t cringing at his parents now flirting a lot in front of him. I guess it’s a change from the arguing?
Ah, good to see some ThunderClan cats do consider Nightheart a traitor!
As they should with how explosive his exit was.
Also love the fact one of these cats is Plumstone! Good to see my mean girl gal back!
Also weird to see Dewnose but it’s showcasing his personality and that he hangs out with Plumstone some?
Also Dewnose being acknowledged as Bayshine’s dad, I guess he just ignored Nightheart and Finchlight as kids since they weren’t his?
Then again this is Nightheart and he is super unreliable narrator in regards to his ThunderClan Clanmates…
Either way, some interesting things to think on for the only remaining kit of CloudBright’s second litter.
It would be funny if Nightheart went back to ShadowClan and fit better in there.
Ivypool, she needs more of an explanation than that.
At least Finchlight and Myrtlebloom have done more than Spireclaw did for Fringewhisker. (As Nightheart can’t be useful as he doesn’t know the going-ons of any changes within the territory itself.)
Chapter 6
I thought I was getting a Frostpaw chapter with the mention of Splashtail and Owlnose showing up… and now I’m super disappointed that it’s Sunbeam.
I don’t think Spotfur is gray and white!
The kits!
I hope they don’t go to Nightheart and Sunbeam when they’re older.
Sunbeam is too new and Nightheart does not deserve one right now.
How are they going to help with the trial?
Berryheart takes loyalty more seriously than Ivypool if Sunbeam is just going to be entertaining the kits.
I wish the Clan was here, the kits presence makes this sound cute instead.
They’re getting Graykit’s description wrong, he’s not a bi-color.
He’s a white tom with gray spots.
This challenge is cute! And a bit weird but I get how it kinda prepares for mentorship.
And it’s a kinda backwards way of knowing the territory and how to hunt the ThunderClan way.
Except you’re just the instructor and your hope is lying in three, very excited kits who have never been out of camp before.
I will accept Sunbeam as a potential mentor for one of the kits, now.
Since I imagine Ivypool is looking for some idea for suggestions.
Nightheart is still not allowed to have anyone, considering our last romantic clan-hopping pair having apprentices at the same time did not go well…
“Only power can bring true peace.”
That doesn’t sound threatening at all, Ivypool.
You would know this if you ever visited Cinnamontail and given me cute non TigerDove kits, Sunbeam!
Awwww, little Graykit! I love these kits so much!
Graykit has prepared this little food hunting expedition in thought.
Who you’re loyal too, which includes harming those you once loved and cared for.
At least the kits get it, Graykit’s own cute food talk also reminds me of Featherstar of WindClan.
She had proposed it be a code that the Clans only eat their own prey. Frog for Shadow, fish for River, rabbit for Wind, etc.
At least Sunbeam realized the deeper issue of being loyal to a Clan, not that that’s a good conversation for kids.
And TC has a lot of elders.
“Only rogues torture their prey.”
Interesting and a callback to the code, as well.
His next chapter must be where he disappears?
I had actually expected him to leave much sooner.
And Sunbeam would have failed her task of Graystripe was still alive and if Bramblestar had been able to retire to the elder’s den.
Four voles do not feed five cats.
Chapter 7
Finally, Frostpaw!
She just recognizes her founder from a deep level, like intuition. I feel this is the first time someone has spoken to the founders outside of that experience in StarClan itself, in which Rootspring was being boring af.
(I get his love double died but that’s the second last thing I cared about considering the rarity of what was being allowed to happen…)
As the last time I can recall the Founders sans Skystar was all the way back in Long Shadows, I think it was? And it was just a meeting between themselves?
Splashtail and Tigerstar II has riled the Clan up so much that if the correct leader was chosen now, it’s a “too little, too late,” situation.
Ah, so we do get another Horseplace chapter!
Knowing this Twoleg is kind makes me sad that one day, all of the Clan cats will pack up and leave in the next arc. Or, at least that’s the theory anyway.
Huh! Twoleg must also have fixed her, odd, I thought she’d be taken somewhere else to do that.
You’d think Smokey’s Twoleg would have fixed Floss, Daisy, Little Daisy, and Coriander then, if they had these skills.
And why didn’t we get to see this scene? I demand sibling bonding.
I still wish Mistpaw and Graypaw had replaced Sunbeam and Nightheart as protagonists. Return to the glory days of PO3.
And left the Horseplace, a shame. I kinda wish this time was longer.
Also, I love Whistlepaw’s characterization and her finally getting screentime that she should have had prior to this book.
Squirrelflight’s now invading Frostpaw’s pov now.
Why Moth flight? D:
Dappled Pelt would be more appropriate as RiverClan’s first medicine cat.
Also implication that Frostpaw hasn’t received any true StarClan visions until this point.
I’m guessing because they couldn’t contact you, otherwise they would have helped before?
No idea why they wouldn’t be able to contact you though, unless contacting non-medicine cats is more difficult.
Riverstar doesn’t want to tell you, your mom is in cat hell.
Which is likely why Reedwhisker can’t reveal who killed him.
Frightening Frostpaw now will make her not want to go on the journey and she’d be abandoning the Call.
Now why can’t her companion be one of her siblings instead of lousy Nightheart?
