Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:49:02 GMT -5
CLANS of the GRANITE CIRCLEDirectory1 - About the Clans, Maps, Current politics, leaders, and important cats2 - Expansions, History (quick and extended)3 - Historical leaders and important cats in history4 - Short stories, Links5 - save 6-17 Clans
Q&A Page - Ask the Circle!! Click links to jump to Clans:(please don't try and scroll there's a LOT. this has been your warning.) SparkClan SkyClan ElmClan CliffClan CreekClanOrder of Honey Order of Crows Order of Wolves Eclipse Beasts Jump to BottomNote that all links are wcf internal. I will never link to anything outside the forums, so they are all safe to click <3 Most links are a quick jump to something else on this page, footnotes and reference images lead to a public draft that allows me to link to the text directly.MilestonesMay 31 2022: Homepage on post-it started, StoneClanJuly 3 2022: SkyClanJuly 12 2022: This page!! July 23 2022: SnowClan July 26 2022: We have a page for footnotes! Super cool. July 30 2022: Reference images begin~ Aug 14 2022: Family trees !! Sep 2 2022: HoneyClan's founding members created Sep 4 2022: SparkClan Sep 22 2022: SparkClan's allegiances done, descriptions moved to footnotes, happy equinox! Oct 5 2022: ElmClan Oct 25 2022: 100 cat bios! Nov 2022: short break for nano </3 Jan 29 2023: Starting the other Clan pages and territories! Mar 9 2023: CliffClan Jun 30 2023: Character Database Created Jan 28 2024: StoneClan, CinderClan Jan 29 2024: HeatherClan, WhistleClan
CURRENT WIP FAMILY TREE (right click -> open in new tab to see with full quality!!)
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:50:32 GMT -5
ABOUT ME Yes, me, the person behind the screen. Hello! I'm Brownie, and I've been here way too long (my decade anniversary on the forums was in April [ future me edit: 2022. my does time fly ]). My first post was on warriors fanfiction. And well, I haven't strayed far. This isn't a fanfiction though, not really, but there will be a lot of stories featured in the lore. Instead, the Granite Circle is a political and social drama told through the lens of history, one-shots, and characters born of their society's struggles and failings.
My main attraction to writing is the ability to create worlds and characters that have desires that are shaped by the environment they are in. I like to make worlds in which the culture is shaped by individuals and landscape in a way that even slight changes may alter it dramatically, but that it feels inevitable that the world is the way it is from the choices individuals made. That's what drives me to make these, and hopefully what is reflected on this page.
I also love making more characters than anyone could ever hope to comprehend and then cry about them irl.
The Circle of Granite was born on a whim, pulling inspiration from a setting I started building with Skyfall back on the old forum, which was in turn inspired by game of thrones which was kind of a big thing back then. There's a little less fighting in this one, but SparkClan gets to keep its reign over dukedoms and there's a desert for them to fight creatures in, so it's really the same world now isn't it?
Except this one, I decided everything is a simulation. Woah, there's a twist. This doesn't actually impact much, except for the fact that there is a concrete date that is the birth of the world, where some cats instantly spawned as elders and others apprentices, and that every 20 years, the entire universe expands, creating new lands instantly for the Clans to conquest, explore, and fight for. I've quickly fallen in love with the idea of it, and hopefully can flesh out the history of this world to the beginning, fleshing out the changes that were made from these events and weaving a tale of this simulated world, where we can see the progress of years in the blink of an eye and focus in simply by pressing pause.
I could ramble on for days about the joy this group of Clans gives me (and the heartaches of trying to fix inconsistencies with each Clan's history while keeping the flavor) but I should let them speak for themselves now. There's only two Clans completed at the time I'm writing this, but hopefully in a few short months, an entire world will come to life.
Please, stop by, say hi, and ask questions, tell me what character is your new child. There is little I love more than talking to other people about the wonder of worldbuilding. Hopefully this project entertains you and inspires you to make something of your own: the only bad idea is one left forgotten.
How It Works As this page grows, I've become aware that it may be... difficult to navigate this massive worldbuild if you don't know where to start. Hopefully this section will help. This is my personal opinion on how the worldbuild should be best viewed, but feel free to move around and discover new things at your own pace!FIRST, I'd look at the map! There's three main maps of the entire world; the one labelled "Second Expansion" is the present day map, and the most important one. You'll learn about the Expansions soon, but just know this is the one most recent in the timeline.After that, I recommend looking through the modern day Clans, using the tabs in the first post (wayyyy up there) to click through them. Not all are started yet, and many are started, but incomplete. The worldbuilding process takes time, and writing things out takes even longer! Skimming through the Clan descriptions and territories will give you a better picture of the world, the Clans, and the atmosphere of the Circle. [ As of Feb.2024, all the basic Clan bios are complete. ]There's also a full character list under allegiances for each Clan with names and short descriptions. There's a [details] box after each, and if it's underlined that means it's a footnote link! Anything underlined (or in square brackets) on this thread can be clicked and will open a new tab with more information about that character, place, or event. If you're curious about something and want to go into more depth (including character art or short stories!) click on the footnotes in square brackets [likethisone]. [ SparkClan is the most complete; SkyClan is also a good place to start, but their character bios are far less detailed and in the (very slow) process of being renovated to match current standards. ]Now that you have an idea about who the Clans are and what they are like, come back to the top of the page for a history lesson. Anything in yellow boxes means it's happening in the "now", current events of the Clans. Anything in pink boxes have happened in the past. Orange boxes are summaries of historical events that span more than 5 years, known as Eras, and anything in red is "meta" information, aka information about the worldbuild itself and the worldbuilding process. [ CURRENTLY: not quite there yet! Working on color coding, but it might be a few months until everything is actually accurate. This overview is mostly kinda sorta canon at best rn ]If you've gotten through all that information, then you've seen all the basic blocks of the world! Now all there is to do is explore the nooks and crannies: the short stories, the historical footnotes, the Starpacts, and the in-depth character bios. The character bios are where the modern world really comes to life: it's between the different character's individual personalities and narratives that you can piece together the day-to-day conflicts of the Clans, the tensions and histories between cats, and the relationships made under the strain and stress this world's unique challenges place on them.ABOUT the CLANS Color Key: SparkClan SkyClan ElmClan CliffClan SnowClan CreekClan StoneClan CinderClan HeatherClan WhistleClan Order of Honey Order of Crows Order of Wolves Colors are used the first time a Clan is mentioned in a description, and also within family trees.
There are currently 10 Clans in the Granite Circle. The world around the edges of the circle falls off into the abyss, so there is no other groups than the Clans in this world: no outsiders, no humans, nowhere else to go outside of their territories.
Each Clan has a long history --some longer than others-- with their own traditions, rules, and some even have deities outside of StarClan. Speaking of which, StarClan plays an active role in all the Clans. Dreams sent by the stars are commonplace, and orders given by StarClan are to be followed; cats that attempt to change their destinies often are met by a swift death. StarClan's will is absolute and must be respected --even feared.
"StarClan" is the front in which the people running the simulation interface with the cats below. It is usually through a sign or vision that tweaks to the path of the simulation are made. Some moderators are more micro-managers than others. Sometimes, the face of a deceased Clan cat is used, but each moderator has an avatar that is the key point of contact with their respective Clan(s), which, in Clan history, is known as the Founder or Spirit of that Clan.
The ten Clans have their own alliances, treaties, and rivalries. Like any group of powers, their only goal is to further their own Clan's health and safety, even if that means breaking old alliances or invading neighbors for resources. And every once in a while, catastrophy shakes the fragile world: all Clans must be prepared to weather the unpredictable calamity. MAPS Plural, because there will be a few! The first and only map so far is a sketch of the Clans and borders with a few landmarks to get a general idea of the territories; this will change soon but it gives a good idea of where my head is when I'm describing directions/territories
Color Key: SparkClan SkyClan ElmClan CliffClan SnowClan CreekClan StoneClan CinderClan HeatherClan WhistleClan Order of Honey(red) Order of Crows(black) Order of Wolves
Red zones are protected Holy Sites by Starpacts. These include: the large territory in the middle (Order of Honey land), the blip in SkyClan's territory (the island and safe camp) and the tunnel to the Secret Sea in SparkClan's territory. CURRENT EVENTS
TIME: January 16, 57 - Early winter
Weather: The Clans had experienced a drought this summer, leaving them weakened by the lack of prey. A tornado passed through HeatherClan and WhistleClan's border on August 25, 56. A fire raged through CinderClan's land on September 12, 56. Unlike previous years, the ice on SnowClan's peaks fully thawed this year. This gave CliffClan, CreekClan, StoneClan and SkyClan water through the drought.
SparkClan controls CinderClan, WhistleClan, and HeatherClan WhistleClan and StoneClan are close allies SkyClan and ElmClan are old allies SkyClan and SnowClan are close allies CinderClan and StoneClan are tentatively allied
StoneClan took Heron's Rest in September 56. CreekClan has set out to reclaim it.SnowClan has invaded CliffClan's northern mountains and has taken Crushstone Pass.CinderClan is campaigning to start their invasion of ElmClan by the end of winter.HeatherClan took WhistleClan's land in July 56. Many border skirmishes occur on their long shared border due to tensions.SparkClan has a splinter group in the north that is in conflict with their main Clan since April 56; no blood has been shed yet.The Order of Wolves is hunting on CreekClan's land and the Order of Crow's territory. Scattered fighting occurs at both borders, but since the Wolves hunt individually, they are usually driven out quickly and without grave injury to patrols.CONFLICTS EXTENDED LOGAs always, CreekClan and StoneClan are constantly at war over the river banks. Currently, CreekClan is fighting for Heron's Rest, as StoneClan has claimed it for the entirety of autumn; with the river icing over, it is easier for CreekClan to get to the island over the deeper channel on their side of the river.
SnowClan has invaded the northern section of CliffClan's mountains. While CliffClan has the numbers and is skilled at vertical combat, SnowClan has the edge now that the mountains are locked in ice and are using that opportunity to push into CliffClan's more mountainous territory nearest the border. They've chosen a defensive pass as a stopping point, and are hoping to be able to hold the new border even after the snow has melted next summer.
CinderClan is aiming to take Claw Lake from ElmClan. They want the territory, but they also want to cut off ElmClan's direct connection to the Order of Honey's sacred hunting grounds. They hope this disconnect will make it more challenging for ElmClan to react if they try to take more of the ravine in the future. They have not committed to this war yet, but have promises from StoneClan and SparkClan for aid once they begin their campaign, aimed for the end of winter.
HeatherClan has recently won a stretch of land from WhistleClan this summer. They've been holding the new territory, and SparkClan is delaying on sending WhistleClan reinforcements to recover the territory, leading to strained relationships between the old allies.
The rogue Order of Wolves has been infringing on CreekClan's southern border. They've even hunted the Order of Crow's usual home base, though the Crows don't hold territory and don't protect their hunting grounds, they are beginning to chafe at the Wolves' arrogance trespassing so close to the Crow's caves. CreekClan tries to keep the Wolves off their land, but the Wolves hunt in ones and twos, mostly at night, and while CreekClan finds their scent in the woods inside their border, the cats don't stick around to fight. CreekClan is trying to get the other Clans to join together and drive out the Wolves, but the others don't see a threat in the group of "unorganized rebels".
SparkClan has an active treaty with CinderClan: SparkClan uses a portion of CinderClan's land, but pays a tithe of prey caught on that territory every three days.SnowClan has an active treaty with SkyClan:SkyClan agreed to send two of their personal healers and two Comets in exchange for SnowClan's eastern mountain range that had previously hung intrusive of SkyClan's land.SkyClan and ElmClan have an active alliance: Both Clans agree to send aid (ElmClan fighters, SkyClan healers) in the occasion of outside invasion by another Clan. ElmClan currently holds warriors in SkyClan's territory due to the tensions from CliffClan.
Exact treaty agreements:
none yet
My notes:
SparkClan has negotiated to use a portion of CinderClan's land for the next year. They claim that they need the extra territory closer to their temporary outpost for Order of Honey healers that are researching new herbs for treating the deadly redcough that has been creeping through the south. This is a peaceful requisition from their constituent Clan, and SparkClan's warriors pay a tithe of prey for the land's use to CinderClan. It is also the grounds where the discontented group makes their base of operations.
SnowClan's northern mountains have been given to SkyClan in return for support in their war against CliffClan. While SkyClan, as a pacifist Clan, won't give warriors to SnowClan to aid their fight, they allow their healers from the Isle of Stars to treat SnowClan's troops, giving them a significant edge despite CliffClan's numbers.
Leaders, Deputies, Ect
SparkClan Leader: Thornstar (5/9) Deputy(s): Wrenfire, Blackcloud, Bladefrost General: Hawksight Second: Oasisecho Healer Prime: Prariescorch Seer: Tinygaze Seer apprentice: Star Chosen: Nightlion
SkyClan Leader: Snowystar (2/9) Deputy(s): Marshflare, Driftwing Head Star Comet: Tawnylight Head Healer: Halfhaven
ElmClan Leader: Beechstar (2/9) Deputy: Ivytail Fates: Morningbriar, Eclipsewing
CliffClan Leader: Sheerstar (3/9) Deputy: Tumbleleaf Head Healer: Siltfang
SnowClan Leader: Grizzlystar (4/9) Deputy: Galewhisker Skyseer: Lucentgaze Chosen: Powderstorm
CreekClan Leader: Cloudystar (7/9) Deputy: Thistlemask
StoneClan Leader: Lilacstar (6/9) Deputy: Hemlockstep
CinderClan Leader: Hollystar (8/9) Deputy: Fenneldusk Advisors: Bonehawk, Mousepool
HeatherClan Leader: Whisperstar (1/9) Deputy: Riverfern
WhistleClan Leader: Gingerstar (8/9) Deputy: Daisyflash
Order of Honey Tribunal: Rootspots, Spidergleam, Tremorcrest
Order of Crows First: Sheeptuft Second: Dustyfleck Third: Miragefall
Order of Wolves Heart: Boon Mind: Dragonfly Soul: Wolf's Howl Voice: Minnie
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:51:41 GMT -5
[NOTE: Apologies for the mess. The history in grey is broadly accurate, but for a better understanding of the details, read the historical character details ] The Expansions: explained History, an overview History, in detail Timeline New history: overview At the dawn of the First Morning, there began five Clans: SparkClan, the noble cats of the grasslands in the east; ElmClan, the secretive cats of the deep forests of the northeast; SkyClan, the spiritual cats of the birch wood and lakeside in the northwest; RiverClan, the graceful cats of the water in the south; and CliffClan, the hardy cats of the cliffs and hills in the west.
They began with leaders, and healers, and deputies. They were gifted apprentices and warriors from StarClan to fill their ranks, and their borders were defined by trails of starlight. For a while, the Clans were peaceful, spending time getting to know their Clanmates and find themselves in this fresh, new world.
But as the Clans grew, they found conflict. RiverClan became divided, fighting against itself and unable to defend its borders; SparkClan fought viciously against ElmClan, nearly destroying it until SkyClan intervened.
The first Expansion came just in time. With new territory to conquer and enough resources to feed and heal their growing populations, the need to push into other claimed lands faded and the Clans returned to peace. In RiverClan, the civil war split the group entirely into StoneClan and CreekClan.SparkClan, growing far too large on its bounty of land, split into four parts: the largest, original group remained SparkClan, moving further east into the steppes to better protect its borders, using the new, subservient Clans as a buffer; HeatherClan inherited SparkClan's original grassland territory, with rolling hills and windy moors; BreezeClan was tasked with claiming the northern territories, fresh from the expansion, and quickly found these lands to burn regularly, renaming themselves CinderClan as they picked themselves up from the ashes and forged onward; WhistleClan was gifted the southern prairies, wetter and flatter than the hilly moors, to grow and prosper.
These new Clans depended on SparkClan for warriors and protection, and did not have their own leaders. Three cats, called Petals, kept order in SparkClan's stead, but ultimately reported back to SparkClan's top leader. These Clans grew, and as they did, SparkClan's power and influence became legendary. The other Clans --even the warring CreekClan and StoneClan-- joined forces in a mutual aid pact to dissuade SparkClan's invasion, a threat that never materialized, as SparkClan, exploring the Endless Desert beyond their eastern border, discovered a threat that took all their strength to quell: monsters they called Eclipse Beasts.
A second Expansion shook the land, pushing the northern and southern borders. This exposed the Boundless Ocean to the North, as well as bringing the Red Sickness --a plague without cure, that swept through the Clans, killing off much of their population. Between the Expansion unleashing untamed land and the sudden drop of able-bodied fighters, all the Clans struggled to survive. A group of healers was formed to find a cure for the plague, a group that decentralized the healers and created the Order of Honey to heal and protect all the Clan's cats equally.
At the same time, CliffClan was suffering from an internal power shift. Some cats believed that CliffClan shouldn't be helping the others and should keep their isolationist policy they held before the Expansion. These dissenters went north and formed TundraClan, later named SnowClan to honor Snowclaw, their first leader. Another group, that though CliffClan should be aiding even more than they did, formed the Order of Crows, a mercenary group that claimed the southern mountains as their home base and swore to protect the Warrior Code and any cats wronged by others.
Copypasta from old Lore
There once were only five Clans: SkyClan, ElmClan, SparkClan, CliffClan and RiverClan. These are the "Old Clans" and each of them held territory that was more central than the spread-out group they have now; in fact, the Granite Circle was smaller back then, leaving them with only the centermost part of the map around the lake, river, and scrublands.
After the first Expansion, SparkClan was by far the strongest Clan and had taken over the entire eastern side of the known world. It eventually split into four Clans: SparkClan, which held the holy ground and remained the largest, CinderClan to the north, HeatherClan to the center, and WhistleClan to the south. All four of these are technically still are governed by SparkClan, but their individuality has had time to grow and they are starting to become their own entities with time; all three rely on SparkClan's healers and give tithe to the powerful Clan to protect them from the threats in the eastern desert. RiverClan also split during the first Expansion event, becoming StoneClan and CreekClan, which were then very small, weak, and subservient to CliffClan, which used them as a barrier between them and the powerhouse of SparkClan.
The second Expansion event arrived just in time, as the Clans were growing in population and were beginning to strain at the seams of their old, smaller territories. This expansion placed SparkClan firmly in the desert, where they've settled in, and gave the constituent Clans enough room to define their own borders and gather their own power to rival the two other Old Clans of SkyClan and ElmClan, though both of those gained northern territory to support themselves and SkyClan was the first to find the Ocean. CliffClan didn't want the already-powerful SkyClan to have it all, and waged a huge war to take most of the Ocean shoreline. This stretched them thin, and the southern half of the Clan splintered into pieces, going rogue. Some of them formed the mercenaries of the Crows, which originally was a group of cats that was unwilling to see the other rogue warriors raid CliffClan in retaliation.
This was also around the time that the Order of Honey was formed, pulling the healers into a central location to deal with the outbreaks of the Red Sickness that began after the second Expansion. Eventually, the sickness was contained, albeit after a massive loss of life. During this weakness and the torn apart CliffClan, SnowClan formed from a group of cats loyal to the deputy, Snowclaw, who had a fanatical hold over her followers. SkyClan helped Snowclaw carve out her borders, earning them the animosity of CliffClan that still colors their relationship today.
The Clans have been growing again since the last Expansion, and there are omens that another Expansion event may begin soon. Until then, the rogues in the south --calling themselves the Order of Wolves to mock the Crows-- have been multiplying like cockroaches and are pushing into the neighboring lands. SnowClan, CinderClan and HeatherClan are also making plays for hunting grounds to support their numbers. SparkClan is busy with a threat in the east, which they claim will only be worse if another Expansion comes. They are trying to gather the others to their cause, but their constituent Clans had a taste of independence and have been insulated from the threat, and all three are pursuing their own goals, hesitant to split resources with SparkClan past what they already do.
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:52:05 GMT -5
HISTORIC FIGURES I'll probably mess around with the organization of this until I'm happy with it; if you guys have any suggestions on how to best organize this mess, let me know and I'll see how it works.
For now, each section is organized by Clan, and then sorted by date. Each cat will have: a birth date, death date, leader during (for leaders), a few personality traits, most notable event during their leadership/event they are known for, footnote links to any short stories or history segments they are in, and details under spoilers.
Expansions will be denotated by a colored dashed line (red for first Expansion, yellow for the second). Leaders that led both before and after the expansion event will be listed BEFORE the dashed line, even if their notable accomplishments were after the Expansion
SPARKCLAN Peachstar :: 0 - Feb 6 :: Led 0 - Feb 6 [details] Ambitious, noble, commanding A white she-cat with cream tabby patches and blue eyes. The first leader of SparkClan, created during the Dawn of the World. She began her leadership with six lives. While the other Clans were exploring their identities, Peachstar was gathering strength, preparing for the moment the Starlight Borders opened. She was the first leader to wage war, claiming RiverClan's northern forests to give her Clan access to the river.
Whistleleaf :: 0 - Jul 7 :: Healer Oct 1 - Jan 7 [details] Whimsical, Creative, Calm A grey tabby tom with green eyes. The first healer of SparkClan. SparkClan did not start with a healer, instead, Whistleleaf was chosen and trained for the position as a young cat by StarClan themselves. Said to have an encyclopedic knowledge of plants and came up with many of their names.
Valleystar :: May 4 - ?? 9 :: Led Feb 6 - Jul 7 [details] Ambitious, devoted, calculating A tortoiseshell point she-cat with blue eyes. Peachstar's daughter and successor. She was every bit as ambitious as her mother, born and raised to fight and conquer in the name of SparkClan. Her reign was short and bloody, with constant battles invading both RiverClan and ElmClan. She was ousted by Bramblewing and replaced with the moderate Nightstar, but not before killing Whistleleaf.
Nightstar :: Apr 1 - Dec 13 :: Led Jul 7 - Dec 13 [details] Taciturn, Deliberate, Steady A skinny black tom with white paws and amber eyes. From one of the first litters born in SparkClan, Nightstar was raised in SparkClan. A steady cat that was known for his reliability, though never for his ingenuity. Nightstar was elected to take Valleystar's place after she was deposed, and the senior warrior set to work mending relationships between their neighbors and bringing SparkClan to peace.
Spottedstar :: Oct 10 - Aug 13 :: Led Dec 13 - Aug 13 [details] Outgoing, Just, Naive A dilute tortoiseshell molly with green and blue eyes. Spottedstar's leadership was marred by a series of unfortunate circumstances. A young but rising star, within a moon of her leadership, famine and frost destroyed Nightstar's hard-won peace. She attempted to cooperate with RiverClan to survive the famine, upsetting many of her own warriors, and though her Treaty saved many lives in both Clans, once the prey stabilized and the rivers thawed, the two erupted into a war Spottedstar would pay for with her life.
Greystar :: Sep 8 - Sep 16 :: Led Aug 13 - May 16 [details] Determined, Destructive, Emotionless A long-furred white tom with grey tabby points and green eyes. One of the few remaining senior warriors, Greystar took charge during the height of the war and ended it quickly by assassinating RiverClan's leader, Creekstar. Neither Clan was happy with his choice, but both were too weak to oppose him further. Despite this, the rest of his moons would surprisingly pass without any major events. Complications with his injuries from the war caused him to retire early.
Pheasantstar :: Jun 13 - May 19 :: Led May 16 - May 19 [details] Organized, Indirect, Awkward A cinnamon classic tabby molly with bright yellow eyes and white dapples. A peacetime leader who focused on rebuilding the Clan's strength.
Cherrystar :: Apr 15 - Jul 23 :: Led May 19 - Jul 20 [details] Lighthearted, Impatient, Leininent A dark russet tom with blue eyes and white paws. The first Expansion came unexpectedly into the Clans, bringing new land, new dangers, and new frontiers. Cherrystar tried his best to organize the Clan, but fell short on many fronts, causing some of the Clan to split and cede following Flamewing who attempted to make a new Clan in the Expansion lands. Rather than work to reconcile SparkClan, Cherrystar abdicated his position as leader.
Chicorystar :: Feb 19 - Nov 25 :: Led Aug 22 - Nov 25 Loyal, Empathetic, Anxious A blue-grey tom with amber eyes. He led during the Great Fire, taking the survivors of the Clan to ElmClan, where they were treated using Whistleleaf's techniques. While SparkClan was already split in two, he was the one to create the Petals and give the three Clans separate territories. He believed each Clan should have its own pride, but also be willing to share when needed.SKYCLAN Brightstar :: 0 - Nov 2 :: Led 0 - Nov 2 [details] Optimistic, Impulsive, Open-minded A brown tom with white patches and light green eyes. The first leader of SkyClan. He was created with only three lives remaining as an older leader. He advocated for the Clans to help one another, and sent aid to both RiverClan and ElmClan when SparkClan began their attacks.
Kildeerstar :: 0 - Jun 7 :: Led Nov 2 - Aug 4 [details] Protective, Defensive, Stubborn A brown tom with white markings around his neck and yellow eyes. A good deal more forceful than Brightstar, Kildeerstar cut aid to RiverClan and focused on ElmClan, where he had a secret mate. Together, they forged the ties between the two Clans that persists to this day, making the two Clans the oldest allies.
Cloudedstar :: 0 - Jul 9 :: Led Aug 4 - May 9 [details] Passionate, Friendly, Cheerful A grey molly with white dapples and yellow eyes. She may be a bit flighty, but she believes in the Code and tradition, which is why the Clan chose her as leader instead of Kildeerstar's deputy, Mudwind, who had helped him cover up his forbidden relationship. Cloudedstar was a good leader, continuing talks with ElmClan despite Kildeerstar tainting the Pact's impact and renewing aid to RiverClan, though at a lesser degree than before.ELMCLAN
Fishstar :: 0 - Dec 3 :: Led 0 - Dec 3 [details] Proud, Independant, Creative A black and white patched tom with blue eyes. Fishstar was ElmClan's first leader. Too proud to accept aid from SkyClan during SparkClan's raids, it isn't until after he dies on the battlefield that Kildeerstar and Maplestar can make a Starpact linking the two Clans, an alliance that remains strong to this day. Maplestar :: 0 - Feb 7 :: Led Dec 3 - Feb 7 [details] Realistic, Forgiving, Aloof A calico tom with yellow eyes. Forges the first Starpact with Kildeerstar. He often fought on the front lines of the war with SparkClan, losing many lives until his Clan convinced him to rule from the back. He lost his last life defending ElmClan's camp from SparkClan and his death prompted the camp to be abandoned, giving control of the entire territory to SparkClan for a few moons until they recovered their strength.
Lilystar :: Apr 4 - Dec 10 :: Led Feb 7 - Dec 10 [details] Passonate, Analytical, Cunning A white she-cat with some pale ginger markings and grey eyes. Maplestar's deputy, Lilyspring, never wanted to be a wartime leader. But she rose to the occasion, reforging herself into a cat that could lead ElmClan to victory and not only pushed out the occupying SparkClan forces from ElmClan's territory, but continued pressing the assault, helping Bramblewing's coup displace Valleystar and instate Nightstar as leader of the formerly warmongering Clan.
Aspenstar :: Jul 8 - Mar 15 :: Led Dec 10 - Mar 15 [details] Practical, traditional, proud A dark ginger tom with white paws and amber eyes. A leader that smelled weakness during Spottedstar's short reign and attempted to get vengeance against SparkClan for their past aggression.
CLIFFCLAN Cloverstar :: /// :: Led Oct 41 ish [details] Ambitious, devoted, calculating A tortoiseshell point she-cat with blue eyes. A rather weak leader that was in charge during the second expansion. During his rule, both SnowClan and the Order of Crows ceded from CliffClan.
Snowclaw :: Sep 37 - Jan 42 :: Led Oct 41 - Jan 42 [details] Charismatic, proud, tactical genius A white she-cat with pale ginger tabby splotches and yellow eyes. Polydactyl.Snowclaw created SnowClan, collecting a group of cats that despised CliffClan's departure from isolationism into SparkClan's politics game and claimed the land north of Crushstone Pass as their territory.
--------------------------SECOND EXPANSION-------------------------- Whitestar :: Nov 37 - July 43 :: Led Jan 42 - July 43 [details] Witty, authentic, strict A strong white tom with one grey spot on his flank and blue eyes.Whitestar was the first true leader of SnowClan and one of Snowclaw's most trusted warriors. Snowclaw had never chosen a deputy, but it was agreed that Whitedapple was her closest confidant and was elected leader after her death. He negotiated terms with SkyClan, legitimized SnowClan in StarClan, and finished the war with CliffClan. Hazestar :: May 40 - Apr 47 :: Led July 43 - Apr 47 [details] Impatient, superstitious, organized A light grey cat with amber eyes and darker paws. Hazestar was vocal in their isolationist policies, and refused to even meet with SkyClan during the renewal of their Peace Pact. They fought and took the waterfall from SkyClan late into their leadership. Glacierpath :: May 40 - Aug 49 :: Event Jan 46 [1] Determined, Hardy, Curious A light grey tabby she-cat with white dapples and amber eyes. Glacierpath ventured out onto the Boundless Ocean when it was frozen over with ice, travelling 17 days into the unknown. She did not find the Edge and concluded that the Ocean continues forever. Aurora guided her home. Hazestar's sister. Boneshine :: Jul 45 - Aug 49 :: Skyseer Mar 46 - Aug 49 Loyal, Mercurial, Talkative A long-furred white tom with calico points and green eyes. Polydactyl. The first Skyseer, named by Hazestar after his sister's return from the Boundless Ocean. He was the one that read the Auroras, claiming Hazestar's refusal to accept SkyClan's Peace Pact renewal was the cause of their suffering. With Dawnstar, renewed the Peace Pact.
Dawnstar :: Nov 44 - Dec 54 :: Led Apr 47 - Dec 54 Easygoing, Moderate, Spiritual A dilute calico she-cat with yellow eyes. With Boneshine, renewed the Peace Pact with SkyClan. She's the one that proposed the festival with SkyClan at the waterfall. While she didn't reach out often, she was more open to cats joining SnowClan from other Clans, particularly SkyClan or CreekClan. In Oct 52, she was the one to announce Aurora as the Goddess and protector of SnowClan.
Grizzlystar :: May 52 - Present :: Led Dec 54 - Present Rash, Brave, Easily swayed A large brown tabby tom with many scars, green eyes. Polydactyl. SnowClan's current leader. A cat that became leader young and has not learned moderation; he is easily convinced of new paths, especially when Aurora is invoked, and even a weak argument can be enough to convince him to change his mind. Still, when he does make a choice, he follows through with it, and is brave enough to face the consequences head-on, though he tends to drag others down with him. CINDERCLAN HEATHERCLAN WHISTLECLAN Witherfrost :: Feb 20 - Apr 25 :: Petal Mar 24 - Apr 25 [details] Quick-witted, Realist, Prideful A dark grey tabby she-cat with a missing hind leg and orange eyes. The first Petal of SparkClan, given dominion over the southern plains. She was the one to push for the name WhistleClan, honoring Whistleleaf, though she died before the Clan was officially made. She outlined the strategies for taming all the expansion lands, and it was using her plans that SparkClan cleared and held their large territory.
Fensprig :: Aug 23 - Dec 34 :: Petal Apr 25 - Jun 32 [details] Creative, Determined, Distant A fawn tabby tom with dark points and grey eyes. Fensprig was SparkClan's Southern Petal after Witherfrost, and completed SparkClan's conquest over the Expanded lands, pushing out predators and making the lush meadows a safe hunting space for the new outpost to settle. He managed the cats in the Southern camp, but stayed out of SparkClan's politics, preferring to tend to his own cats and keep his territory safe. He was a tactical genius. He stepped down when WhistleClan was about to become a Clan, refusing the nine lives of a leader in favor of retirement.ORDER of HONEY Ryewing :: Apr 40 - Apr 52 :: Founder & Adoptive Father [details] Caring, Protective, Idealistic A cinnamon spotted tabby with amber eyes and white paws. Ryewing was Created for SparkClan originally alongside his brother, Saffronfur. He was quickly disillusioned with the idea of warring Clans and was one of the first to join the Order of Honey after the Red Sickness arrived. He brought in and nurtured kits and apprentices orphaned by the sickness or with lingering symptoms, including Havenfire and his siblings.
Mirrormask :: Nov 37 - Jan 42 :: Founder & Spiritual Guide [details] Blunt, Principled, Busy A grey tom with darker markings around his face and paws. Blue eyes. Mirrormask was originally from SkyClan and inserted himself into the ElmClan trio early into the conception of the Order. He was the one who ensured they were doing what's best for everyone, and grounded the group. He had a strong connection to StarClan and used his influence in SkyClan to allow the newborn Order land to begin their work.
Opalbranch :: Dec 38 - Jul 45 :: Founder & Diplomat [details] Meticulous, Calm, Rational A white she-cat with very pale cream tabby markings and amber eyes. Previously in ElmClan. Opalbranch was named a healer in full --ElmClan's fouth-- shortly before the Order was formed and was only an apprentice when the first propositions for the Order began alongside her mentor, Honeypelt. She was exceptionally good at following --and bending-- rules, and helped draft and enact the Sacred Circle Concord.
Honeypelt :: Apr 37 - Jan 41 :: Founder & Creator of the Cure Comforting, Creative, Selfless A golden tabby tom with white paws and green eyes. The original Founder of the Order of Honey, Honeypelt was the first cat to step up during the Red Sickness to try and organize healers and find the Cure. He and Ryewing were the first to turn their backs on their Clan affiliations, seeking to create a united front of healers to combat the Red Sickness. Honeypelt found the Cure, but in the process of bringing the Cure to as many cats as possible, ran himself into weakness and succumbed to the Red Sickness shortly after. The Order of Honey (once called the Free Healers) is named to honor him.
Mistedpool :: Nov 32 - Jan 44 :: Founder & Head Healer [details] Imperious, Steady, Strict A grey tabby she-cat with heavy white spotting and amber eyes. Mistedpool was previously a CreekClan healer. Brought into the fold soon after SkyClan and ElmClan ceded land to the new "Free Healers" to quarantine their sick members, she was the backbone of authority. A senior healer and no-nonsense personality, she organized and treated many of the cats with her own paws and acted as overseer to put the other's plans into tangible action.
Jaggedwhisper :: Nov 38 - Aug 53 :: Founder & Advocate Charismatic, Relentless, Realist A black tabby tom with yellow eyes. Originally from HeatherClan. Jaggedwhisper knew the Order couldn't function without help from every Clan, and knew that their current group wouldn't be able to convince the leaders to do what was necessary. So he stepped in. Jaggedwhisper quickly became the voice of the Order, doing politics and propaganda where necessary. He gave the Order the shove it needed from being temporary to a permanent pillar in the Granite Circle.
Greypaw :: Aug 39 - Jan 41 :: Founder & Blazing Star [details] Optimistic, Brave, Nimble A long-furred grey smoke cat with one white paw and amber eyes. An apprentice healer in CreekClan, Greypaw followed Mistedpool into the Order. They were the spirit of the group, and worked as hard as any of the other healers to do what was right. They were particularly gentle with the other kits and apprentices, and spent most of their time with the dying. They contracted the Red Sickness and died shortly after Honeypelt, too far gone to the Sickness to be Cured.ORDER of CROWS
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:53:41 GMT -5
Short stories Links
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:54:16 GMT -5
+ 1 (just in case)
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:54:47 GMT -5
SPARKCLAN: the noble SparkClan is one of the original five Clans of the Granite Circle, with a long and bloody history full of conquest, expansion, and divisions of power. SparkClan is by far the largest Clan in modern history, and their leader rules over all three of SparkClan's Camps, but also demands warriors and resources from WhistleClan, HeatherClan and CinderClan.