And speaking of lousy Nightheart…
Chapter 8
Berryheart also being the only to come for Sunbeam is somewhat sad but also shows how she was not willing to lose her daughter. Sparrowpelt and Hollowspring didn’t care she was gone to make the effort to at least follow Berryheart. And Spireclaw has his own life so he likely doesn’t care about what Sunbeam does as long as his mother’s gaze isn’t on Fringewhisker. Which could have been avoided if he had moved to SkyClan but none of these toms are willing to move to the girl’s Clan.
Also the fact that Frostpaw got a whole RiverClan ancestry meeting while Squirrelflight and Bramblestar are still struggling to meet with StarClan.
They don’t approve your tail, Squirrelflight! And oh boy, do I hope you’re lying with one life, later!
I’m amused Nightheart doesn’t consider Squirrelflight family, ole’ Grandma is going to the retirement home if Nightheart has any day on the matter.
Appeal to Nightheart’s ego and desire to be important!
Also what you’ve been fearing and I’ve been hoping for.
And Nightheart once again, chooses to abandon his love.
He really picks things that’ll make him feel of some importance over Sunbeam.
Such trash for her, she deserves better.
It’s the whole “hero who will choose the world over me vs. the villain who will choose me over the world,” type thing.
Chapter 9
And now Sunbeam realizing she’s been abandoned again!
He loves fame and recognition more, Sunbeam. He’d toss you to the curb if it meant fame.
Move back to ShadowClan or interact with different ThunderClan cats.
I hope she’s lying. I hope she has one.
Really, she shouldn’t even have nine lives.
Bramblestar lost a life meaning he could only give up 7, to have one.
So, at best she has eight or seven lives.
She’s just a Sunstar 2.0, provided she isn’t lying.
(And with how long it took for Bramblestar to lose one life, I will not be confirmed on this fact until four book series from now. Provided she doesn’t get a nine lives ceremony excerpt at some point.)
Tigerstar II also should have eight lives because he lost one to being owl food.
Cherryfall’s sharpness reminds me of her dad.
Yesss! Plumstone! Ahhh, I love her mean girl characterization being kept. I do wish her fellow mean girl, Thriftear would join in though.
Also the continued friendship bits between her and Dewnose. Now, I kinda wish DewPlum was a thing if we really needed more Cloudtail kin running around. Although, that would have only worked if Mousewhisker had been the father of Blossomfall’s kits and not Thornclaw.
I kinda wish this Squirrelstar scene wasn’t a thing and her “nine/eight lives ceremony,” was just StarClan saying no and then mentioning Nightheart. Or it was just cut entirely, I want confusion and uncertainty about your trash choice of a mate, Sunbeam!
No, he follows his bruised ego while blaming everyone else for his failures.
You feel that important to boost your own ego, Squirrelstar?
No other leader has called anything just to say “Oh, I’m leader of this Clan now! Teehee!”
We didn’t see Tigerstar doing that when he became leader, it was a shocking and terrifying experience. But here Firestar’s daughter trying to inflate her importance.
Because you did! You, Fernstripe, and Fringewhisker all threw your kin away for a man. I’m still mad not a single tom moved to the she-cat’s Clan, it would have been great to get rid of some ThunderClan cats, since we can’t have fighting.
(Not to mention the lingering threat of shredding your kin into butter in battle.)
Why, Rootspring? Ugh.
This is why I don’t want him in Ivypool’s SE, we’re getting way too much of him like he’s the only SkyClan cat in SkyClan.
Yes, he’s Mr. Stupid that we can blame for this dumb code change.
I could be having a super cool RC sibling arc if it wasn’t for you, Rootspring. :/
Not close enough for my liking, Sunbeam. Not close enough.
Both can be true, Finchlight.
No leader and being pushed around by ShadowClan.
They are guarding and RiverClan is right to attack them and make their life hard.
They’re trespassing and eating food that isn’t their own.
Sunbeam, if you want to act like a ThunderClan cat, don’t support your tyrannical leader’s decisions and make excuses for your former Clanmates. Unless you want to go back and join them?
And we’re now making dumb decisions.
How could Lightleap be so cold?
You’ve signed up for a trash husband and the high likelihood of ripping your fake friend’s fur off, dummy.
Of course she wouldn’t be happy for you.
Although I’d be perfectly down with you killing Lightleap, tbh!
Finchlight, you’re one to talk considering how all ThunderClan’s cats returned to ThunderClan.
Eight lives, at most. You get eight.
Although I’d prefer you having one.
Tigerstar has argued with StarClan.
StarClan told him to leave RiverClan alone and he didn’t.
Berryheart has a point even if Frostpaw did think she was helping.
Although, I do agree with Berryheart that ShadowClan didn’t need to be living in RiverClan, in the first place, either.
This is such a long chapter.
I want peace by storming into RiverClan’s camp and nearly murdering one of their senior warriors. Then stationing my deputy, one of my daughters, and my warriors in RiverClan’s camp where they can eat RiverClan’s prey while doing nothing else to help them.
This is rich coming from a ShadowClan leader.
I want war.
Also Squirrelstar now using Tree, who Tigerstar is NOT going to listen too.
I feel Tree won’t be too useful considering no one wants his help. Lol
Chapter 10
I’d be more excited for your pov if it didn’t include Nightheart.