SparkClan's goal is containing the Eclipse Beasts from overwhelming the world, and has waged a constant war against them in the Endless Desert along their entire eastern border since the Second Expansion. To this end, they have a division of warriors called the Jeweled Claws, whose only goal is to patrol the Desert border, fight Eclipse Beasts, and learn more about their eternal foe. The Jeweled Claws live in the southern Camp (War Camp) and have their own heiarchy, which is described in further detail below.
Alongside the Jeweled Claws, SparkClan also has the Seer. A cat that lives their entire life inside one desert cave, questing to commune with the Stars. The Seer is more than a Healer, more than a messenger to StarClan like those in the Order of Honey. The Seer is an Oracle of night and day, of sand and fire, of breath and blood. The Seer can See across the entire Circle of Granite, and SparkClan's leader often requests the Seer's vision before making important choices, or merely to quell discontent in their massive territory before it becomes a problem.
Within SparkClan's main camp is the second holy place of the Circle: the Secret Sea. Far underground in a natural cave system beneath the steppes is a deep, salty sea. A turret of white marble rises from the water, and any cat that dares to swim across the depths will find themselves at the top of a tower, the rest submerged. A spring of fresh water comes from a fountain at the center, falling endlessly into the sea, and provides any cat with the opportunity to visit StarClan by sleeping with the spring's water in their stomach.
StoneClan is strongly allied with WhistleClan
Though not so strongly that WhistleClan will go against SparkClan's interests. BORDERS SparkClan is surrounded by allies. To the north is their border with CinderClan. CinderClan's dry, rolling hills surge upward here, forming a plateau of rugged wastelands that slowly grow hotter to the east. It is in the middle of this land that SparkClan draws it's border. Currently, however, the Northern Outpost has an agreement with CinderClan: they use the entirety of the plateaus to support the Outpost, and every three days, half of the prey they catch goes to CinderClan. The border is friendly, and only friendlier since Wrenfire has been making political alliances with CinderClan's leader.
The border with HeatherClan is in the middle of their western border. The actual border with HeatherClan is rather thin, but the ties between these two Clans is strongest, and many cats from HeatherClan move freely between SparkClan and their own territory. Technically on SparkClan's land is the Training Hollow, where SparkClan and HeatherClan warriors (along with some patrols from both CinderClan and WhistleClan) lead immense mock battles of strategy and fighting prowess.
The southern border is with WhistleClan. SparkClan maintains a wide buffer between WhistleClan and the Endless Desert, which bulges outward in the southern side of the territory. Because of this, SparkClan owns some of WhistleClan's wet and temperate prairie: the most productive hunting and herb gathering lands SparkClan has. This is their longest border, and their only border in which one of their dependant Clans' would actually want the territory SparkClan holds. Fortunately, WhistleClan is content to let SparkClan deal with the Eclipse Beasts, without having to put any of their own resources to securing the Desert, and so allow this with little fuss.
Of course, their eastern border is the one with the most conflict, even if it isn't from another Clan. The Endless Sands span the entire eastern flank of SparkClan --and the Circle of Granite. The border is patrolled and defended by the soldiers in the Jeweled Claws against the Eclipse Beasts. Most SparkClan cats don't dare venture into the deep desert, and the edge of their territory --what they hunt, defend, and feel safe enough to wander-- contains some desert and dunes, but is a respectful distance from the Endless Sands proper.
TERRITORY SparkClan's territory is mostly cold steppe and xeric shrubland. These biomes are characterized by little rainfall and lack of trees. Instead, the ground is covered with grasses and shrub. This is especially true on the southern portions of their territory, which are covered heavily with plants and recieve more water. To the north, where the territory is steeper and filled with plateaus, the vegitation is replaced by exposed stone and only the hardiest of grasses and succulents survive.
The northern quarter of the territory is simply known as the Plateaus. While there is good hunting to be had, the area has never been fully secured since the expansion, and so many dangerous predators still lurk. Mountain lions, eagles, and osprey are all willing to take on a patrol of warriors, and packs of coyotes and wild dogs roam the cracked and stony ground.
The Plateaus are also difficult to traverse. The exposed stone is scorching hot, and the plateaus themselves are often inconvienently placed, so that the trails leading through the region are winding and inefficient. Fissures are also somewhat common here, cracks in the earth that a cat could easily fall into if they aren't careful.
SparkClan's Northern Outpost is situated to the east and center of the Plateaus, somewhat near CinderClan's border where the changes in elevation are less severe and the proximity to CinderClan has provided a bubble of protection from the native wildlife. The stony outcroppings here are sparse, and SparkClan's intention to settle at the top of one of them would be of great strategic benifit.
The plateaus follow the curve of the desert in the west, pulling down into a thin strip like a hanging tail. These plateaus are eroded by sand and wind into thin spires. It is at the very tip of this tail, in the stony spires between the desert and the shrublands, that SparkClan's main camp resides.
Moving south down SparkClan's mostly vertical territory, where the plateaus gradually slope into barren, flat land and more bushes and grasses can find purchase in the parched earth, are the shrublands. While there isn't much in the way of cover, there is always plenty of prey to be found here, and this shrubland constitutes the bulk of SparkClan's hunting grounds. Patrols are sent out around dusk and dawn, since the shrublands grow intolerably hot during the peak of the day, and very cold at night.
Steppe is the transitional area between the shrublands and the desert proper in the west. There isn't much difference in the types of plants found in the steppe versus the shrubland, the difference is in the quantity. While the shrublands are almost completely covered in hardy grass tussock, the steppes are much more sparsely covered, with large swaths of stony and sandy ground in between. Shrubs are contained mostly in clumps rather than spread evenly around, congregating in shallow depressions where there's more water to be had.
SparkClan also claims some of the desert as part of their territory. Mostly that which bulges out in the south, around WhistleClan's border and the War Camp, the parts of the desert that are more hospitable than the rest and colonized heavily by cacti. The War Camp tends to prefer hunting birds in these deserted areas, even when they are provided plenty of food from the Main Camp's hunters.
CAMP SparkClan currently has three camps: the Northern Outpost, the Main Camp, and the War Camp.The Main Camp is the largest of the three, and was the first place SparkClan colonized. After the First Expansion uncovered the Secret Sea, SparkClan quickly made it their place of power, ruling over their old territory through the paws of the three Petals while their main body remained around the Moon Temple.Grand pillars of multi-colored stone form a tall forest in the steppes. Varying in shape and size, they create a maze of shelter that SparkClan calls home. The field of spires is named the Sun-Scorched Stones and over the years, SparkClan cats have built shelters around the largest spikes and between the densest clumps. Dens are scattered and constantly built and rebuilt, as the high winds from sandstorms burst through the gaps, scattering all but the sturdiest stone structures and burying the rest in sand. Apprentices and a small force of warriors are always tending to and repairing the camp --a time consuming and necessary task out in the steppes.But the main feature of the main Camp is the Moon Spire (or simply the Spire): the largest stone pillar by far, perhaps fifty meters in diameter and thirty high, pocked through with caves and tunnels. One such tunnel leads deep into the belly of the earth, into tunnels made by rivers that wind and branch like vines. Deep below, a lake of salt water resides, the Secret Sea, with a submerged tower of white marble breaking the surface like an island at its center: the Moon Temple. Inside, a fountain spring of fresh water falls, and any cat that drinks it will dream of StarClan. Other tunnels in the Spire house the most vulnerable members of the Clan: the Healers reside in a cluster of branched tunnels with a center space, like the palm and fingers of a hand, reaching out from the mouth of the tunnel that leads down to the Secret Sea. They are the last-stand defense of the Moon Temple, and use the salt water to disinfect wounds, especially ones caused by Eclipse Beasts, which infect easily.The leader has a wide, flat den on the side of the Spire itself. The space has a low roof, but is large enough for many cats to be in audience if the leader requests it. The wind whistling through the spires creates a constant buzz of noise in the den, which drives some leaders crazy and makes them find other spaces to sleep, but does make it impossible to eavesdrop. A pair of guards is always posted beneath the entrance, even when the leader is not present.A few meters from the base of the Spire is a cluster of short, stubby pillars. Stones have been piled up on their edges and packed with baked mud. This houses the nursery, and outside of the Spire itself, is the sturdiest structure in the Camp.Other structures are temporary, made of sticks, stones and mud. Wind and sandstorms constantly erode these dens away, though some of the best are jealously claimed by the senior warriors. Cats are encouraged to make their own where and how they please, and it is a rite of passage for groups of apprentices, once made warriors, to work together and make their own den for themselves. It is a sign of great love to make a den for a romantic interest. Dens are decorated with white stones that shine like the moon or feathers affixed to the sides with clay.---------------------------------------------------- The second oldest camp is the War Camp. Situated deeper in the desert around an oasis, this is where the bulk of the Jade Claws reside. Within its walls, the General outranks even the leader, and all SparkClan cats that have not killed an Eclipse Beast are ranked below even the lowest Scout.The oasis is a haven of life in the desert, with fresh water, hardy plants, and even a few weathered palm trees that were adaptable enough to bend with the winds rather than break. Like the wildlife, the cats of the War Camp are hardy, adaptable, and accustomed to lean prey. A cluster of boulders provides the most shelter, and is reserved for the General, Second, and any Healers that wish to remain close to the action. Tufts of grass create soft nests, and the boulders themselves are a windbreak from the storms.The boulders also house the Constellations; not the cats, but the pictures. Scratched into the soft sandstone are images of the Eclipse Beasts the cats have fought before, a dictionary of foes that each Constellation must know by heart. The pictures are only a reference, and the strengths and weaknesses of each mutation must be passed down from cat to cat and memorized, so that nothing is lost. The Constellations themselves sleep near the boulders if there are not many Healers and there is enough space, otherwise, they join the Gladiators.A pair of fallen palm trees is claimed by the Sandshifters: the elite force of fighters in the Jeweled Claws. Both because this is the next best windbreak, but also because it is isolated from the main clearing on the side of camp, giving them plenty of privacy, which the Sandshifters enjoy.The others find shelter where they can. A thicket of vines is coveted by the Gladiators, and a new clump of hardy citruses is the favored den for the Trainees.
The Northern Outpost is small and new, built upon the scrubland plateau that dominates the northern half of SparkClan's territory. As SparkClan grows in size, they wish to bring some warriors closer to where the bulk of their hunting grounds lie. That, and the Seer recently Saw that the next Expansion will be to the north, and SparkClan wants to establish a solid Camp at the border, ready to quest out and claim the land as quickly as they can after the Third Expansion arrives.
Because they only have a few cats so far, the Outpost is rather small. Located in a hidden hollow on the scrubland, the Camp is near invisible until you are right upon it. The land slopes down about five feet, giving the cats a small clearing with a few bushes in which to shelter. There are no dens and no separation of ranks yet.
In time, SparkClan wants to move more cats to the new Camp and set up permanent residence at the peak of the plateau: easily defensible for a larger group. For now, however, the Outpost is merely a stopping-point for long hunting-foraging parties, a place for the new residents to get to know each other and work together, and to ensure that larger predators --which historically roamed this land-- are fully pushed out of the area. JADE CLAWS The Jeweled Claws have their own hiearchy outside of Clan structure, which is detailed here. Note that all cats that have not killed an Eclipse Beast are ranked below Scouts, including leaders and deputies.
A deputy is always assigned to the War Camp to speak on the leader's behalf and to report back to the main Camp. Sometimes, this is a ceremonial position, as without fighting and killing an Eclipse Beast, the deputy has no actual commanding power. However, most eventually do rise to the task, and while the General still is in command, gives the deputy some influence in the power structure of the War Camp.
At the top of command is the General. They are in control of the entire party of Jeweled Claws, and within the Oasis or in the Endless Sands, their word is worth more than any cat's, even SparkClan's leader. They must have the leader's and the acting deputy's approval before taking on the role.
The Second is the General's "deputy". They are nominated by the other Claws, and the one with the most votes wins. The General breaks all ties, and can veto the first winner if they do not agree, though they must always take the second choice.
Healers are well-respected, especially those that venture out onto the Endless Sands with fighting patrols or learn to fight themselves. Healers from the main Camp are often seen as inferior to those that devote themselves to the Claws.
Constellations are the drawings of Eclipse Beasts on the oasis's boulders. Cats that memorize the drawings, and also the Beasts' mutations, strengths, weaknesses, and biology are also known as Constellations, or sometimes, disdainfully, "Watchers". This job is grudgingly respected; the more often a Consellation goes out into the Sands to see the Beasts for themselves, the more the Claws trust them.
Now Sandshifters are the elite force of the Claws. Trained to venture into the deep Sands, they are employed to deal with the most dangerous mutations or with Beasts that have unknown mutations. To qualify for the title, a cat must have ten Beast kills to their name, with one being a solo kill and one being of rare difficulty or higher. They tend to be insular, and even the General usually allows them do decide what to do.
Lieutenants are the highest soldier rank. These are cats that have been in the Claws for at least six moons and have five Beast kills. Trusted Claws, Lieutenants rarely leave the forces to return back to the main Camp --at least, not for very long.
Gladiators are cats with at least one Beast kill. They are the bulk of the Claws, and include any warrior, SparkClan or otherwise, that wants to fight Eclipse Beasts and has survived the training. Most SparkClan warriors are also Gladiators, having done their time in the Claws. Most SparkClan warriors spend their time on two week "shifts", split between warrior duties at the main camp and being a Gladiator with the Claws.
Scouts are cats that don't fight the Eclipse Beasts, but venture out into the Endless Sands to scout for them. Nimble cats all, they serve as messengers and patrol the furthest reaches of the north to ensure that no Beasts make it out of the desert and into SparkClan's land. This is also the rank that cats that have finished training with no Beast kills are lumped into.
Trainees are cats that have no Beast kills yet and are still training with the Claws. Unlike apprentices, Trainees may be any age; fighting Eclipse Beasts is nothing like the battle training a normal warrior recieves, and this specialized fighting technique must be relearned, even by senior warriors, if they want to become a Gladiator with the Claws. Most cats do this training during apprenticehood, and are allowed to assist with a Beast kill, so that they are named Gladiator as well as warrior when they recieve their name. Apprentices that don't finish this training are deemed cowardly.
First color of name is gender (pink=female; blue=male; green=nb; yellow=genderfluid) Second color of name is Clan affiliation
Brushclaw + ??? = Coyotestripe, Tumblesky Brushclaw + Quillstomp = Ivorypaw, Silkpaw Screepool + Raptorblossom = Owlnose, Hawksight, Harrierpaw Lemonshimmer, Citrusgale, Limefleck Created = Garnetneedle, Tourmalinebuzz, Amethystcall, Topazrain Amethystcall + ?? = Onyxpaw ?? + ?? = Umberpaw, Ochrepaw, Quartzpaw ?? + ?? = Argentpaw, Aurumpaw, Saltpaw Coronagleam + ?? = Zenithpaw Violetwave + Tourmalinebuzz = Crystalpaw, Nimbuspaw cat-Beast + Thistlescar = Bloodsong, Ichorpetal, Secret Terrorflash + Thistlescar = Stingkit, Aspkit, Viperkit, Houndkit Batheart + Topazrain = Jewelkit, Whisperkit Shadowstrike + Bladefrost = Featherkit, Darkkit, Fireykit Tortoiseleg + Cactusclaw = Coronagleam, Sandyhop, Lizardsplash; Spiderkit, Whitekit, Blossomkit, Needlekit = Blossompaw, Peachpaw Zephyrsnap + ?? = Spottedshadow, Tortoiseleg; Foxspots, Windpaw
Mentors and apprentices
(North Camp) Nimbuspaw is mentored by Wrenfire Ivorypaw is mentored by Dustvenom and Scorpionleap
(Gladiators/War Camp) Emberpaw is mentored by Monsoonleaf Blossompaw is mentored by Amberchill Peachpaw is mentored by Raingrowl Crystalpaw is mentored by Sandyhop and Oasisecho Grovepaw is mentored by Quietdune and Scorchstone Jadedrop is mentored by Monsoonleaf Tourmalinebuzz is mentored by Garnetneedle
(Healers) Beetlepaw is mentored by Vineripple Grainpaw is mentored by Foxspots Butterflypaw is mentored by Gingersneeze Quartzpaw is mentored by Prairiescorch and Zephyrsnap
(Others) Silentpaw is mentored by Cobrastone Midnightpaw is mentored by Raptorblossom and Obsidianfur Argentpaw is mentored by Waxcrest Aurumpaw is mentored by Sloefang Saltpaw is mentored by Hollowshade Umberpaw is mentored by Cactusclaw Zenithpaw is mentored by Blackcloud Silkpaw is mentored by Crimsonthunder
Palepaw is mentored by Citrusgale
Onyxpaw is mentored by Spiceleap Windypaw is mentored by Cottonwing and Owlnose Moorpaw is mentored by Frogdrizzle Dapplepaw is mentored by Lemonshimmer
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:55:09 GMT -5
|| # Main Camp || # War Camp || Northern Outpost || Unlike the other Clans where there are multiple camps, SparkClan members are more affiliated with their Camp than their Clan as a whole. Therefore, the alligiances are split into which Deputy the cat follows. This should also make it easier to find who you are looking for by splitting the 100+ cats into subsections.Reminder: The Northern Outpost are the "rebels"; they want SparkClan to stop focusing on the Eclipse War and look outward into the Clans. The War Camp is the main body of fighters that venture into the Endless Sands to fight the Eclipse Beasts. The Main Camp is by the Oasis, and is made of two smaller, connected camps: the Moon Temple and the Sun-Scorched Stones. MAIN CAMP LEADER
Thornstar - 5/9 - A pure black she-cat with a bright ginger "thorn" splitting her fur on her face. She has pale yellow eyes. [details] DEPUTY
Blackcloud - A white cat with a black splotch over their hindquarters and bright blue eyes. Deaf. [details] SEER Tinygaze - A small grey she-cat with amber eyes. She has short legs and folded ears. [details] SEER APPRENTICE Star - A tortoiseshell she-cat with one green eye and one yellow. [details] HEALER PRIME Prairiescorch - A calico she-cat with grey eyes. [details] HEALERS Vineripple - A white tom with distinctive black striped markings and amber eyes. Previously CreekClan. [details]Zephyrsnap - A pale grey she-cat with long claws and blue eyes. [details]Redflower - A ginger tom with darker dapples and orange eyes. Previously HeatherClan. [details]Trefoilwhisker - A white she-cat with grey tabby patches and one green eye. Residency from Order of Honey. [details]Gingersneeze - A white and ginger patched she-cat with a black spot over her nose and amber eyes. [details]Foxspots - A grey cat with seal points and fluffy stomach fur. They have yellow eyes. [details]Cavernsun - A brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes. [details]Zipflare - A black tabby tom with yellow eyes. [details] WARRIORS Lemonshimmer - A pale ginger marble tabby cat with thick tabby stripes and green eyes. [details]Citrusgale - A calico she-cat with green eyes. [details]Crimsonthunder - A bright ruseet red she-cat with black tabby markings and blue eyes. [details]Raptorblossom - A brown tabby tom with white spotting and golden eyes. [details]Spiceleap - A white she-cat with ginger markings and green eyes. [details]Cobrastone - A black she-cat with white spotting and amber eyes. [details]Coalfeather - A black tom with white ears and amber eyes [details]Swiftrain - A grey tabby she-cat with white points and amber eyes. Previously HeatherClan. [details]Brightclover - A silvery grey cat with blue eyes. Previously CinderClan. [details]Robinshine - A calico she-cat with yellow eyes. She has a stubby tail. [details]Cactusclaw - A chocolate tom with amber eyes. [details] [lore]Spottedshadow - A grey spotted tabby tom with darker points and green eyes. [details]Gilathroat - A tortoiseshell she-cat with a white chest and grey eyes. [details]Gorgehowl - A chocolate tabby tom with amber eyes. [details]Crookedmask - A black tabby she-cat with a white spot over her eye, a twisted front paw and green eyes. [details]Wildflare - A calico she-cat with bright yellow eyes. [details]Frostsplash - A grey she-cat with amber eyes. Half SnowClan [details] Owlnose - A cinnamon tabby she-cat with severe white spotting and wide yellow eyes. Hawk's sister [details] Hollowshade - A pale fawn she-cat with amber eyes and darker points. [details]Breezeflare - A light grey she-cat with darker tabby markings and yellow eyes. Blind. [details]Buzzardspine - A dark brown tabby tom with green eyes. [details]Waxcrest - A long-furred fawn tom with white paws and grey eyes. [details]Cicadawing - A tortoiseshell she-cat with ginger points and amber eyes. Previously ElmClan. [details]Earthfang - A brown smoke tom with green eyes. [details]Coyotestripe - A grey tabby she-cat with darker stripes and green eyes. [details]Desertstorm - A ginger she-cat with blue eyes. [details] Amethystcall - A long-furred grey she-cat with black tabby markings and amber eyes. [details]Topazrain - A pale grey cat with green eyes. [details]Frogdrizzle - A dilute tortoiseshell tom with folded ears and blue eyes. Created. [details] [lore]Shadefire - A pale grey she-cat with darker tabby dapples and amber eyes. [details]Sandyhop - A cream she-cat with pale ginger dapples and green eyes. She only has three legs. [details]Obsidianfur - A black cat with large yellow eyes. Previously CinderClan. [details]Quietdune - A white tom with seal points and green eyes. [details]Coronagleam - A black she-cat with calico points. She has one blue eye and one grey. [details]Sunrisefoot - A golden tom with black and white speckled points and grey eyes. [details] Sloefang - A black she-cat with green eyes. Previously WhistleClan. [details] APPRENTICES Beetlepaw - A calico she-cat with one yellow eye and one amber. [details] Crystalpaw - A blue she-cat with blue eyes. [details]Silentpaw - A grey she-cat with white points and amber eyes. Mute. [details]Midnightpaw - A black cat with pale blue eyes. [details]Argentpaw - A long-furred grey tom with green eyes. [details]Aurumpaw - A long-furred ginger she-cat with green eyes. [details] [lore]Saltpaw - A dilute tabico she-cat with green eyes. [details]Umberpaw - A dark ginger tom with grey eyes. [details] Quartzpaw - A pure white tom with blue eyes and a feathery tail. [details] Zenithpaw - A white tom with ginger points and grey eyes. [details] Grovepaw - A silver tom with yellow eyes. Previously HeatherClan. [details] Windypaw - A grey tabby tom with green eyes. Half HeatherClan. [details]Moorpaw - A brown she-cat with heavy white spotting and yellow eyes. Previously HeatherClan. [details] Grainpaw - A cinnamon she-cat with blue eyes. Previously StoneClan. [details] Butterflypaw - A calico she-cat with bright yellow eyes. [details] Dapplepaw - A torbie she-cat with green eyes. [details] QUEENS & KITS Tortoiseleg - A calico she-cat with more spotted points and amber eyes. Mother of Cactusclaw's kits. [details]Spiderkit - A fluffy chocolate she-cat with amber eyes.Whitekit - A black tom with a white patch over his blue eyes.Blossomkit - A ginger tom with heavy white spotting and amber eyes.Needlekit - A fluffy chocolate tom with heavy white spotting and blue eyes.Shadowstrike - A grey she-cat with black markings and green eyes. Mother of Bladefrost's kits. [details]Featherkit - A small, grey she-cat with blue eyes.Darkkit - A black tom with green eyes.Fireykit - A ginger she-cat with white paws and green eyes.Olivesand - A mottled grey tom with orange eyes. Father to Oasisecho's kit. [details]Hopekit - A white she-cat with grey patches and orange eyes.Batheart - A tiny, brown she-cat with yellow eyes. Mother of Topazrain's kits. [details]Jewelkit - A small white tom with grey tabby markings and yellow eyes. Whisperkit - A white tom with blue eyes. Deaf.Terrorflash - A heavily scarred ginger she-cat with one blind blue eye. Mother of Thistlescar's kits.Stingkit - A black tabby she-cat with a white tail-tip and blue eyes.Aspkit - A ginger she-cat with black markings and blue eyes.Viperkit - A black tabby tom with white paws and blue eyes.Houndkit - A tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes.Cottonwing - A fawn tom with hazel eyes. Waiting for Redflower's kits. ELDERS Spiralmask - A chocolate classic tabby tom with blue eyes and white markings. [details]Ibisdawn - A white she-cat with seal points and amber eyes. [details]Oysterpelt - A grey smoke tom with yellow eyes. Once CreekClan. [details]Slatepath - A dark grey she-cat with clouded green eyes. [details]Jaywhisker - A grey tabby she-cat with yellow eyes and a stumpy tail. Once CliffClan. [details]Shellshadow - A cream tabby tom with pale points and colorless, pale yellow eyes. [details]Volestorm - A fawn she-cat with orange eyes. Retired Healer. [details]Skydapple - A black she-cat with white patches and green eyes. [details]Icethorn - A black cat with spiky white markings and green eyes. Once SnowClan; retired seer. WAR CAMP
# North Outpost || # Main Camp || # War Camp
Bladefrost - A ginger she-cat with white paws and green eyes. She has long fangs. [details] GENERAL
Hawksight - A lithe tom with brown tabby markings and a white tuxedo. He has large yellow eyes. [details] SECOND Oasisecho - A bulky, blue-grey she-cat with amber eyes. [details] CHOSEN Nightlion - A black and gold chimera tomcat with bi-colored eyes: one golden and one pale blue. He was Chosen by StarClan to fight the Eclipse Beasts and has been given a venomous bite. [details] HEALERS Briarbite - A silver tabby tom with an underbite and green eyes. Previously SkyClan. [details] Weaselflight - A lithe black she-cat with white paws and amber eyes. [details]Primrosedawn - A small dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with bright yellow eyes. Previously from the Order of Honey. [details]Quillstomp - A large brown tabby tom with grey eyes. [details]Cloudstream - A grey cat with white markings and hazel eyes. Born in WhistleClan. [details]Burrowpelt - A brown cat with tabby points and green eyes. Previously HeatherClan. [details] CONSTELLATIONS Monsoonleaf - A dilute calico she-cat with green eyes. Previously a Healer with the Order of Honey. [details]Jadedrop - A pale brown smoke tom with bright green eyes. Recently Created. [details] [lore]Emberpaw - A grey tom with a pale ginger flare over his head and yellow eyes. [details] SANDSHIFTERS
Muddywing - A mottled brown she-cat with amber eyes. Previously CinderClan. [details]Thistlescar - A black tabby tom with a white tail-tip and blue eyes. He has many scars. [details] [lore]Dovesplash - A pale grey tom with green eyes. Previously StoneClan. [details]Scorchstone - A black and white patched she-cat with red markings and amber eyes. [details] LIEUTENANTS Raingrowl - A pale grey tom with blue eyes. Previously WhistleClan. [details]
Bambooheart - A white she-cat with black flecks and amber eyes. [details]
GLADIATORS Limefleck - A light grey she-cat with paler points and amber eyes. [details]Garnetneedle - A bulky grey tom with amber eyes. [details]Bloodsong - A dark brown tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes. Half Beast [details]Violetwave - A blue-grey she-cat with hazel eyes. Previously StoneClan. [details]Brookshine - A stocky blue-grey she-cat with green eyes. Previously StoneClan. [details]Plateauspeckle - A ginger she-cat with black and white flecks and green eyes. [details]Spikyflight - A scruffy black cat with blue eyes. Previously ElmClan. [details]Amberchill - A ginger tom with white speckles and grey eyes. Previously SnowClan. [details]Elkpool - A brown tabby tom with lighter points and green eyes. Previously ElmClan. [details]Mistspirit - A grey tom with dark grey whorls and green eyes. Previously CreekClan. [details]Twistertooth - An old white tom with grey tail rings and an overbite. Previously CinderClan. [details] SCOUTS Antfoot - A small ginger tabby she-cat with white dapples and orange eyes. Previously ElmClan. [details]Speckleflame - A white she-cat with ginger flecks and yellow eyes. [details]Crescentfox - A blue-grey tom with green eyes. Mute. Previously StoneClan. [details] [lore]Lizardsplash - A spiky-furred tortoiseshell cat with pale orange eyes. [details] TRAINEES Peachpaw - A cream tabby she-cat with amber eyes and long claws. [details]Blossompaw - A lithe cream tabby she-cat with amber eyes. [details]Onyxpaw - A short-furred black she-cat with golden eyes. [details]Palepaw - An albino tom with pinkish red eyes. [details]Silkpaw - A white tom with lilac points and amber eyes. Ivory sib [details]Tourmalinebuzz - A grey tabby tom with bold darker stripes in his undercoat and a white tail-tip. He has amber eyes. [details] NORTHERN OUTPOST
Deputy, 1 Healer, 9 Warriors, 2 Apprentices, 1 Elder
Wrenfire - A white she-cat with brown tabby points and amber eyes. [details] HEALERS
Pitayashadow - A mostly white tom with black ticked tabby markings and amber eyes. [details] warriors
Spirefang - An older pale ginger tabby tom with green eyes and white paws. [details] Scorpionleap - A cinnamon she-cat with darker markings on her back and tail. She has orange eyes. [details] Dustvenom - A cinnamon she-cat with darker markings on her points and face. She has orange eyes. [details]Scarabcloud - A dull cinnamon she-cat with white flecks and blue eyes [details]Shimmerblaze - A white tom with yellow tabby patches and dark blue eyes. [details]Stormwhisker - A dark grey tabby tom with yellow eyes. Previously ElmClan. [details]Swallowflame - A dark grey she-cat with a white underbelly and long tail. She has amber eyes. [details]Mesastripe - A tabico she-cat with bold ginger stripes and yellow eyes. [details]Hazeflower - A white tom with seal points and grey eyes. [details]Tumblesky - A mottled grey gf cat with amber eyes. [details] APPRENTICES Nimbuspaw - A blue cat with yellow eyes. Mentor: Wrenfire [details]
Ivorypaw - A white tom with pale lilac points. Mentor: Scorpionleap & Dustvenom [details] QUEENS & KITS ELDERS Thunderleaf - An old black and white patched tom with blue eyes. Born in CinderClan. [details]Secret - A black tom with golden eyes. Half-beast. Hidden in the deep desert, isolated from SparkClan aside from his sister, Bloodsong, and his father, Thistlescar. [details]
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:55:31 GMT -5
SKYCLAN: the devout SkyClan is the Clan with the strongest connection to StarClan and is a "pacifist" Clan that does not believe in battle. That doesn't mean they still don't fight in their own way: they often prevent rivals from their superior healers, or deny them access to the strongest spiritual center in the Circle which is encircled by SkyClan territory. The holy land is neutral, but since SkyClan surrounds the island, they believe themselves the protectors of StarClan and interpret this as being able to determine who is allowed to pass through. Guards are constantly posted on the shoreward side of the bridge and patrols watch the roads to the lake more vigilantly than their borders.
SkyClan cats are often elitist and believe themselves to be smarter and more progressive than the other "feral" Clans. They hold themselves as the guardians to StarClan, and while they say they hold the Code to the highest degree, they often are lax in its interpretation and value forgiveness rather than punishment, leaving their Clan lawless at times, especially regarding relationships outside the Clan as well as flexibility on what their healers are allowed, often giving them too much power. However, though they believe themselves above portions of the Code, they are very strict on their anti-conflict and spiritual views: hunters that unsheathe their claws are punished greatly for their transgression.
SkyClan divides hunters and fighters. Because of their pacifism, only certain cats are allowed to learn how to fight while the others are not allowed to unsheathe their claws at all for any reason, even to hunt. These fighters, called Comets, typically are chosen at birth and do not have a choice in that path as omens, signs, and dreams (and sometimes heritage/blood) are used to choose which kits will walk the path of a Comet. All other cats are forbidden from fighting. Certain Comets, star Comets or "Skippers" are the only ones that can walk the holy grounds of the island. Other Comets, since they have blood on their paws, are forbidden. Some Skippers stay on the island their entire lives and are bound to protect it. No Skipper is allowed outside of SkyClan's territory (except to visit the Order of Honey's land) for any reason. All Comets are almost always given suffixes that are about light, fire, or the sky.
All cats, even Comets, must spend a moon of their apprenticeship in the Order of Honey's camp helping the healers and learning herblore. This is typically done during the first moon of training or even as a five-moon kit before apprenticeship if they are interested in becoming a healer. All cats, excluding Comets but including Skippers, must spend at least one moon on the island after being named a warrior in full. They are expected to hunt for the Skippers or stand guard at the bridge. They are not allowed to speak for the duration of this month. Some cats may stay longer than a moon, and some are mandated to stay by StarClan until there is a sign they can leave; rarely, this means a cat is called to stay on the island their entire life. No cat is ever forced to leave after their required moon of service, but once they do decide to cross the bridge, they cannot choose to come back permanently unless mandated by StarClan.
Outsiders are always welcome to shelter in SkyClan's secondary camp, especially if fleeing danger or violence, and the Clan is well-known for taking in strays and refugees. They are expected to hunt for the Clan if able, and are immediately kicked out if they unsheathe their claws for any reason. These cats are never allowed on the island unless mandated by StarClan. They are typically allowed to join the Clan if they agree to follow SkyClan's rules, though are judged more harshly than their pure-blooded Clanmates, often in a pointedly hypocritical way.
SkyClan is allies with SnowClan They are currently helping the smaller Clan with their war with CliffClan, in exchange for northern mountain territory. SkyClan is tense with CinderClan They are requesting more healers than usual, and the Order of Honey has been finding more CinderClan warriors on the ElmClan border. SkyClan is worried CinderClan is prepping for battle and does not approve. SkyClan is friendly with ElmClan These two old powers are comfortable with their current borders and their leaders are friends. SkyClan is cold towards CliffClan So long as SkyClan supports SnowClan, they are blockading CliffClan from their resources. SkyClan is amicable with CreekClan Though they do not believe the Clan's gripes with the Wolves is warranted, they send missionaries to spread peace talks in the area. SkyClan is neutral towards StoneClan They haven't interacted much in the last generation. SkyClan is wary of HeatherClan They don't like the Clan's new war-like tendencies and are vocally displeased with their conquest in WhistleClan. SkyClan is sympathetic towards WhistleClan As the Clan was recently invaded, and periodically sends aid even if it isn't needed. SkyClan is prickly towards SparkClan The other Clan that holds spiritual power and uses it for their war in the east, SkyClan sees them as a rival to peace, even if they claim they are only militant to better fight monsters and won't turn their power towards Clan politics. SkyClan is very close with the Crows. They use their mercenaries when dirty work is needed, and historically SkyClan has been their biggest supporter. SkyClan is unpreturbed by the Wolves They do not believe they pose a threat. They are willing to send missionaries to spread peace to these tortured souls that only know violence. SkyClan works hand in glove with the Order of Honey They mingle freely with SkyClan. Many of the healers hail from SkyClan and their cats encourage apprentices to learn from the healers. Healers are welcome guests in SkyClan and are always offered aid and shelter. BORDERS SkyClan's longest border is with ElmClan and always has been. These two old Clans have always shared a border, even before the Circle expanded above the lake. They feel like siblings to each other, and while they have their spats about borders, are ready to jump to each other's aid if the other Clans encroach. ElmClan warriors are used to supplement SkyClan's when invaders, usually CliffClan, threaten to push SkyClan's hold on the river, and SkyClan provides ElmClan with the best permanent healers. Currently, SkyClan and ElmClan's leaders are good friends, and the border is stable.
SkyClan's second longest border is with CliffClan. Since SkyClan supported SnowClan in the war, their border with CliffClan is currently closed and they are walling the large Clan off from access to the lake and the rapids. As of now, ElmClan warriors are helping hold the blockade, but they are warning SkyClan that this arrangement may not last if CinderClan makes a move and their whole strength is needed elsewhere. SkyClan is not interested in taking any of CliffClan's hills, content with their new acquisition of land from SnowClan.