It wasn’t that hard to persuade him, just mention glory and recognition and he’s quick to dump everything else.
Your mother is evil.
It’s interesting seeing Frostpaw paranoid of other Clan cats.
It also amuses me that Riverstar’s voice keeps being mentioned as deep.
She can’t hear it was Splashtail who tried to kill her now, it would crush her.
Pleasant is hardly what I would use to describe Nightheart.
And Frostpaw is correct, he’s just after fame and being different from his mom’s side of the family while ignoring his dad’s completely.
Nightheart really learning everyone’s prey secrets. He’s also stealing Graykit’s dream!
Otter was also a RiverClan prefix, so it’s fun to see their namesake in person.
Yes, kill him! It would be funny if Nightheart dies to the otters.
Chapter 11
I wish we had had Frostpaw looking for the herbs on screen.
He complains despite the fact many cats are Firestar’s Kin and don’t have his attention-craving issue to be famous. (Lionblaze, Jayfeather, Squirrelflight, Sparkpelt, Alderheart. Fernsong, Hollytuft, Sorrelstripe, Bayshine, Myrtlebloom, Spotfur, Finchlight, Bristlekit, Stemkit, and Graykit)
All direct Firestar descendants that don’t have this problem.
And the number grows even more if I were to count kin that has left the Clan and those from Cloudtail’s branch.
This is why I can’t take his arc regarding this seriously. If any of the younger generation past Lionblaze and Jayfeather’s had this problem, I’d be a bit more sympathetic. But none of them do, so Nightheart just comes off as super whiny about a problem that he’s imagining.
Not helped by the fact the narrative forgets that his adopted siblings are his cousins in some fashion. (I’m not good with the cousin angle but they’re all great grandkids of Firestar.)
Like the only issue that he had was a more firey prefix, he’s already solved, an issue that his mother should have had, her name was supposed to be Sparkfire, after all.
Amber eyes are more reminiscent of fire, it’s not always about your fur color.
And it’s not like we haven’t had kits named after their eye color before, either.
And this is why the code change is stupid with how quickly one can just learn about another Clan and just decide to return to the old one.
Maybe if Nightheart had been executed for failure or not allowed to return to ThunderClan and living life as some loner would be a potential stop-gap for this kind of thing?
It just bothers me the amount of ShadowClan knowledge he has and if Sunbeam didn’t have obvious reservations against fighting her family, which is why she shouldn’t be in ThunderClan. He’d just use this knowledge as a get famous, quick scheme.
Why couldn’t you have mentioned that bit earlier?
Also, instead of bonding about Clan expectations that makes me want to dunk Nightheart in the river, why not bond over your dead dads?
Your dads have been dead since the start while Sparrowtail certainly acts like he’s dead to Sunbeam.
(I just want more dad discussion if I can’t have dad interaction.)
What is this road supposed to be?
Does it have a partial intersection?
I don’t know what three stripes mean.
It’s a bike lane!
The bikes being described as bony are funny and terrifying.
Let him drown in the pool.
I think it’s a pool?
It would be nice if you did.
Then all of the cats you’re collecting later can go to RiverClan instead.
They’re going to just rot in ThunderClan, if that’s where they end up.
It would be interesting for a mission with two warriors, for one of them to die during the journey.
That’s not even a jab at Nightheart, that’s just an interesting concept.
Oooooh, founders!
Also glad Gray Wing isn’t here, he was fan-service in ALITM. The founders are more recognizable.
Riverstar like always is having to pivot since Frostpaw was never meant to be a medicine cat apprentice.
Also Riverstar being the odd one out again by not being overtly worried about Frostpaw’s potential death.
Curlfeather’s design worked well, helps RiverClan has no StarClan medicine cat to begin with.
Very short Prologue, kinda sad about that.
Chapter One
Return to Frostpaw!
Have you considered screaming for help?
Splashtail seems to have just done a claw and run, so I doubt he’s nearby.
Scab cracking sounds oddly gross, makes me think blood and pus is just going to start flowing from her neck if she moves the wrong way.
And this is why she abandons RiverClan when the only cat she can talk too, is right there?
Seriously, Frostpaw.
I get you’re reasonably paranoid but said paranoia is going to lead you into a realm of torment when you could just… talk to Whistlepaw… literally right now.
At least give her the information before you’re taken off to the Cutter.
Say goodbye to any future of kits considering you won’t be able to have any soon.
You’re literally leaving RiverClan in the dark.
I wonder if she can also be indirectly blamed for Harelight’s death on this?
Since Splashtail wouldn’t be in power if Frostpaw hadn’t been elsewhere.
Why is Whistlepaw even out here?
Any WindClan cat could have come to her aid, considering WindClan sleeps outside, usually.
You have time to tell Whistlepaw about the vision.
Do that, dummy.
You can figure out who attacked you later, tell Whistlepaw about Reedwhisker!
Chapter Two
“Nightheart was purring,”
*Groans in frustration because of this guy getting to have his Clans betrayal and leading on cake and gets to eat it too.*
ThunderClan just has many unnecessary warriors. I hate this era of peace, we need to get back to bloodshed and fighting to keep ThunderClan’s numbers low.
Also a Fernstripe mention that isn’t going to go anywhere because ShellFern May as not even have existed with as much relevance as it gets…
She should have stayed in ShadowClan, you don’t deserve her.
And no further love or mention to Grandma Lilyheart, sad. Just affectionate gaze which could have been done to any mentor character, really.
Meh, it’s not dangerous. The Moon Pool is close to ThunderClan territory and is not as dangerous as the trek to the Moonstone was.
I really hope they don’t accept her.
Squirrelstar, 1 life leader.
At least Nightheart and considering the reactions of his Clanmates, imply, they haven’t given up on Bramblestar and his ability to lead.
Alas, if only he’d remain ThunderClan’s leader, it would give some time for Squirrelflight to die and Bramblestar to choose a new deputy.
Because neither of them are going to retire together, which would be for the best.
But nope! :/
And we got the daughter being biased.
She won’t be.
But if she dies from her own poor decision making because she didn’t decide to retire, that would be nice.
Lionblaze briefly concerned he’s going to be deputy again, my poor boy.
Also him having a point that Squirrelflight just shuts down, you’re not going to live forever if you’re a squishy one lifer.
And we now make another POV cat into deputy, yay. And it’s not even temporary.
It’s not like this wouldn’t be an awesome time to flesh out any of the background characters while serving under someone like Squirrelflight…
Plus, she needs a doormat deputy and Ivypool is… certainly not that.
Squirrelflight is a “my way or the high way,” character, even if she feels she’ll listen to Ivypool in the moment right now… I don’t think she will.
Ah, yes. Where she went into the Dark Forest and did barely anything in terms of reports. The only good thing about Ivypool’s POV that was enjoyable was learning about the Dark Forest in further detail, that was kinda it, for me.
Interesting that Squirrelflight left it up to Ivypool, I wonder who did Fernstripe’s trials…
Not that we saw them because Nightheart is a very “Me, me, me!” Character and doesn’t pay attention to the plights of background characters…
Once again, missed potential.
He should have been replaced with Whistlepaw, her POV would be so cool, right now…
Is Jayfeather not going? I guess he doesn’t want be around his adopted parents?
Nephew and uncle bonding time, not that it’ll get mentioned because it’s Nightheart.
At least Bramblestar is being a cute grandpa and teasing, since he is to be thanked for them interacting in the first place.
Nope, she has to choose. Them’s the breaks.
To live in another Clan means abandoning and facing the eventual possibility of harming and killing cats close to your kin in your former Clan.
And she dodges an important question.
I think impending war is an important discussion, Squirrelflight. But as usual, gotta think of those short-term problems. Or are you too afraid that joining SkyClan in battle means Tigerstar II rips you apart?
And that was a very foolish decision considering Tigerstar II is actively defying StarClan, right now…
“Wise and reasonable.”
I see, we’re still licking Tigerstar II’s tyrant paws, Nightheart…
Maybe you should run back to ShadowClan as you enjoy his treatment of RiverClan so much.
Wise and reasonable, how stupid.
And I’m not surprised Bramblestar is again, defending his nephew. His character has at least remained consistent about him.
Squirrelflight grows a brain and doesn’t needlessly argue with her husband!
Finally, you’re maturing!
Very slowly.
This won’t last.
It’s weird seeing the Moonpool again after the spirit and body dragging shenanigans of TBC, specifically with it being described as black as night. I think I’ve always picturing it as a shimmering blue.
It would be cool if they were interrupted.
Mmmm, it would be interesting if Sunbeam killed Hollowspring in battle, he didn’t do much.
Squirrelflight gaining insight and being as reluctant as her mate would be irritating but also show some form of maturity with leadership. Would also make her look foolish for fighting him about political decisions as she now knows how her other half lived.
And once again, I disagree with Nightheart. We need less independently aggressive cats who think of themselves and their kin, before their Clan in leadership.
Chapter Three
And now, Sunbeam.
A POV, I’d be more interested in if she was in ShadowClan, atm.
And an all gal patrol and with all of Nightheart’s relatives, not that the narrative would mention Poppyfrost as a great aunt as apparently Sparkpelt gave birth without Larkspring…
Also missed opportunity to showcase anything useful by not showing how this patrol went, at all.
How did Sunbeam manage to catch the rabbit, that isn’t ShadowClan prey?
Who helped her?
Rabbits are best caught in a paid, after all.
Lionblaze being a bit distrusting makes sense, he did have to pick loyalty over love. (And avoiding violent tendencies but still.)
Also him eating with Poppyfrost is nice, considering they trained together.
Poor Honeyfur, not even ShadowClan remembers her that well.
So, Myrtlebloom potentially helped her with the rabbit?
I am once again annoyed that none of this is being shown. Learning skills for different prey in different territory is important, you’re essentially training a skittish and love-sick cat each time they decide to move.
And we will probably not see Finchlight giving these tips…
It isn’t unfair to Nightheart.
He was a brat in River and Sky and remains mostly a brat. (Yes, I’m still annoyed by him having self-awareness of his own mistakes in River and then chucking that character growth and blaming everyone else around him. Which only Squirrelflight and Sparkpelt really deserved from that tirade…)
Also failing to mention Nightheart failed on purpose because he picked his Clan over you, Sunbeam.
Berryheart! Normally, I’d be happy to see you but unfortunately, she’s not going to leave.