SnowClan is SkyClan's other border, though the mountains typically make it difficult for the two Clans to interact outside of the thin slice of tundra the two share. While there was some contention over who should own the waterfall, SkyClan gave the land over to SnowClan when the small Clan was struggling with famine. The agreement now stands that SkyClan warriors can visit the falls once in summer and once in winter, as a gesture of goodwill and friendship between the two groups, an agreement that has turned into a lively festival.
SkyClan shares land with the Order of Honey. While the Order of Honey must keep SkyClan warriors from entering their lands just like everyone else to keep the treaty, SkyClan allows the Order to enter their land freely whenever they wish.
SkyClan shares a sliver of border with StoneClan around the crossing stones. StoneClan rarely wishes to push past the crossing stones, which are so contended that it would be difficult to wage war around them, and so SkyClan rarely patrols this part of the border. Their main hunting grounds are in the north and the territory south is mainly for other resources or access to landmarks, which they only care about when relevant. So this border often stands empty and they don't usually care if StoneClan warriors sneak across to hunt so long as they aren't vocal about it and don't take too much.
SkyClan technically shares a corner of border with CreekClan around crossing stones as well, though CreekClan would have to go through CliffClan to invade. Since they share a mutual dislike for CliffClan, this border has never been an issue historically and like StoneClan, SkyClan doesn't mind CreekClan using their territory to cross to the Order of Honey's land as long as they aren't being loud about it.
SkyClan is one of the two Clans that has access to the ocean, and since it was discovered, has always held a strip of land to keep their connection with it. While the ocean hasn't been an important resource, they believe it is the birthplace of the Stars and so hold it in high regard spiritually; it is part of their duty to ensure the ocean's waters are clear and that they are ready to read any omens in the waves, which are the most primal form StarClan warriors can take in the material world and should always be heeded. TERRITORY SkyClan's territory is diverse, spanning different biomes in their vertical slice of land, reaching from tundra and ice floes in the north, through mountains and boreal forest in the center, and deciduous forest in the south.
At the far north is the tundra: a dry, barren land that is covered in ice and snow for most of the year. The tundra slopes downwards from the mountains and ends at the ocean, where ice and floes stretch into the horizon. This territory isn't very productive and is dangerous during the snowy seasons; it takes over a day's walk to get to the ocean from their camp due to the rugged terrain and distance, and so isn't patrolled often.
At the center of the tundra is a set of rocky crags, one of which holds a small cave simply known as the Rest. One must be careful that other creatures haven't taken up residence, but the cats often use it to shelter from storms or take a break on their way to the ocean. South of the tundra is the mountains. This is the tail end of the mountain range that runs through SnowClan and CliffClan's territories, and the mountains are relatively short and weathered as a result. A recent acquisition from SnowClan, SkyClan is still deciding how best to utilize this land, so far they've been avoiding it entirely as they are not accustomed to the altitude nor the dangers of cliffsides; the land isn't very productive anyways, which is why SnowClan gifted it to SkyClan in the first place. The lowest and furthest east of the mountains --practically a hill-- is known as Moonfur. Cats that want to get away from the Clan to find their center can travel here and watch the stars. It is also a hot spot for romantic getaways: close enough to be convenient but far enough to be isolated. This landmark is regularly patrolled by Comets. Below the mountains are the foothills. In the west side of the territory, these are filled only with scrub bush and grasses and is very stony. To the east, however, begins to turn to the boreal forest ElmClan is known for. This land is where the majority of SkyClan hunts and is prey-rich year round. Old pines and firs shelter the ground from the weather and there are plenty of sunny fields for chasing rabbits and mice through the long grass. The best hunting spot is the Five Pines: a generally open area that has five gnarled pine logs fallen to the ground in a heap, providing nooks and crannies for prey to hide. It's also a place where foxes take up residence and so should be cautiously scouted before hunting there. Another landmark in the eastern foothills is Stormheart's Despair, a large sinkhole filled with pointed stones. It is said that the healer was so distraught over his mate's death that he ran out into the forest and yowled to the stars so loudly that the ground cracked beneath his paws. The Shatterstone Plains are in the western foothills where the side of a mountain crumbled down, leaving debris and fallen stones piled up. It is highly visible from anywhere in the foothills and often used to orient oneself in the territory. Around the lakeside the weather warms drastically: down in the valley where the lake resides, the temperature can be ten or fifteen degrees warmer than the quick hike up the hills and into the pines. This area doesn't quite have the tree cover of the southern shoreline, but the rolling hills have plenty of shrub and meadow for prey and herbs to reside. On the south side of the lake are deciduous trees. The ground is sandier here as well. A typical deciduous forest, it is a wonderful eden for hunting, herb gathering, or relaxing walks through the woods. Large stands of stone jut from the ground, leftovers from CliffClan's harsh ridges, and the river is fast, narrow, and far down in a steep-sided gorge that is best avoided. Crossing to the eastern side is only possible around the mouth of the river on the lakeshore or after the gorge ends and the river widens around the crossing stones. This territory feeds SkyClan's second camp, located an hour's hike south of the island's bridge. Fin Ridge is a tall and narrow hill that runs out from CliffClan's side of the border eastward into SkyClan's territory. It is a trial of strength and endurance to cross, and oftentimes apprentices are tasked with finding a path over and down without unsheathing their claws for a better grip as a test of willpower. Murk Hollow is a low part of the territory that is marshy and often foggy in the mornings. Apprentices and young warriors like to scare each other that cats that don't go to StarClan, or worse, cats that aren't quite dead, lurk there at night. The Goose Roost is land on the eastern side of the gorge that is dominated by geese during migration season. Cats are warned off of the area when the large birds are there, but some cats inevitably will try and catch one. They rarely succeed, but accomplishing the feat is worth bragging about. The island technically isn't a part of SkyClan, though they treat it as such. The island itself and the area around the mouth of the bridge is neutral ground belonging only to StarClan. However, SkyClan Comets are always posted at the borders and they will find a rationale to turn back anyone SkyClan doesn't approve of politically from entering the sacred lands. The bridge is an old thing made of stone, now crumbling. It may not be sturdy enough to hold drawn wagons, but it is certainly safe enough for the cats that use it. The island itself is fairly large, perhaps two miles square, and covered in deciduous trees. An old village is located in the center: only a few crumbling buildings surrounding a large stone church. The belltower still has an attached cord, which can be pulled to gather the cats from the far reaches of the island when needed. CAMP SkyClan's main camp is on the rim of the valley and at the edge of the pine forest. The camp itself is open without walls or really any dens, as most cats prefer sleeping under the stars even in rain and snow. The only solidly built den is the nursery: made of a thick and stout juniper, it protects the nests beneath from cold and rain.
A large fallen tree bisects the main camp area and SkyClan uses its bulk to sun themselves on, talk beside, or otherwise hang out without being completely in the open. In the summer, it is used for shade and tall grasses grow plentifully beside the log, making for perfect nests. Fresh kill is stored in a dug-out part of its root cluster at the top of the hill. In the winter, the cats are adept at building from the snow and will create their own spaces dug out from the drifts.
The second camp is more structured. Located about an hour's walk south east of the bridge, it was originally an outpost for healers travelling to and from the Order of Honey and SkyClan's camp back when their territory was first being established. It was also SkyClan's camp prior to the first Expansion. Now, as the Clan has more numbers, they've expanded into some cats living in the secondary camp, mostly Comets, but also enough hunters to support them and healers that prefer being in a day's travel to the Order of Honey.
SkyClan's second camp is sheltered in a grove of birches where the ground is covered in thick, spongy moss. Dens are arranged in a spiral shape, with the healers centered in the middle. A thick clump of ferns grows here, giving the healers shelter beneath the heavy fronds, but the real treasure is a set of cellar doors that open into a wide but shallow underground space. It's lined with stone and remains cool year-round. Most of the space is set aside for healers to store herbs, and fresh-kill is also stored here, but there's also space for cats to rest in the cool shade during the worst of the heat or to shelter from bad storms. Comets are trained to fight in the dark here as well, without even the moonlight to aid them.
The next stop is the apprentice's den. The second largest den in the clearing, the apprentice's den is grown out of a thick mat of willow fronds. Made of cuttings that have been directed to grow into the shelter back before the first Expansion, it is the only den that is still surviving of it's kind. Since apprentices often stay at the second camp more than the first, as well as healer apprentices from the Order of Honey and all the Comet apprentices living in this camp, they were given this large and protected space even over the senior hunters and Skippers. It is a large, dry space with room for plenty of nests. Apprentices are free to arrange themselves as they choose, though they usually end up dividing the space into Comets and healers, with the occasional hunter finding space where they can.
The Skipper's den is at the edge of the first spiral at the base of a walnut tree. There isn't much protection here, nor is it enclosed, but the Skippers tend to abhor enclosed spaces and prefer sleeping on the soft mosses instead.
Visitors and refugees are given a collection of thickets to reside in. These bushes are covered in grapevine, giving them cozy, open interior spaces for nests but enough separation for privacy. Unwisely, birds often try to nest here, and the cats love collecting the tasty eggs for a treat.
Hunters are on the outside edge of the spiral. A crooked-growing set of birches creates a hollow between them big enough for cats to squeeze through, giving them a small space to make their nests. The den is tight, but the hunters also try to sleep in the open when they can and so it usually isn't too crowded except for when it's storming. Nursing queens may also stay here temporarily as the narrow entrance is easy to guard, though many SkyClan queens retreat to the primary camp before kitting since it is much safer.
The Comets are placed at the edge of camp furthest from the island trail. They occupy a hollowed log which usually isn't big enough to fit them all, so space underneath has been dug out to form a second layer of dens, usually given to the newer Comets. ALLEGIANCES LEADER
Snowystar - 2/9 lives - A pale grey she-cat with darker flecks and a white stomach and paws. She has yellow eyes. [details] DEPUTIES
Marshflare - A scraggly brown tabby tom with long claws and amber eyes. Ex-Comet. [details] [lore] Driftwing - A snowy white tom with emerald green eyes. [details] HEALERS
Halfhaven - A white tom with grey tabby dapples and yellow eyes. The left side of his body is twisted and scarred from burns. [details] [lore] Darkstone - A black she-cat with a white splotch over her hips and ginger paws. She has blue eyes. [details] [lore] Ashenspirit - A grey she-cat with darker tabby points and blue eyes. [details] Rowanberry - A silver smoke tom with yellow eyes. [details] Bounceleaf - A black and white patched cat with green eyes. [details] STAR COMETS (SKIPPERS)
Brindlelight - A tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes. [details] Daisyshine - A dilute calico she-cat with green eyes. [details] Aspensun - A brown tabby tom with some white spotting and amber eyes. [details] [lore] Acornfire - A large ginger tom with a white stripe down his spine and yellow eyes. [details]
Marblegleam - A silver tabby tom with one green eye and one blue eye. [details] Flutterspark - A lilac tom with seal points and orange eyes that glow in the night. [details] Crowfire - A black she-cat with white flecks on her paws and amber eyes. [details] Olivesky - A brown cat with large ears and paws and yellow eyes. [details] Rabbitflame - A lilac tabby she-cat with large ears and yellow eyes. [details] Twigember - A dark grey she-cat with lighter dapples and severe white spotting on her legs and face. She has yellow eyes. [details] Thistleglow - A brown tabby cat with yellow eyes. [details] Goldenbeam - A cream tom with ginger markings on his spine and amber eyes. [details] HUNTERS
Tussockleap - A tortoiseshell she-cat with dull yellow eyes. [details] Waveflight - A dark grey tom with lighter markings and white speckles. He has green eyes. [details] Sumacfoot - An older white tom with a ginger tail-tip and ears. He has golden eyes. [details] Luckysnarl - A spiky-furred black tom with blue eyes. He has a silver tabby patch on his left shoulder. [details] Tallstream - A cinnamon cat with long legs and amber eyes. [details] Vulturewing - A brown tabby tom with a darker stripe down his back and dark paws. He has a white tail-tip and green eyes. [details] Shalewhisker - A light grey cat with darker horizontal stripes and yellow eyes. Genderfluid. [details] Mossears - A tortoiseshell tom with large, tufted ears and amber eyes. [details] Redcloud - A white tom with a striking red tail and yellow eyes. [detail] Creekwolf - A drab black tabby she-cat with grey eyes. [details] Bearchill - A large, brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes and long fangs. [details] Stormdapple - A grey and white patched tom with green eyes. [details] Ospreypoint - A dark, chocolate tom with lilac point markings and yellow eyes. [details] Nightcall - A dark chocolate tabby she-cat with amber eyes. [details] Beavertail - A chocolate tom with faded points and yellow eyes. [details] Harepounce - A white tom with black patches and green eyes. Previously WhistleClan. [details]Tundrashadow - A very dark grey she-cat with white patches and grey eyes. [details] Dunefall - A cream tom with seal points and three thick, black tabby stripes down his spine. Previously SparkClan. Irisflight - A lithe grey tabby she-cat with blue eyes. Previously Order of Honey. [details] Softlake - A grey smoke she-cat with moderate white spotting and green eyes. [details] Bluefang - A grey tom with moderate white spotting and green eyes. Gorsebreeze - A ginger tabby she-cat with a black muzzle and amber eyes. Previously HeatherClan Peatclaw - A silver tabby tom with orange eyes. Previously StoneClan Sunpool - A ginger tom with amber eyes and one white sock. APPRENTICES Stripepaw - A white tom with a bold grey stripe down his spine, grey tail rings and a grey patch over his left eye. [details] Cloudedpaw - A grey tom with cloud-like white dapples throughout his fur and yellow eyes. [details] Dewpaw - A silvery grey she-cat with short fur. [details] [lore] Floepaw - A cream she-cat with seal points and amber eyes. She has three legs. [details] Oceanpaw - A black tom with silvery grey eyes. [details] Sunsetpaw - A black she-cat with fur that fades to ginger on her stomach and paws. [details] Ochrepaw - A tiny orange tom with a feathery tail and pale blue eyes. From SparkClan. Called to be a Skipper. Kildeerpaw - A tan tom with black markings and yellow eyes. [details] Troutpaw - From StoneClan.
QUEENS & KITS Clovertwist - A torbie she-cat with green eyes. Mother of Redcloud's kits. [lore] Tawnykit - A dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes. Ravenkit - A white tom with black "wings" on his back, a black tail tip and yellow eyes. Daffodilkit - A golden she-cat with green eyes. Russetkit - A ginger tom with yellow eyes. Sandkit - A pale ginger tom with golden tabby spots and yellow eyes.Duskshine - A cinnamon classic tabby she-cat with seal points and yellow eyes. Mother of Flutterspark's kit Mothkit - A lilac tom with faint, thick tabby markings and dark points. He has green eyes. Reedheart - A grey she-cat with green eyes. Mother of Rubygaze's (CinderClan tom's) litter. Previously StoneClan. ELDERS Not copying this until I can format it <3
VISITORS Not copying this until I can format it <3
FAMILY TREE First color of name is gender (pink=female; blue=male; green=nb; yellow=genderfluid) Second color of name is Clan affiliation
Roseflame + ?? = Tawnylight Tawnylight + ?? = Daisyshine Bearchill + Flutterspark = Rabbitflame, Vulturewing, Luckysnarl(adoptive); Pinepaw, Brownpaw Tundrashadow + Rowanberry = Dewpaw, Bravepaw Softlake + ??? = Stripepaw, Cloudedpaw Dunefall + Aspensun = Floepaw, Sunsetpaw, Oceanpaw Clovertwist + Redcloud = Tawnykit, Ravenkit, Daffodilkit, Russetkit, Sandkit Duskshine + Flutterspark = Mothkit Reedheart + ???? = Kildeerpaw, Troutpaw Reedheart + Rubygaze = ??? Jaylily + Marshflare = Twigember, Tussockleap Clovertwist + Firesky = Goldenbeam, Acornfire, Sunpool
Gorgefern + Sumacfoot = Firesky, Ashstrike, Tumblenose
Willowflame + Beavertail = Aspensun, Ospreypoint, Nightcall; Hawkshine, Molepaw
Bearchill and Flutterspark are ex-mates (antagonistic) Bearchill adopted Luckysnarl as an abandoned kit Flutterspark and Duskshine are mates Dunefall and Aspensun are mates Clovertwist and Redcloud are mates Jaylily and Marshflare are ex-mates (friendly) Vulturewing has a crush on Blizzardtuft
Nightcall mentors Stripepaw Driftwing mentors Cloudedpaw Rowanberry mentors Floepaw (healer) Darkstone mentors Oceanpaw (healer) Goldenbeam mentors Sunsetpaw (comet) Crowfire mentors Ochrepaw (comet) Vulturewing mentors Kildeerpaw Mossears mentors Troutpaw
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:56:00 GMT -5
ELMCLAN: the mercurial ElmClan, one of the original Clans of the Granite Circle. These cats believe the world is made up of complementary halves: moon and sun, dawn and dusk, hope and desperation. Neither is right without the other and all halves should be respected. Without darkness there would be no light, without night there could be no day, and without the temptation of betrayal, loyalty would be meaningless.
ElmClan's territory is covered in forest: deciduous, old elms cover the bottom half of the territory, their home lands, while the Expansions uncovered boreal forest and tundra to the north, scattered through with bog and even cold desert (subarctic scrub). ElmClan’s cats are adept at climbing and hunting in the canopy and are known for their battles of attrition: dropping out of trees at invading patrols, engaging in quick, scrappy fights, and disappearing back into the treetops before their opponents can give chase. They are also well known for their stealth. Unlike many Clans, ElmClan does a significant portion of their patrolling and hunting at night, giving them an advantage in stealth, ambush, and superior night vision.
Due to their boreal nature, cats from ElmClan tend to have long claws and long tails, to better balance in the trees. They also tend to have dappled or two-toned fur, with solids being relatively rare, especially light-colored solids. ElmClan and SkyClan are the only two Clans that select for lean body types --not overly bulky like the mountain- and river- dwelling cats in the west and not overly agile like the plains Clans of the East either-- but a middle ground, with strong legs and powerful blows, but light enough to climb high into the canopy and cross the forest through interlocking tree branches.