She prefers her trash boyfriend over ShadowClan.
You could have just shredded Berryheart and chased her out before she even got to camp?
A badger could walk into ThunderClan camp and they’d let it, at this rate.
They seem very interested, Sunbeam.
You are actively betraying ShadowClan, sorry Sunbeam. But you are.
You’d rather bite and claw your former Clanmates because of your trash boyfriend, that was the choice you made.
Sunbeam is now Sunshine according to the book. Kinda ruins the tension. Lol
Of course ThunderClan is agreeing, they’re the only Clan that has benefitted from this nonsense. They get two free she-cats that have knowledge of both WindClan and ShadowClan.
Berryheart is going to look so deliciously right since I think Nightheart abandons ThunderClan before they return from the Moonpool?
Sparkpelt, you know he only left ThunderClan because he was throwing a hissy-fit. Sunbeam was the secondary reward in that moment, not the first.
And being just as loyal as any other ThunderClan warrior means plunging your claws into the flanks of ShadowClan cats, I hope you know this.
Why doesn’t ThunderClan just chase off Berryheart?
She is actively trespassing and did so in both SkyClan and ThunderClan territories…
I do agree with Sunbeam’s sentiment, especially as we have read about another cat’s issues with Clan-hopping. *Glares at the still not dead Twigbranch.*
It’s probably my own feelings talking but Berryheart feels more foolish than brave.
(But I also live with a mother that cries during arguments every time and gets mad when I get mad. You taught me that yelling is how I should respond when angry, you did it every single time when I was younger with no thought to work on it other than I should get used to yelling…)
Blah, me having a side-tangent aside, you did betray her Sunbeam, you’ve betrayed all of ShadowClan.
Lol, Ivypool doesn’t know herbs.
I hope someone does on her journey, otherwise someone is going to die horribly with lack of herb knowledge.
Yes, he would.
The ending of that chapter really makes me wish Sunbeam would be in ShadowClan. Her existence in ThunderClan isn’t going to develop any of the background characters that I care about and are needed.
The Clan May as well be all of Firestar’s relatives at this point but only Sparkpelt’s kids receive any acknowledgment of being related to Firestar.
And before I forget, Nightheart and Berryheart being two strong sides of the loyalty coin. Berryheart is loyal to her Clan and shows how the old ways definitely need to stay while Nightheart is more loyal to himself as an individual.
Chapter 4
And back to me being mad at Frostpaw for not telling Whistlepaw vital information…
Yeesh, I’m hating all three of you very early on…
Frostpaw, beloved, please stop this and just tell Whistlepaw before you’re carted off to the cutter.
In hindsight, everyone sans Leafpaw should have gotten snipped when caught by Twolegs. As much as I love Ambermoon, Snowbush and Dewnose just complicate the gene pool and CloudXBright didn’t need more kits. (Mistystar also didn’t have another litter, either. So, things would have worked out.)
Thank StarClan, you’re telling her!
Also Frostpaw really playing with the idiot ball trope by not going to Kestrelflight and it’s going to cost her, her reproductive organs.
I do get people not liking she got fixed but I really enjoy it as it shows a super helpful and dangerous af side to Twolegs that hasn’t been mentioned since ITW.
Unfortunately for you, it is a yes, Frostpaw.
Splashtail did it, he tried to kill you.
Buzzard mention!
I hate Little Daisy’s name so much, they could have named her anything else? Something floral for a reminder of Daisy at least?
Petal, Stem, Leaf, Nectar, all of these were options.
Nope, Little Daisy. Stupid.
(I haven’t read Daisy’s Kin so if there’s something significant there, it is lost on me. I also have a hatred of most exact named parent-child for personal reasons.)
Why haven’t these kits been taken? Surely, the Twolegs would fix Little Daisy by now if not sold her?
(Since they did that with Floss and Daisy’s first litter otherwise.)
I’m sad Frostpaw didn’t get more time at the Horseplace, I was hoping she’d remain there for a chapter or two after her arrival so Smoky and his kids wouldn’t be cameos for one chapter.
And that prick was probably a needle, Twoleg came prepared.
And now I’m back to being stuck with Nightheart and Squirrelflight’s lousy tails.
Chapter 5
The fact that it’s now morning means she’s not Squirrelstar yet. Even a nine lives ceremony doesn’t take that long.
I was correct!
May she never get her nine lives and she and Tigerheartstar murder one another on the fields of battle!
It would be glorious.
Too bad, it’s not going to happen…
I feel this would not have been a problem with the Moonstone.
But I also feel this is an excuse that StarClan just didn’t want to deal with Squirrelflight.
The fact the moon was clear for a while does just mean StarClan doesn’t want to deal with her tail. I’m with you StarClan, I don’t want to deal with her either.
I wish she had died with her sister, letting us avoid a lot of needless death and manipulation and me having to deal with her continued existence within the narrative.
(As without Squirrelflight, Ashfur would have had zero reason to go bother her in life when he could have just bothered her in StarClan. At best, he would have just made both afterlives awful as he had dug that tunnel but he wouldn’t have possessed Bramblestar. So, a plus! And we wouldn’t have had some awful warrior names too.)
But yeah, with the amount of half-moon meetings I’ve been too, I think Alderheart is just lying through his teeth to save his parents.
Yes, you don’t know your own territory.
You helped found it, and I imagine it’s easy to mistake SkyClan for what used to be ThunderClan.
I hope SkyClan shreds you for trespassing.
Needleclaw! Cloudmist! Cute patrol with her great niece and great nephew!
Rootspring has had too much screentime so I’d appreciate him not being present on SkyClan patrols, thank you very much.
I also wanted a fight, another reason I don’t want Rootspring here.
And Bramblestar was correct and if Squirrelflight loses her head over this and just waltz into another Clan’s camp, she is not fit for leader at all.
Let alone arguing with her Clanmate over something insignificant.
Really, they should have just left her to barrel into Leafstar’s den.
Lights in the Mist. Gah, stupid title.
They had both been warriors fighting inside the Dark Forest to stop Ashfur, there.
That’s all you have to say.
Lights in the Mist, ugh.
That’s like giving a stupid title for the cats who fought against BloodClan or The Kin.
And the book immediately follows up with an explanation of the Lights in the Mist when they could have just removed that useless title to begin with and just had that explanation instead.
And the odious code changes that were not needed. Sure, let’s hope this enemy warrior is fine with ripping the fur off their brother in battle, because they’re so in love with this one guy from our Clan.
That is the pin point of tested loyalty, are you fine with killing and injured someone who raised you?
For example, Russetfur’s situation, would you kill a deputy in order to save your new Clan’s leader?
(I’m aware there are other circumstances related to Lionblaze but that’s a killing accident that comes to mind.)
Berryheart is just so right about being paranoid in regards to how bad this code can be twisted for the benefits of another Clan.
No one is going to listen to Tree.
Tree only works for a SkyClan problem, the other Clans are too stubborn and set in their ways
I misread Sunbeam as Squirrelflight. Squirrelflight would be pleased to see you back Nightheart, ignoring the fact she’s right there. Lol
Weird, Alderheart isn’t cringing at his parents now flirting a lot in front of him. I guess it’s a change from the arguing?
Ah, good to see some ThunderClan cats do consider Nightheart a traitor!
As they should with how explosive his exit was.
Also love the fact one of these cats is Plumstone! Good to see my mean girl gal back!
Also weird to see Dewnose but it’s showcasing his personality and that he hangs out with Plumstone some?
Also Dewnose being acknowledged as Bayshine’s dad, I guess he just ignored Nightheart and Finchlight as kids since they weren’t his?
Then again this is Nightheart and he is super unreliable narrator in regards to his ThunderClan Clanmates…
Either way, some interesting things to think on for the only remaining kit of CloudBright’s second litter.
It would be funny if Nightheart went back to ShadowClan and fit better in there.
Ivypool, she needs more of an explanation than that.
At least Finchlight and Myrtlebloom have done more than Spireclaw did for Fringewhisker. (As Nightheart can’t be useful as he doesn’t know the going-ons of any changes within the territory itself.)
Chapter 6
I thought I was getting a Frostpaw chapter with the mention of Splashtail and Owlnose showing up… and now I’m super disappointed that it’s Sunbeam.
I don’t think Spotfur is gray and white!
The kits!
I hope they don’t go to Nightheart and Sunbeam when they’re older.
Sunbeam is too new and Nightheart does not deserve one right now.
How are they going to help with the trial?
Berryheart takes loyalty more seriously than Ivypool if Sunbeam is just going to be entertaining the kits.
I wish the Clan was here, the kits presence makes this sound cute instead.
They’re getting Graykit’s description wrong, he’s not a bi-color.
He’s a white tom with gray spots.
This challenge is cute! And a bit weird but I get how it kinda prepares for mentorship.
And it’s a kinda backwards way of knowing the territory and how to hunt the ThunderClan way.
Except you’re just the instructor and your hope is lying in three, very excited kits who have never been out of camp before.
I will accept Sunbeam as a potential mentor for one of the kits, now.
Since I imagine Ivypool is looking for some idea for suggestions.
Nightheart is still not allowed to have anyone, considering our last romantic clan-hopping pair having apprentices at the same time did not go well…
“Only power can bring true peace.”
That doesn’t sound threatening at all, Ivypool.
You would know this if you ever visited Cinnamontail and given me cute non TigerDove kits, Sunbeam!
Awwww, little Graykit! I love these kits so much!
Graykit has prepared this little food hunting expedition in thought.
Who you’re loyal too, which includes harming those you once loved and cared for.
At least the kits get it, Graykit’s own cute food talk also reminds me of Featherstar of WindClan.
She had proposed it be a code that the Clans only eat their own prey. Frog for Shadow, fish for River, rabbit for Wind, etc.
At least Sunbeam realized the deeper issue of being loyal to a Clan, not that that’s a good conversation for kids.
And TC has a lot of elders.
“Only rogues torture their prey.”
Interesting and a callback to the code, as well.
His next chapter must be where he disappears?
I had actually expected him to leave much sooner.
And Sunbeam would have failed her task of Graystripe was still alive and if Bramblestar had been able to retire to the elder’s den.
Four voles do not feed five cats.
Chapter 7
Finally, Frostpaw!
She just recognizes her founder from a deep level, like intuition. I feel this is the first time someone has spoken to the founders outside of that experience in StarClan itself, in which Rootspring was being boring af.