In temperament, ElmClan cats are encouraged to feel the depth of emotion, as they believe feeling is the point of existing, and that all emotions have meaning. They tend to wear their emotions on their face, though their words are a different story. It’s customary, especially when interacting with outsiders, to say one thing and mean the opposite. With their open emotional cues, this wordplay isn’t usually difficult to parse, though some cats really lean into the game and speak exclusively in riddles or puns. Cats of ElmClan tend to not care about punctuality, and it isn’t uncommon for patrols to go out late while waiting on a few individuals.
In ElmClan, all cats are split into two Crowns(name subject to change): the Autumn Crown and the Spring Crown. For the most part, this division is symbolic. A kit's Crown is chosen at birth by one of the Fates, in a ritual in which the Fate will "adopt" the kitten into their Crown when chosen. Litters are split evenly, and in the case of odd numbers, the Crown opposite the mother's Crown is given to the last kit. These "unpaired" kits are often called Summer- or Winter-souls, and are typically seen as chosen by fate, either for good or bad luck respectively.
The Fates are a pair of cats, always of opposite Crowns, that are responsible for managing rituals in the Clan. ElmClan is steeped in superstitions of many kinds, and it is up to the Fates to interpret dreams, ward against bad luck, and guide the cats under their Crown. This position is chosen by StarClan, specifically ElmClan's Founder: Saturn. It is a sacred task and depending on the leader's flavor of spirituality, may have more power than the deputies and Healers.
StoneClan is strongly allied with WhistleClan
Though not so strongly that WhistleClan will go against SparkClan's interests. BORDERS StoneClan
unds further from the river and WhistleClan doesn't like hunting under the trees, th
TERRITORY ElmClan's land is the only territory that is fully forested. Their cats are uncomfortable in open areas, and are accustomed to using the tall trees to climb, traverse the land, and hunt.
The southern parts of their territory are dominated by old, deciduous forest: elms, oaks, birches and cherries are common, along with sycamores, cottonwoods and chestnuts. The canopy is thick, shading much of the understory, though where there are gaps, dense undergrowth and bushes take over the space. Witch hazel, sassifras, elderberry and serviceberry are the most common shrubs. Shade-tolerant flowers are also in abundance, as well as many sedges, brambles, and groundcover ivies. This southwestern corner is the lowest and wettest as well, being near the river, and can flood, though rarely. This is ElmClan's original territory from the Creation.
The eastern border shared with CinderClan gives way to a different kind of forest, one selected for its tolerance for fire. As CinderClan's highgrass prairies often are swept by fire, the wind pushes the flames west, towards ElmClan's forest. The forest along this border is open, with a few fire-scarred older trees and new growth with very little inbetween. Oak, black cherry, beech, walnut, redbud, and maples grow here. The shrub cover is maple and redbud, which germinate quickly, though these young saplings rarely grow taller before they are swept through with fire. The understory is thickest here, and cats often must travel up in the trees, or else spend lots of time and energy pushing through the thick tangle of undergrowth.
To the northeast, pines that have thick bark and tall crowns often survive the fires. The understory is thick with fast-growing evergreen saplings, however, leaving few gaps for anything else. This territory is largely unproductive and mostly ignored by ElmClan, both because prey is sparse, but also because the tall trees are bad for climbing and full of sticky resin.
Moving west in the center of the northern half of the territory lies the bogs. There is still plenty of tree cover here, along with jutting rock formations, ravines and cliffs. The lower bits of territory are boggy and always wet, due to a bedrock intrusion that keeps the water from properly draining. Ponds, lakes, and swaths of wet ground and water-resistant evergreens, such as white pine and tamerack(larch) are common, as well as typical bog dwelling shrub, such as willow, blueberry, cranberry, laurel and buttonbush. Carnivorous pitcher plant and sundew are also plentiful, providing color to the marshy ground.
Even further west near SkyClan's border is true boreal forest. Including the deciduous forest below, this comprises the majority of ElmClan's territory. Trees here are mostly coniferous: pines, larch, fir and spruce, but some hardy deciduous trees make the rocky, dry soil their home too, such as aspens, birches and poplar. This area is known for thick bramble and rose snarls, though they are in clumps and most of the understory is fairly open compared to the denser forests in the south. Heathers, laurels, and evergreen bushes like hollies and juniper are common in clearings, whereas shaded forest is restricted to ferns and cold-tolerant flowers, like asters.
The far north is tundra and cold desert. Lacking any sort of rain and frozen through with permafrost the majority of the year, this stony, poor soil is only home to grasses. There is only a thin strip of this territory before the Edge, and ElmClan prefers to count the forest's edge as the edge of their territory, rather than patrol the empty strip of snow-covered plain. This strip can be used for cats in the west to sneak across the east-west divider in secret; all other paths in the south must eventually go across the Crossing (the bridge over the river gorge, of which SkyClan, CliffClan, CreekClan and StoneClan all share claims and patrol), which is nearly impossible to do without being noticed by at least one of the four bordering Clans.
CAMP ElmClan, like many of the larger Clans, has two camps. These camps are both large, developed, and used equally, with cats moving freely between the two locations when directed by their patrols. Following their usual naming patterns, ElmClan's camps are known as the Dawn Camp (Creation camp, in the south eastern elm forest) and the Dusk Camp (Second Expansion addition, on a stony outcrop in the northern bogs).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Dawn Camp has existed since ElmClan's Creation, and is located in the dense deciduous forests of the south. It was the only camp in the history of the Granite Circle that has ever been occupied by another Clan and then returned to use afterwards (SparkClan feb7-jul7). The camp itself is located in a grassy ravine, bordered on three sides by steep inclines and only easily accessible by a long, winding valley.The hillsides surrounding the camp are filled with tangles of rosebushes, thorny year-round to deter any but the most determined predators, and the hillsides themselves are rocky, sandy, and with challenging footing. Small trails do lead up the hills, known to ElmClan’s cats, but it’s much easier to simply climb the massive sycamore at the end of the ravine, whose branches spread far above the hillsides and connect to other trees as a natural bridge for those that know how to climb. The Sycamore is the center of the Dawn Camp, and is known as the Tree of Paths by the Fates. It is said that the paths the branches grow in are the paths of fate paws follow, and that each leaf symbolizes a new destiny. The Sycamore is important to many of the Fates’ rituals, and cats that feel unsure of choices often sleep in its branches in hope of walking the Paths in their dreams. The tree itself is a highway for ElmClan’s patrols to exit camp and smooth grooves cutting down into the heartwood of the tree form a trail for cats to easily climb to the top, where massive, spreading branches make trails to the rest of the territory. The leader makes announcements from a large knot in the trunk, behind which is a hollow in the tree covered in moss and lichens: the leader's den. At the base of the tree is the Healers’ den. The Sycamore’s massive roots against the hillside form a triangular wedge of space secluded from the rest of the Dawn Camp, facing away from the main clearing to give privacy. The grasses grow long here, and sticks and bark have been laid over the roots nearest the base of the tree to give protection from rain and snow. Packs of herbs are stored in dug-out coves beneath the roots. The apprentice’s den is also between the roots of the Sycamore. Along the southern edge of the ravine, the Sycamore’s roots burrow into the hillside, forming an arch of earth under the massive root. The apprentices sleep in this hollow, draped with ivy. Most of the other dens are made out of brush overtaken by vines: honeysuckle, ivy, wild grape and moonseed. Thick vine makes for sturdy structures, which the cats have added to over the years, making thick, warm dens. The elder’s den is to the left of the Sycamore and is connected to the Fates’ den in the same brush. A boulder under the bush splits the den into its two halves, but there is no real divider between the two. The nursery is across the ravine on the other side of the Sycamore, and is also made of a strengthened bush. Large ferns grow along the sides of the nursery in the summer, and the dried fronds scattered around the back make it impossible for any cat to sneak up on the queens and kits. A large fallen log lies behind the nursery; the top has been flattened and widened by decades of paws, and it is a treasured space to nap and sun away from the bustle of camp. The sides are covered in small scratches from kit’s claws. The warrior’s den is nearby. The root cluster from the fallen tree dug a large hollow out of the earth, exposing a massive boulder. The warrior’s den is inside this space: wide and deep enough to be out of the wind, protected on one side by stone and by the dirt and roots of the tree on the other. It isn’t the warmest space in the winter, but the cats press close and share their warmth. The spaces in the back are prized for senior warriors, while younger cats must find a place on the edges. Every autumn, dead leaves and moss are shoveled into the space, deep enough for the cats to burrow underneath for an added layer of protection. In the spring, the debris is cleared out once the snow melts.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Dusk Camp is in the heart of ElmClan’s territory after the Second Expansion: an island of stone jutting from the soggy peat and open water in the bogs and surrounded entirely by conifers. The hunting grounds here are rich and prey is both diverse and plentiful. While winters in the Dusk Camp are harsh, the dens are well-protected and insulated from the cold.
The ground is stable enough near the stony island that young, scrappy pines have taken root, and there are plenty of bushes --mostly lowbush blueberry-- to create a protective wall around the camp. The ground is bare stone and moss.
A deep crack down the center of the camp’s main stone provides shelter for most of the cats. Warriors and apprentices make their dens in nooks of the crevasse, and the forks tunneled deep into the stone are coveted for their warmth and complete cover from rain. Since it was eroded by water and cracked by ice, the far end of the crevasse drains water into the bog and it rarely floods.
During wet seasons, the lowest end is covered in a thin sheen of water. This area has eroded into a wide and shallow dish with water always in its center. The farthest corner is reserved for the Healers den. A ledge allows their herb store to always be well above the water, even during floods, and the lip of the bowl provides space for injured or ill cats to quarantine away from the rest of the camp.
The elder’s den is located within the densest patch of blueberry bushes, in a hollowed cove that leans up against a flat rock. The den is small, only large enough for two or three cats to sleep comfortably, though many elders prefer to return to the Dawn Camp, where there is a warmer climate and more Healers.
If the Fates are in the Dusk Camp, they sleep in a hollow of peat formed from the intertwined roots of two pine trees. The space is carpeted in thick sphagnum moss and is very small; if either of the Fates is a large cat, they may have to join the warriors and apprentices in the crevasse, since there isn’t enough room in the Fates’ small hollow. It is amazingly warm, however, and it isn’t surprising to find the leader --or a pair of senior warriors-- have taken over the space when the Fates are in the Dawn Camp: it would be a waste not to use the best sleeping hollow, after all!
The nursery is tucked securely between two boulders. The entrance is small and always covered in evergreen ivy, guarding the hollow within. The space is quite large and is always filled with peat and moss to keep it cozy and warm, even in the coldest months. In the summer, however, snakes often try to wriggle through the boulders and though only the smallest of water snakes can squeeze through the gaps, a warrior is usually tasked with sleeping in the nursery when young kits are present. Older kits, however, are encouraged to hunt the snakes, which are not big enough to cause more damage than a non-venomous bite.
The leader’s den at the peak of one of the stone outcroppings, where a nearby cedar hangs its wide bough over the stone, creating a hollow with its thicket of needles. Discarded needles crackle underpaw, and the leader’s nest is cozied up against the cedar’s trunk, making everything smell sweetly of resin.
There are three other landmarks around the Dusk Camp: the Perch is the highest point in camp. Located to the northeast, the stones climb highest here, and this is where a leader or deputy can make announcements. The stony slope below has plenty of open space for the entire Clan to spread out, and so every morning, cats in the Dusk Camp that are available for that day’s patrols will congregate here for the deputy to assign patrols. Since cats can move between camps when they want to, it’s important for the deputy to know which cats are available. Cats that are going to move to the Dawn Camp the next day usually stand beneath the nearby aspen: an easy and polite way to let the deputy know your plans ahead of time and prepare accordingly.
The Muskrat Den is just to the southwest of camp, located on an open water creek through the bog. The den is in disrepair and has been abandoned since ElmClan set up a camp here, the muskrats themselves smart enough not to live so close to so many cats! The den is now used as a meeting place, usually for apprentices or young warriors.
The Sunningrock is just to the west of camp: a boulder that makes its own island and is out on the bogs without any trees to cast shade on it. It’s the prized place for socializing, sunning, and napping for the older cats of the Clan. Its secondary purpose is as a guard post. In times of unrest, a guard is posted here, as one can easily see all across the flat bog and see invaders coming ahead of time. Since ElmClan’s Dusk Camp is set so deep into their territory, this has never yet been put into effect, but the camp was chosen for its defensiveness early into the Second Expansion.
# # # # # #
A = Autumn Crown S = Spring Crown w = Winter-soul r = Summer-soul N = None; outsider born
Ar - Beechstar - 2/9 - A white she-cat with cinnamon tabby markings and pale yellow eyes. DEPUTIES
A Ivytail - A tall white tom with mottled grey markings and green eyes.
S Jaylily - A dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes. fates
A Morningbriar - An older tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes.Sw Eclipsewing - A black and white patched she-cat with amber eyes. [lore] healers
A Berryfall - A cream tom with seal points and yellow eyes.
Aw Frostleaf - A thin white cat with cream tabby patches amber eyes. Once SkyClan.
S Turtlestone - A pale grey she-cat with chocolate markings and green eyes.
S Mapleflame - A ginger tom with blue eyes.
Ar Scarletsong - A ginger she-cat with white flecks and grey eyes.
Crayfishpaw - A brown she-cat with orange eyes. From CreekClan.
A Warblerpaw - A white tom with black and grey tabby markings and amber eyes.
Stonecall - A white tom with grey classic tabby dapples and green eyes.
A Thimblepatch - A white molly with cinnamon smoke patches and blue eyes.Webfern - A grey tabby cat with green eyes.Dartfoot - A ginger molly with black paws and white dapples. She has amber eyes.Gloomfrond - A black ticked tabby tom with green eyes. Fisherdrop - A chocolate smoke tom with yellow eyes and a white underbelly.A Floodmask - A blue-grey molly with a pale mask over her face and golden eyes.Pondchaser - A black smoke tom with pale green eyes.S Thorncloud - A chocolate tabby molly with white dapples and green eyes.Icelake - A very pale grey cat with darker spotted tabby dapples and yellow eyes.Spiderfleck - A dilute tortoiseshell molly with pale blue eyes.S Russetmoon - A dark red tom with a pale spot on his right shoulder and green eyes. [details]A Cardinalbreeze - A red-and-cinnamon calico molly with yellow eyes.Trembleyew - A black and white patched molly with green eyes. [details]Fuzzglide - A long-furred grey tom with amber eyes.Basilpath - A pale grey mackerel tabby tom with heterochromatic blue/yellow eyes.S Chestnutrise - A white molly with cinnamon spotted tabby dapples and green eyes.S Volewhisker - A small fawn tom with yellow eyes.A Bouncenose - A small grey molly with amber eyes.Magpieleap - A black and white patched molly with green eyes. [details]Drizzlecrest - A silver and white tabby tom with grey eyes.S Ridgespeck - A chocolate molly with darker speckles and blue eyes.A Leafydusk - A chocolate-and-gold patched ticked tabby cat with blue eyes. [details]Timberspark - A ginger smoke molly with green eyes.A Doespring - A grey spotted tabby molly with blue eyes.Waspwing - A long-furred golden tom with copper eyes.Petuniasong - A long-furred lilac smoke molly with light yellow eyes.Ratleap - A black and white patched tom with grey eyes.Mooseshade - A white cat with chocolate tabby dapples and amber eyes. APPRENTICES S Canopypaw - A black molly with ginger patches and dark green eyes.A Crunchpaw - A white tom with black tabby dapples and amber eyes. Created. [details]S Floatpaw - A blue classic tabby molly with dark grey dapples and gold eyes.Sr Drippaw - A black molly with white dapples and green eyes. [details]A Waterpaw - A blue smoke tom with gold eyes.A Aloepaw - A white molly with pale grey flecks and pale yellow eyes.A Goldenpaw - A white molly with golden dapples and pale green eyes.S Faithpaw - A white cat with golden flecks and green eyes.S Tinypaw - A small spotted tabby cream tom with white patches and blue eyes.A Almondpaw - A spotted tabby cream molly with copper eyesN Nimblepaw - A lilac tom with lavender eyes. Formerly HeatherClan.N Brownpaw - A dark brown cat with white flecks and amber eyes. Previously SkyClan. [details] QUEENS & KITS 5 / 9 / 2
Pollenshard - S Fogkit -
A Thickethaze - A Plumkit -
A Rindleheart - S Fenkit - A Lilykit -
A Yellowstem - A grey tabby she-cat with large yellow eyes. She has pale grey, solid patches. [details] S Fernkit - A dilute torbico she-cat with green eyes. A Shadowkit - A large black and white patched tom with yellow eyes. A Stormykit - A grey and white tabby she-cat with yellow eyes. S Rainykit - A grey and white tabby tom with yellow eyes.
Aw Quailrise - Chasmjaw - Sparkpetal - ELDERS Snailfrost -
Nobleleap -
Snakepelt -
Dewtwig -
Swiftdawn -
Runningstorm -
FAMILY TREE First color of name is gender (pink=female; blue=male; green=nb; yellow=genderfluid) Second color of name is Clan affiliation
= Beechstar, Thimblepatch, Shiverclaw Snakepelt = Talonfleck, Gloomfrond, Chasmjaw, Riverkit
Shiverclaw + Talonfleck = Waveflight, Eclipsewing, Doespring
Blossombark + Stonecall = Trembleyew, Fuzzglide, Stormwhisker Trembleyew + Ashenpool = Ratleap, Antfoot Sparkpetal + Kiteflare = Scarletsong, Russetmoon, Cardinalbreeze; Tinypaw, Almondpaw Morningbriar = Cicadawing, Timberspark, Fringepaw; Aloepaw, Goldenpaw, Faithpaw, Howlkit Jaylily + Marshflare = Tussockleap, Twigember Spiderfleck + Icelake = Bouncenose, Volewhisker, Chestnutrise, Thickethaze Chasmjaw = Ivytail, Thorncloud, Grottofall; Ridgespeck, Leafydusk, Quailrise, Rindleheart, Mapleflame; Canopypaw, Snappaw
Created = Waspwing, Petuniasong, Pollenshard
Talonfleck (CliffClan) Stormwhisker (SparkClan) Elkpool (SparkClan)
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:56:26 GMT -5
CLIFFCLAN: the isolated CliffClan's politics are turned inwards, their strict but ever-changing hiearchies dominating every facet of CliffClan's daily lives. Inter-Clan units, called Kith, struggle to ascend in the ranks, or to keep their lofty positions to protect the status and power that comes with them.