(I get his love double died but that’s the second last thing I cared about considering the rarity of what was being allowed to happen…)
As the last time I can recall the Founders sans Skystar was all the way back in Long Shadows, I think it was? And it was just a meeting between themselves?
Splashtail and Tigerstar II has riled the Clan up so much that if the correct leader was chosen now, it’s a “too little, too late,” situation.
Ah, so we do get another Horseplace chapter!
Knowing this Twoleg is kind makes me sad that one day, all of the Clan cats will pack up and leave in the next arc. Or, at least that’s the theory anyway.
Huh! Twoleg must also have fixed her, odd, I thought she’d be taken somewhere else to do that.
You’d think Smokey’s Twoleg would have fixed Floss, Daisy, Little Daisy, and Coriander then, if they had these skills.
And why didn’t we get to see this scene? I demand sibling bonding.
I still wish Mistpaw and Graypaw had replaced Sunbeam and Nightheart as protagonists. Return to the glory days of PO3.
And left the Horseplace, a shame. I kinda wish this time was longer.
Also, I love Whistlepaw’s characterization and her finally getting screentime that she should have had prior to this book.
Squirrelflight’s now invading Frostpaw’s pov now.
Why Moth flight? D:
Dappled Pelt would be more appropriate as RiverClan’s first medicine cat.
Also implication that Frostpaw hasn’t received any true StarClan visions until this point.
I’m guessing because they couldn’t contact you, otherwise they would have helped before?
No idea why they wouldn’t be able to contact you though, unless contacting non-medicine cats is more difficult.
Riverstar doesn’t want to tell you, your mom is in cat hell.
Which is likely why Reedwhisker can’t reveal who killed him.
Frightening Frostpaw now will make her not want to go on the journey and she’d be abandoning the Call.
Now why can’t her companion be one of her siblings instead of lousy Nightheart?
And speaking of lousy Nightheart…
Chapter 8
Berryheart also being the only to come for Sunbeam is somewhat sad but also shows how she was not willing to lose her daughter. Sparrowpelt and Hollowspring didn’t care she was gone to make the effort to at least follow Berryheart. And Spireclaw has his own life so he likely doesn’t care about what Sunbeam does as long as his mother’s gaze isn’t on Fringewhisker. Which could have been avoided if he had moved to SkyClan but none of these toms are willing to move to the girl’s Clan.
Also the fact that Frostpaw got a whole RiverClan ancestry meeting while Squirrelflight and Bramblestar are still struggling to meet with StarClan.
They don’t approve your tail, Squirrelflight! And oh boy, do I hope you’re lying with one life, later!
I’m amused Nightheart doesn’t consider Squirrelflight family, ole’ Grandma is going to the retirement home if Nightheart has any day on the matter.
Appeal to Nightheart’s ego and desire to be important!
Also what you’ve been fearing and I’ve been hoping for.
And Nightheart once again, chooses to abandon his love.
He really picks things that’ll make him feel of some importance over Sunbeam.
Such trash for her, she deserves better.
It’s the whole “hero who will choose the world over me vs. the villain who will choose me over the world,” type thing.
Chapter 9
And now Sunbeam realizing she’s been abandoned again!
He loves fame and recognition more, Sunbeam. He’d toss you to the curb if it meant fame.
Move back to ShadowClan or interact with different ThunderClan cats.
I hope she’s lying. I hope she has one.
Really, she shouldn’t even have nine lives.
Bramblestar lost a life meaning he could only give up 7, to have one.
So, at best she has eight or seven lives.
She’s just a Sunstar 2.0, provided she isn’t lying.
(And with how long it took for Bramblestar to lose one life, I will not be confirmed on this fact until four book series from now. Provided she doesn’t get a nine lives ceremony excerpt at some point.)
Tigerstar II also should have eight lives because he lost one to being owl food.
Cherryfall’s sharpness reminds me of her dad.
Yesss! Plumstone! Ahhh, I love her mean girl characterization being kept. I do wish her fellow mean girl, Thriftear would join in though.
Also the continued friendship bits between her and Dewnose. Now, I kinda wish DewPlum was a thing if we really needed more Cloudtail kin running around. Although, that would have only worked if Mousewhisker had been the father of Blossomfall’s kits and not Thornclaw.
I kinda wish this Squirrelstar scene wasn’t a thing and her “nine/eight lives ceremony,” was just StarClan saying no and then mentioning Nightheart. Or it was just cut entirely, I want confusion and uncertainty about your trash choice of a mate, Sunbeam!
No, he follows his bruised ego while blaming everyone else for his failures.
You feel that important to boost your own ego, Squirrelstar?
No other leader has called anything just to say “Oh, I’m leader of this Clan now! Teehee!”
We didn’t see Tigerstar doing that when he became leader, it was a shocking and terrifying experience. But here Firestar’s daughter trying to inflate her importance.
Because you did! You, Fernstripe, and Fringewhisker all threw your kin away for a man. I’m still mad not a single tom moved to the she-cat’s Clan, it would have been great to get rid of some ThunderClan cats, since we can’t have fighting.
(Not to mention the lingering threat of shredding your kin into butter in battle.)
Why, Rootspring? Ugh.
This is why I don’t want him in Ivypool’s SE, we’re getting way too much of him like he’s the only SkyClan cat in SkyClan.
Yes, he’s Mr. Stupid that we can blame for this dumb code change.
I could be having a super cool RC sibling arc if it wasn’t for you, Rootspring. :/
Not close enough for my liking, Sunbeam. Not close enough.
Both can be true, Finchlight.
No leader and being pushed around by ShadowClan.
They are guarding and RiverClan is right to attack them and make their life hard.
They’re trespassing and eating food that isn’t their own.
Sunbeam, if you want to act like a ThunderClan cat, don’t support your tyrannical leader’s decisions and make excuses for your former Clanmates. Unless you want to go back and join them?
And we’re now making dumb decisions.
How could Lightleap be so cold?
You’ve signed up for a trash husband and the high likelihood of ripping your fake friend’s fur off, dummy.
Of course she wouldn’t be happy for you.
Although I’d be perfectly down with you killing Lightleap, tbh!
Finchlight, you’re one to talk considering how all ThunderClan’s cats returned to ThunderClan.
Eight lives, at most. You get eight.
Although I’d prefer you having one.
Tigerstar has argued with StarClan.
StarClan told him to leave RiverClan alone and he didn’t.
Berryheart has a point even if Frostpaw did think she was helping.
Although, I do agree with Berryheart that ShadowClan didn’t need to be living in RiverClan, in the first place, either.
This is such a long chapter.
I want peace by storming into RiverClan’s camp and nearly murdering one of their senior warriors. Then stationing my deputy, one of my daughters, and my warriors in RiverClan’s camp where they can eat RiverClan’s prey while doing nothing else to help them.
This is rich coming from a ShadowClan leader.
I want war.
Also Squirrelstar now using Tree, who Tigerstar is NOT going to listen too.
I feel Tree won’t be too useful considering no one wants his help. Lol
Chapter 10
I’d be more excited for your pov if it didn’t include Nightheart.
It wasn’t that hard to persuade him, just mention glory and recognition and he’s quick to dump everything else.
Your mother is evil.
It’s interesting seeing Frostpaw paranoid of other Clan cats.
It also amuses me that Riverstar’s voice keeps being mentioned as deep.
She can’t hear it was Splashtail who tried to kill her now, it would crush her.
Pleasant is hardly what I would use to describe Nightheart.
And Frostpaw is correct, he’s just after fame and being different from his mom’s side of the family while ignoring his dad’s completely.
Nightheart really learning everyone’s prey secrets. He’s also stealing Graykit’s dream!
Otter was also a RiverClan prefix, so it’s fun to see their namesake in person.
Yes, kill him! It would be funny if Nightheart dies to the otters.
Chapter 11
I wish we had had Frostpaw looking for the herbs on screen.
He complains despite the fact many cats are Firestar’s Kin and don’t have his attention-craving issue to be famous. (Lionblaze, Jayfeather, Squirrelflight, Sparkpelt, Alderheart. Fernsong, Hollytuft, Sorrelstripe, Bayshine, Myrtlebloom, Spotfur, Finchlight, Bristlekit, Stemkit, and Graykit)
All direct Firestar descendants that don’t have this problem.
And the number grows even more if I were to count kin that has left the Clan and those from Cloudtail’s branch.
This is why I can’t take his arc regarding this seriously. If any of the younger generation past Lionblaze and Jayfeather’s had this problem, I’d be a bit more sympathetic. But none of them do, so Nightheart just comes off as super whiny about a problem that he’s imagining.
Not helped by the fact the narrative forgets that his adopted siblings are his cousins in some fashion. (I’m not good with the cousin angle but they’re all great grandkids of Firestar.)
Like the only issue that he had was a more firey prefix, he’s already solved, an issue that his mother should have had, her name was supposed to be Sparkfire, after all.
Amber eyes are more reminiscent of fire, it’s not always about your fur color.
And it’s not like we haven’t had kits named after their eye color before, either.
And this is why the code change is stupid with how quickly one can just learn about another Clan and just decide to return to the old one.
Maybe if Nightheart had been executed for failure or not allowed to return to ThunderClan and living life as some loner would be a potential stop-gap for this kind of thing?
It just bothers me the amount of ShadowClan knowledge he has and if Sunbeam didn’t have obvious reservations against fighting her family, which is why she shouldn’t be in ThunderClan. He’d just use this knowledge as a get famous, quick scheme.
Why couldn’t you have mentioned that bit earlier?
Also, instead of bonding about Clan expectations that makes me want to dunk Nightheart in the river, why not bond over your dead dads?
Your dads have been dead since the start while Sparrowtail certainly acts like he’s dead to Sunbeam.
(I just want more dad discussion if I can’t have dad interaction.)
What is this road supposed to be?
Does it have a partial intersection?
I don’t know what three stripes mean.
It’s a bike lane!
The bikes being described as bony are funny and terrifying.
Let him drown in the pool.
I think it’s a pool?
It would be nice if you did.
Then all of the cats you’re collecting later can go to RiverClan instead.
They’re going to just rot in ThunderClan, if that’s where they end up.
It would be interesting for a mission with two warriors, for one of them to die during the journey.
That’s not even a jab at Nightheart, that’s just an interesting concept.