CliffClan warriors are strong and stoic. With wide shoulders, powerful legs, and short but thick fur, they are well suited for the mountains and cliffs they call home. CliffClan is known for their hardy constitutions and sickness rarely befalls this Clan-- a lucky turn, since their rocky, poor soil isn't suited for plants, and only the hardiest herbs can grow on their territory.
CliffClan is in the slow process of rebuilding their strength after two large Kith (Kith ChillFrost and Kith SkyFeather) split from the Clan relatively recently, forming SnowClan and the Order of Crows respectively. The multiple civil wars that caused these splits, as well as the loss of two of their largest Kith, especially after the heavy toll they took from being the last to recieve the Cure to the Red Sickness, has severely impacted CliffClan's strength, and the Clan is only now beginning to recover and grow.
StoneClan is strongly allied with WhistleClan
Though not so strongly that WhistleClan will go against SparkClan's interests. BORDERS StoneClan
unds further from the river and WhistleClan doesn't like hunting under the trees, th
TERRITORY Mountainous and rugged, the only reason CliffClan's barren landscape isn't classified as a desert is because it's not particularly warm, nor is it particularly dry; the poor soil and heavy winds are the gauntlet in this stony, harsh landscape, and only the hardiest plants --and cats-- can survive here.
The western half of the territory is dominated by a tall, jagged mountain range. Exposed during the First Expansion, CliffClan immediately took to the high ground, embracing the isolation of the rough terrain and all but giving up on the windy, unproductive lowlands they'd been restricted to during the Birth of the World.
The interior of the range is rather arid, though snowmelt from the peaks and the two Eternal Rivers keep pockets of life like oasises where the rains can't reach. These mountains are steep, jagged, and difficult to traverse, dominated by sheer chasms and vertical cliff faces. CliffClan conciders this their heartland, and though it is dangerous and poor hunting grounds, they believe it is noble to continue to eke out a living from their mountain home as much as they can.
The eastern face of the range, however, overlooking the foothills CliffClan called their anscestral home, is constantly gloomy, foggy, and beset by constant rainfall, though the poor soil drains most of their water into StoneClan's territory and the river, and the fairly steep grade of the foothills prevents flooding. CliffClan warrior detest hunting here, but it is the most productive land they own, and so while they hate it, they tolerate its necessity. Many "border" patrols are hunting patrols in disguise, expected to do only a cursory check of the border while they spend the time to and from hunting, which gives the warriors an excuse to pick up prey here.
The northern passes grow cold and snowy.
CAMP Each Kith has its own system of caverns, called their Kith's hold, within the labyrinthine main camp. Much of CliffClan's internal ranking system and political struggles are to claim more favorible holds for their families, and some of the holds are hotly contested, constantly shifting between Kiths as the power of the minor Kiths wax and wane.
Kith Granite, of course, controls the largest hold. Being the oldest remaining Kith from before the Expansions and the Kith in which leadership runs, Kith Granite's hold has remained steady for generations. Their hold consists of wide, oval shaped rooms linked together end on end like beads in a chain, growing smaller until the last ends in a lake: a warm hot spring.
Kith ScorpionSting's hold is connected to Kith Granite's: a radial pattern of smaller caverns reaching out from the first two rooms of Kith Granite's chain. These small chambers are cramped, and so Kith ScorpionSting often chooses instead to share Kith Granite's hold. Several Kith ScorpionSting warriors are often posted in the small caverns to the entrance of the hold as guardians.
Kith LocustLeaf resides above the main CliffClan hub. Their hold only has three chambers: the main chamber, a rugged line, which is really the bottom of a crevasse that shows the sky; the sleeping chamber, small and dark to one side, where they keep their nests; and the healing chamber on the other side, a scoop taken out of the stone where Kith LocustLeaf allows injured cats to be treated and all CliffClan's herbs stored.
Of the minor Kiths, Kith Shadow currently holds the next most coveted hold. A wide, tall, and winding corridor leads deep into the stone, creating a room at the very end that branches into several smaller chambers. This was once Kith EmberLight's hold, though they've recently been chased out of it. Kith Shadow isn't large enough to occupy the entire space and most chambers are dark and empty... promising room for their expansion.
Both Kith ChillFrost and Kith EmberLight have been relegated to single-family holds: simple, single room chambers attached to the main camp. For both these once-mighty Kiths, their holds are an insult to their family and both are desperately trying to grow their Kiths to become strong enough to contest a better hold. ALLEGIANCES 1: Kith Granite
Sheerstar 3/9 - A dark chocolate molly with emerald green eyes. [details]
Tumbleleaf - A thin grey tabby tom with blue eyes and white paws. [details]
Ebonyscar - A white molly with a black slash of fur and amber eyes. [details]
Runningsoul - A white cat with blue eyes. Deaf. [details]
Tempestcrush - A black classic tabby tom with amber eyes. [details]
Patchwing - A white tom with ginger patches and grey eyes. [details]
Bouldersnarl - A grey and white molly with blue eyes. [details]
Thunderfeather - A dark tortoiseshell molly with blue eyes. [details] (Once Kith NeedleClaw)
Birchflame - A pale grey tabby she-cat with amber eyes. Once a Comet in SkyClan. [details]
Yewtail - A long-furred chocolate tabby tom with yellow eyes. [details] (Once Kith EmberLight)
Clayface - A long-furred grey tom with large white patches and yellow eyes. [details] (Once Kith EmberLight)
Petaldust - A calico she-cat with green eyes. Her front left leg is crushed. [details] Cavekit - A dark chocolate tom with green eyes. Screekit - A dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with pale green eyes. Songkit - A calico she-cat with pale green eyes.
Ivypaw - A black tabby tom with blue eyes. [details]
Smokepaw - A black smoke she-cat with yellow eyes. [details]
2: Kith ScorpionSting
Eagleflash - A chocolate tom with black markings and amber eyes. Elder. [details]
Shadowstone - A jet black molly with amber eyes. [details]
Kitedapple - A white tom with dark dapples on his shoulders and green eyes. [details]
Harrierclaw - A dark chocolate tom with amber eyes. [details]
Tinyswoop - A very small, long furred dark grey she-cat with amber eyes. Once Kith NeedleClaw. [details]
Speckledcliff - A white molly with ginger flecks and green eyes. [details]
Addersting - A lithe cinnamon spotted tabby tom with green eyes. Once SparkClan. [details]
Snakewhisker - A long-furred ginger she-cat with black patches down her spine and green eyes. [details] Puddlekit - A grey tabby tom with blue eyes. Aridkit - A tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes.
Ridgepaw - A black tom with dark amber eyes. [details]
Alpinepaw - A grey and white tabby tom with amber eyes. [details]
Precipicepaw - A cinnamon tuxedo she-cat with grey eyes. [details]
3: Kith LocustLeaf Lionleaf - An old golden tabby she-cat with grey eyes. Elder. [details]Siltfang - An old grey smoke tom with blind, hazel eyes. [details]Cometsplash - A bright ginger tom with a lighter stripe down his spine and grey eyes. Once Kith FrostChill. [details]Birdpatch - A lilac molly with cream tabby dapples and blue eyes. [details]Armadilloleap - A scraggly-furred grey cat with grey eyes. [details]Sunwhisper - A pale golden tom with grey eyes. Mute. [details]Dustripple - A cinnamon tabby she-cat with white markings and green eyes. [details] [lore]Quickshade - A cream molly with fawn points and green eyes. Once WhistleClan, trained with the Order of Honey. [details]Caterpillarpaw - A long-furred silver tabby tom with green eyes. Once Outlander.[details]Goldpaw - A golden she-cat with one white paw and amber eyes. [details] 4: Kith EmberLight Briarleap - A chocolate tabby cat with dark green eyes. Elder. [details]
Shinysight - A silver she-cat with amber eyes. [details]
Rumblespark - A long-furred grey tom with yellow eyes. [details]
Foxpath - A long-furred dilute calico she-cat with yellow eyes. [details]
Coalpaw - A black she-cat with yellow eyes. Created. [details]
5: Kith Shadow Coyoteshadow - A thick-furred cinnamon tom with grey eyes. [details]
Swiftstream - A dark grey spotted tabby cat with green eyes. Once StoneClan. [details]
Talonfleck - A grey tom with tabby points and green eyes. Once ElmClan. [details]
Bane - A white tom with seal points and amber eyes. From the Outlands. [details]
Trust - A small lilac she-cat with blue eyes. From the Outlands. [details]
6: Kith ChillFrost Shivernose - A silvery grey tom with yellow eyes and black markings. [details]
Canyonflight - A ginger and white she-cat with bright blue eyes. [details]
Larchberry - A ginger she-cat with amber eyes. Mother of Quakepaw and Fallenpaw. [details]
Fallenpaw - A tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes. Half SnowClan. [details]
FAMILY TREE First color of name is gender (pink=female; blue=male; green=nb; yellow=genderfluid) Second color of name is Clan affiliation
Ebonyscar + Tumbleleaf = Ivypaw, Smokepaw Petaldust + Yewtail = Screekit, Cavekit, Songkit Wildwind + Rumblespark = Yewtail, Clayface, Foxpath.
Dawnblade + Shadowstone = Ebonyscar, Runningsoul
Lichendusk + Sheerstar = Patchwing, Bouldersnarl, Rainyears, Summitpaw
Brookflight + Eagleflash = Shadowstone, Harrierclaw, Kitedapple, Sweetwhisker; Petaldust, Tempestcrush, Duskpoint Addersting = Precipicepaw Kitedapple + Patchwing = Ridgepaw, Alpinepaw, Summitpaw Snakewhisker + StoneClan = Aridkit, Puddlekit
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:56:57 GMT -5
STONECLAN: stubborn For a long time, StoneClan's cats viewed themselves as the true remnants of old RiverClan, unrightfully ousted from their old lands and seeking to take back what is, by StarClan's will, theirs from CreekClan's grasp. After the second expansion, this sentiment has died down some, though a few families continue to hold a grudge against CreekClan from their shared past.
StoneClan's cats are still strongly Western, with thick limbs and large bodies. They have sleek, water resistant coats and short but broad tails. Their paws are webbed and their claws are short and stout.
As for personality, StoneClan believes in facing their problems head on, with claws. They don't stand for sitting about and most of their cats lack patience. Even their fishing techniques, which should require patience, have been modified to be active: several cats swim out and loudly scare fish into the shallows, where other patrol members are waiting to pounce.
StoneClan has close ties with the Order of Crows and the two groups have only grown tighter due to the Wolf raids on both of their hunting grounds.
ALLIES and ENEMIES BORDERS StoneClan shares their longest border with CreekClan to the east, the entire length of the river. These two groups are hostile and are constantly crossing the river to the other Clan's side, stealing prey and herbs and leaving scent marks as proof of their victories. Land on StoneClan's western bank is rarely captured, as territory across the river takes more resources to hold than its worth, typically. The islands, rapids and crossings, however, are more than fair game, and these landmarks are fought over viciously and changes paws often.
The Order of Crows holds their hunting grounds to the northwest of StoneClan's land. StoneClan respects the Crows: their fighting force is much stronger than StoneClan's at any given moment, and slighting the Order would bring down the wrath of CliffClan and, most damningly, the Order of Honey. The border between these two groups was drawn by Starpact.
CliffClan shares a small border with StoneClan, just enough for them to reach the Grand Crossing. The Crossing is largely neutral territory and hunting territory is poor around CliffClan's slice of land there. StoneClan's border with CliffClan is the only friendly border CliffClan has.
By proxy, StoneClan also shares the Grand Crossing with ElmClan. However, the two are on opposite sides of the Crossing and rarely interact.
The so called Order of Wolves shares the rest of StoneClan's southwestern border. The Wolves don't recognize Clan borders at all and cross freely, stealing prey, herbs, and using the space how they please. StoneClan has lost many warriors in small skirmishes with the rogue Wolves and this border is a constant war zone. TERRITORY StoneClan's territory isn't quite as wet as their sister Clan CreekClan's, though they have their fair share of mountain runoff from CliffClan, creating small, cold, fast moving streams that carve gorges and ravines throughout their rocky, hilly land. The stony ground also has poor drainage, leaving small kettle lakes and ponds resting at high elevations, unable to drain unless they flood over.
The entirety of StoneClan's territory consists of ridges, gorges, and stony hollows. The territory is quite open: with little soil for tall trees to take root, only a few old and hardy species still stand, casting small islands of canopy over the rocky landscape. The foliage is mostly shrub, brush, and plenty of ivies, which thrive on the sheer rock faces.
CAMP StoneClan's camp once lay in the south: a proud camp, mirroring CreekClan's across the river, situated at the top of a ridge.
But that camp was much too close to the southern border, where the Order of Wolves continues to push deeper and deeper into StoneClan's land.
For the last two summers, StoneClan moved it's main camp to a "temporary" evacuation site, which is growing more and more into a permanent settlement. Their new camp is on the thin strip of land between the Order of Crow's butte and the Grand Crossing, a tiny hollow pushed in the corner of a "V" of a ravine and shrouded in mist from the waterfall that crashes down from overhead.
There isn't much room here, with most of the ground flooded by the pool beneath the waterfall or the stream that flows from it towards the river, but StoneClan makes do with what they have: the healer's den and nursery are tucked into the side of the ravine, in a crevasse created from a once-branch of the stream that StoneClan's warriors dammed off.
Everyone else finds shelter individually along the sides of the ravine. Some claim ledges if they can climb to them, others stick to the tops of tumbled stones that block the stream just enough to make a dry hollow between the boulders and the ravine's side. ALLEGIANCES
21 Total 2 Healers, 10 Warriors, 6 apprentices, 2 queens, 0 kits, 1 elder
LEADER Cloudystar - nee Cloudyflight - A black molly with white dapples and green eyes.
DEPUTY Thistlemask - A black genderfluid cat with a white mask, long claws and green eyes. HEALERS Galeclaw - A very old dark grey she-cat with blue eyes. Once CliffClan.
Toadwhisper - A brown tom with blue eyes. WARRIORS Chestnutsplash - A brown tabby molly with blue eyes.
Slatepool - A dark grey tom with classic tabby markings and amber eyes.
Copperstrike - A ginger molly with one green eye and a shredded ear.
Sandpelt - A chocolate smoke tom with grey eyes.
Yarrownose - A pale grey tom with dark points and green eyes.
Thunderfleck - A blue tom with a bright white slash down his flank and white flecks. He has grey eyes.
Basaltstorm - A dark grey tom with black points and yellow eyes.
Tadpolenight - A black tom with green eyes.
Riffleshine - A blue cat with green eyes.
Whiskerbloom - A long-furred pale grey molly with long whiskers and green eyes.
APPRENTICES Kelppaw - A pale cinnamon tom with darker points and amber eyes.
Clashpaw - A ginger tom with white markings and green eyes.
Aquapaw - A ginger-and-chocolate tortoiseshell molly with blue eyes.
Sharkpaw - A grey smoke molly with long fangs and yellow eyes.
Carppaw - A white tom with black mackerel tabby dapples and amber eyes.
Lampreypaw - A pale grey smoke mackerel tabby molly with yellow eyes.
QUEENS & KITS Treasureflight - A long-furred grey spotted tabby molly with amber eyes. Expecting Thistlemask's kits.
Finslip - A dark grey mackerel tabby molly with blue-yellow heterochromatic eyes. Newly created with Sharkpaw, Carppaw and Lampreypaw; nursery queen. ELDERS Ferretdusk - A brown tabby tom with blue eyes. FAMILY LINES First color of name is gender (pink=female; blue=male; green=nb; yellow=genderfluid) Second color of name is Clan affiliation
Oakleap + Riffleice = Beavertail, Shellmist; Thistleglow, Bearchill, Chestnutsplash Yarrownose + Thunderfleck = Crescentfox, Silverpaw, Whiskerbloom; Kelppaw. ??? + ??? = Skyleap, Thunderfleck, Dovesplash Skyleap + Sandpelt = Brookshine, Violetwave, Ternpaw Ivywhisker + Slatepool = Cloudypaw, Riverpaw Boulderclaw + Swiftstream = Tadpolenight, Toadwhisper Tempestflame + ??? = Treasureflight, Riffleshine Chestnutsplash + Copperstrike = Clashpaw, Aquapaw Finslip + None = Sharkpaw, Carppaw, Lampreypaw
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:57:16 GMT -5
CreekClan: the elusive ALLIES and ENEMIES
CreekClan is strongly allied with WhistleClan
Though not so strongly that WhistleClan will go against SparkClan's interests. CreekClan is wary of SparkClan Even if they do not share a border, their influence reaches far. CreekClan is friendly with SnowClan They respect the smaller clan's willingness to stand up to CliffClan. CreekClan is enemies of StoneClan Their border is hotly contested and the two have been at war for generations. CreekClan is secretly allies with CinderClan They promised warriors when they go to fight ElmClan. CreekClan is sour towards ElmClan They still hold a grudge against ElmClan's invasion of their land three years previous. CreekClan is neutral towards SkyClan They only have a small strip of border, and the pacifist Clan keeps out of conflicts. CreekClan is neutral towards CliffClan They enjoy that CliffClan causes more problems to their enemy, StoneClan, while they have a friendly relationship with their neighbors. CreekClan is upset with HeatherClan Because they took their ally WhistleClan's land recently. CreekClan looks down on the Crows. They tend to value honor and ego, and usually do not seek the mercenaries' help. CreekClan is unpreturbed by the Wolves They chase them out of their land, but do not actively send warriors to SparkClan's war effort nor hunt them down outside their borders. CreekClan tolerates the Order of Honey They dislike that the Order has control of healers. BORDERS CreekClan shares the longest border with StoneClan, as both narrow territories hug the length of the river. CreekClan resides to the north and east of the river, while StoneClan takes the southern and western side. However, both Clans often claim good crossings and territories on the opposite side and try to hold it at a disadvantage, and border scuffles for islands, peninsulas, good fishing territory and good hunting territory are extremely common. Some landmarks are constantly fought over and are almost "neutral" territory, with both sides holding equal claim and fights breaking out when patrols clash, or with larger scale battles in which the winner holds the territory for as long as they have the strength to defend it. Other times, patrols will move the border on their own whims, trying to get an edge on claims for less productive land or merely as a show of power.
WhistleClan shares CreekClan's second largest border. Since CreekClan has little use for the hunting grounds further from the river and WhistleClan doesn't like hunting under the trees, the border here is amicable to both parties and there is rarely, if ever, tensions between these two friendly Clans. Oftentimes this border is blurred, with CreekClan warriors freely allowed to wander in WhistleClan's land for herbs and the best sunning rocks and WhistleClan patrols venturing through CreekClan's narrow strip of land to drink and play in the stream when it suits them. Cats are also free to mingle, and mates are often taken between Clan lines. While the territory fights between StoneClan and CreekClan are tacitly agreed to have no outside influence, WhistleClan hasn't hesitated to aid CreekClan when SkyClan or ElmClan pushed their borders, and will stand up for CreekClan during gatherings, using their ties with SparkClan to amplify CreekClan's voice.
CreekClan's third largest border is with HeatherClan. While they tend to dislike HeatherClan's use of Crow mercenaries and currently are upset HeatherClan has taken their ally WhistleClan's territory, there are rarely clashes at this border. HeatherClan is much too strong for CreekClan, though there is historically talk of CinderClan and WhistleClan joining with SparkClan to try and bring the independent HeatherClan under their coalition, CinderClan's war with ElmClan has kept them from committing to the idea.
CreekClan shares a sliver of border with SkyClan. Usually SkyClan keeps to themselves and doesn't wander south far enough to care about expanding their border any further. Occasionally, when CliffClan and SnowClan encroach too far on their northern side, they will try and hunt CreekClan's forested sectors, but otherwise their relation is cordial.
The remainder of their border is with the Order of Honey. Because the Order is neutral, this border is protected by the Treaty of Granite and cannot be moved. CreekClan has opened their border to the river to the Order of Honey, which has garnered them goodwill with Order. TERRITORY CreekClan depends on the river and riparian zones around it for shelter and prey. The majority of their territory is floodplain forest, made of sturdy trees that can withstand floods and undergrowth that is constantly shifting from month to month as the old vegetation is washed out and younger plants sprout from the gaps. They have plenty of brambles and either quick-growing or hardy shrub. Ferns are extremely common undergrowth plant, as well as creeping ivy, mosses, and other water-tolerant species like iris, trout lily and lily-of-the-valley.
CreekClan's territory extends far enough north to claim the eastern bank of the rapids. This crossing zone is important and four clans lay claim to it: SkyClan and CreekClan on the eastern side (along with the Order of Honey, who can freely cross through CreekClan's claim) and StoneClan and CliffClan on the western bank. Because it is claimed by so many Clans, it is impossible to wage war over without angering all three, and so has largely become neutral territory.
Moving downstream is the Lush Meadow. While waterlogged most the year, in the heat of late July this meadow comes alive with herbs of all sorts. It is an important resource for healers, and CreekClan and StoneClan often fight for the meadow once the plants are ready to harvest. It is on the eastern bank, so CreekClan has an easier time defending it and also keeps hold of the land during the off-season, where it is often mushy and rather poor hunting ground.
The thickest bend of the river moves slowly, and is a great place for cats to learn how to swim or hunt larger fish. It is also home to the largest island, Heron's Rest, which is big enough to have several hardy cottonwood trees and its own undergrowth. A willow sits on the far end, trailing its drooping fronds into the water, which is filled with rocks perfect for sunning. Because this island is at the center of the river --indeed, closer to StoneClan's shore-- it is another place that is often fought over.
An inland landmark is the Arched Ash: a pair of trees whose trunks begin over two cat-lengths away, but then twist together overhead. This pair of trees is on WhistleClan's land, near where the thinnest portion of CreekClan territory that WhistleClan uses to access the river. Both Clans mingle at the Ash, and it is a good place for apprentices and mates to meet their allies and share prey. The trees are often said to be symbolic of CreekClan and WhistleClan's long-lasting alliance: like the trees, they have roots in different places but are still able to act as one tree. It is also said to be good luck if you meet your future mate under the shade of the trees, promising a life together as close as twined tails.
The last portion of CreekClan's territory is the marsh. This is the only place that CreekClan's land moves away from the river, and the cats tease that they can only go that far into the prairie because their paws stay wet the whole time. This marshy land is too wet for WhistleClan's taste, so they gifted it to CreekClan, where they use it to hunt ducks and other water fowl that prefer water's edge. Because their only border here is with WhistleClan, CreekClan doesn't ever patrol the marshes or mark borders there and only venture there occasionally to hunt, leaving them with more resources to spend towards their war with StoneClan and their tenser northern border length.
CAMP CreekClan's camp is, by necessity, on the tallest ridge in their territory. Because of the constant flooding, the Clan has settled in where the bloated river will never reach, even if that means they are further away from their Clan's lifeblood. Luckily, this ridge isn't too far from the river and it is still well within sight. Also by necessity, CreekClan's camp is well fortified. While StoneClan hasn't sieged their camp in generations, the constant tensions with their rival --and the fact that they can swim across the river and be inside CreekClan's camp within minutes and little warning-- leads them to constantly fortify their walls.
The camp is long and narrow, situated at the peak of the slope. A sheer rock face on both the north and south protects them from the raging river, and also from a direct attack from the river's banks. A secret trail leads directly up to camp, but is only known by the highest ranking members of the Clan and should only be used in emergencies. Other cats must go around and down the less steep paths to the east or west before they can reach the water's edge.
The walls are primarily woven out of reeds and cattails from the marshes in the southern part of the territory. Each fall, more stems are harvested and used to repair the walls. Thorns and bramble tendrils are also woven in at many places, including a thick bramble thicket at both the eastern and western entrances. The eastern entrance is used the most, and always has a guard, while the western entrance is more heavily fortified, but may not always have a guard placed there, since it is harder to access than the eastern side and is nearest to the warrior's den, making it impossible to invade without being surrounded.
Because the camp is on such a narrow rocky ridge, there aren't many large trees inside of camp to form a thick overstory. Shrub and bushes are plentiful, however, and a few smaller trees can survive in the thin soil: witch hazels, mulberries, dogwoods, and ash thrive, giving the cats plenty of shade and protection. Over the generations, CreekClan has pulled all the thornier plants from camp that enjoyed the sunlight, including the roses, briars, and brambles. Only a stubby hawthorn cluster remains, and most cats steer clear of the prickly shrubs to the north of the warrior's den, though those seeking privacy may dare the thorns. Bright clumps of tall grass lives in the sunny patches, while fern dominates the shade.
The dens themselves are also made of cattails and reeds, woven into the natural bushes and structures around the camp. The warrior's den is made of two witch hazel thickets, protected by more woven reeds and complete with a retractable roof made of a mat of thick rushes and fern fronds. In the winter, a frame of reeds is packed with snow to pull over the top of the den and keep the inside cozy; in the coldest days, the entire Clan could shelter here, with the vulnerable cats placed near the middle.
The elder's den is identical to the warrior's den, and has a similar retractable roof. However, the bush they reside in has long since died, and is now colonized by a honeysuckle vine that has pungent flowers in the summertime. The elder's den is quite roomy, and apprentices have been known to sneak in and sleep with the elders, as their den is much cozier.
When they aren't sneaking into the elder's den, the apprentices sleep in the space between a fallen log and a clump of fern beside the elder's den. There is some shelter in the form of a reed-mat lean-to, but the den can still be drafty and the apprentices are encouraged to weave their own windbreaks in their spare time --as practice for the repairs needed in camp once they are made warriors.
The Fox Tail is a large rock that stands like a spike in CreekClan's camp. An odd stone, red at the base and dark at the tip, gives the rock it's name. This is where the leader will make announcements. There is only room enough for one cat to sit at the pointed top, a place given to the guard that can use the perch to see across the entire camp.
The nursery resides on the back of the Fox Tail, nestled within the thick ivy sheets that creep up the shaded northern side. The stone is indented here with an overhang that protects the kits and queens underneath.
Lastly is the healer's quarters. Because the Order of Honey is so close, CreekClan doesn't always have a resident healer. When they do have one, however, they reside in a cave hanging from the southern cliffside. A series of deep ledges provides safe passage to the cavern, though injured cats are usually treated in the spacious elder's den while sick cats quarantine under a temporary den attached to the side of the western wall when needed. The southern cliffside overlooks the river and gets plenty of sunlight, and while it isn't a large cave, it has plenty of space for the healer to sleep and store herbs in the back ALLEGIANCES LEADER
Lilacstar - A golden she-cat with pale blue eyes. She has faint tabby markings that grow darker near her points, swirling through her white paws. She has long whiskers. DEPUTIES
Hemlockstep - A very dark brown tom with yellow eyes. His fur has small cream patches along his flanks and on the left side of his face. His front left paw is also the same off-white cream color. warriors
Swanfall - A bright white tom with amber eyes.
Ivywhisker - A grey tabby she-cat with solid pale grey dapples and yellow eyes. She has long whiskers and a keen sense of smell.
Wavepatch - A black and white tom with yellow eyes.
Scorchfeather - A russet ginger she-cat with grey eyes. She has white paws and a black spot over her right eye and ear.
Leafshine - A tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes. Her fur is dappled, with some of the ginger spots having distinct tabby markings and others faint; her brown patches are flecked with a darker shade.
Shrewtail - A lilac brown cat with green eyes. Their tail grows darker down the length until it becomes black at the tip. They have one darker ear. They have superb night vision and are a good climber.
Puddlestripe - A dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes. She looks like a grey tabby, but has ginger undertones to her fur and a cream stomach instead of the white of her paws. Her tail is ringed with grey tabby and cream and tipped with the sharp white.
Loudstream - A black tom with white flecked paws and dim green eyes. He has broad shoulders and a loud call; often a guard.
Troutheart - A silver tabby she-cat with eyes so dark, they appear black. She has long legs and thin paws unsuited for swimming, but long claws and quick instincts.
APPRENTICES Foxpaw - A solid grey tom with a silvery tail, white stomach, and yellow eyes.
Rushpaw - A solid grey tom with darker flecks and paws and faint tabby markings on his points. He has amber eyes.
Cloudypaw - A light grey she-cat with white dapples and amber eyes.
Riverpaw - A grey classic tabby she-cat with green eyes.
Galepaw - A black tom with a white stomach and front socks. He has yellow eyes.
QUEENS & KITS Goldenbriar - A lilac she-cat with seal points and a few bold tabby stripes down her spine. She has green eyes. A WhistleClan cat that chose to bear and raise her kits in CreekClan with Puddlestripe until they can choose which Clan to call home. Firekit - A large ginger tom with white toes and amber eyes. Tigerkit - A torbie she-cat with green eyes. She has a lilac base with ginger undertones, giving her a golden pelt. Dark tabby stripes boldly cut through her fur. Tawnykit - A brown tabby she-cat with a cream stomach and dapples of cream undertones. She has grey eyes. Applekit - A brown tabby tom with light yellow eyes. ELDERS Flowerstream - A blind white she-cat with grey tabby dapples and yellow eyes. FAMILY TREE First color of name is gender (pink=female; blue=male; green=nb; yellow=genderfluid) Second color of name is Clan affiliation
Flowerstream + Rabbitsong = Swanfall, Windstripe; Fleetpaw, Owlkit, Softkit Flowerstream + Twistedtail = Mallowflash, Wavepatch, Ivywhisker CinderClan she-cat + Mallowflash = Foxpaw, Rushpaw, Heronpaw Ivywhisker + ??? = Cloudypaw, Riverpaw Goldenbriar + Puddlestripe = Firekit, Tigerkit, Tawnykit, Applekit
Swanfall mentors Foxpaw Scorchfeather mentors Rushpaw Puddlestripe mentors Cloudypaw Loudstream mentors Riverpaw Troutheart mentors Galepaw
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:57:31 GMT -5
SNOWCLAN: the hardy SnowClan was born of blood and claws, and to this day, the hardy Clan must continue to carve out their borders and fight for what's theirs. Between the inhospitable climate, the steep mountain cliffs, and a variety of predators, SnowClan's territory, while small, is by far the most dangerous. Cats in SnowClan must practice caution in their daily routine, for even in their camp, danger arrives without warning.
Much of SnowClan has thick, warm pelts to weather the cold climate. There is also a large proportion of white- or light-furred cats to blend in with the snow, though greys and browns are also somewhat common. Blacks, dark greys, and calicos are rare. There is also a large proportion of cats with polydactyly in SnowClan: most of this line trace their roots to Snowclaw's blood.
Due to the danger of their Clan, apprentices are often trained longer than the average warrior in another Clan, sometimes not having a full name until 17-20 moons. Apprentices are not given a mentor, and are trained by the entire Clan equally, although some cats are better teachers and more likely to pick up training sessions than others.
Instead of warrior assessments, apprentices that wish to become warriors in full must complete the Trial of Snow: they pick a partner and must survive out in the mountains together for 14 suns. If they return, they are named warriors. If one dies, the other is shamed for their failure to protect their partner and may be banished to the Ocean's Shore. Apprentices that return before the 14 suns are over must complete at least another moon of training and usually choose a new partner before attempting the Trial again.
In SnowClan, cats choose a hunting and fighting partner, called a Pair or Duet. This is the cat that you finish the Trial with as an apprentice, and may or may not be a littermate. Usually, these cats are closer than mates and must be dedicated to the other's protection in battle. If a Duet is broken, by death or betrayal, the remaining cat usually does not leave camp until they can find another partner, and is given to the queens to help rear kits in the meantime. Upon finding a new partner, the two will spend time alone in the mountains in a small ritual like the Trial of Snow, to learn to trust each other, share deep secrets, and bond.
Because of the high mortality rate in SnowClan, queens are revered and are given more say in politics than any other. A queen that mothers many litters is considered blessed by the Aurora. The choice to become a permanent queen is esteemed and cats that choose this path do not need to complete the Trial of Snow; instead, they become assistants to the queens for the remainder of their apprenticehood and the queens must unanimously agree that they are worthy of the role before they are given a warrior name. It is lucky to be given a plant-based suffix, signifying growth, if this path is chosen.
While some SnowClan warriors may believe in StarClan and their warrior ancestors, they also place trust in Aurora, the Goddess of Light. They believe she watches over any cat whose paws are rooted in snow and have a cat known as the Skyseer who interprets the Goddess's messages. These can be cloud formations, but the truest signs are divined from the colors and shapes of the auroras over the Ocean.
StoneClan is strongly allied with WhistleClan
Though not so strongly that WhistleClan will go against SparkClan's interests. BORDERS SnowClan only shares its borders with two other Clans: SkyClan and CliffClan. The third border is the Boundless Ocean: a frigid body of water that is covered in ice most of the year, and seemingly has no end. Glacierpath, in the depths of winter, trekked for seventeen suns across the ice and did not find the edge of the world (see history: Glacierpath). This land is dangerous and impossible to hunt, so SnowClan does not consider it part of their territory much like SparkClan cannot feasibly claim the deep desert flats. Some worry that the Eclipse beasts may use the ice as a bridge from the Other, but so far, none have been found.
Their border with SkyClan is the longest, with the pacifist Clan wanting a path to the Ocean. Because SkyClan has a long history sponsoring SnowClan (see history: peace pact), SnowClan has allowed this, even giving SkyClan some of their lower peaks in exchange for healers. Historically, their border has been stable, and since SnowClan doesn't like descending from their mountains and SkyClan hesitates to take the time to climb them, there has been no reason for either Clan to break their peace. However, with the growing fanaticism with Aurora, some SnowClan cats want to push SkyClan out of their northern tundra and Ocean territories past the mountain ridges, claiming that the "StarClan-centered" Clan has no right to infringe on Aurora's sacred snows.
SnowClan's border with CliffClan might be narrow, only covering the width of the mountain range, but it is currently hotly contested in war. SnowClan claimed Crushstone Pass, the farthest south they've ever attempted to reach after breaking away from CliffClan at the start of the second Expansion.
TERRITORY CAMP SnowClan's camp is nestled in a flat scoop surrounded by higher mountain peaks. In the summer months, the camp is enclosed by two wide rivers made of snowmelt that come down from either side of the peaks and join as they flow further down the mountainside. The rest of the year, ice freezes over the water, leaving a wide valley without any barrier to the rest of the range.
The leftmost peak ("Aurora's Paw") is where one of the rivers ("Saber") originates. A waterfall breaks the ice in the pool below, which only completely freezes in the coldest days of the year. Tumbled boulders covered in ice guard the entrance to a small cave system, coveted for its protection from the worst blizzards. In the depths of winter come days where the nights are cold enough to kill, and the entire Clan crams into the safety of the caves and thanks Aurora for her protection. It is said that a cat would overstay their welcome with Aurora if they use the cave's shelter unnecessarily. The only exception is for Queens, who Aurora gives her comfort freely to, honoring their gift of life by offering her own womb.
The other cats must make do with the open air in the triangle formed by the mountains on two sides and the joined rivers on the third. The leader's den is in a dug-out chamber beneath a dark, flat slab of slate. The top is one of the first places to completely melt, and the dark stone is warm in the sun. The stone is positioned near the far back of camp, away from the rivers, and along with a rocky clearing to the left side, is an ideal place for the leader to make announcements. The acoustics of the area, enclosed on two sides by tall mountain peaks, allows any cat to project their voice from this location, and in times of danger, the leader can sound an alarm that reaches far across the territory.
The ice-coated boulders that guard Aurora's Womb also house the Skyseer. A narrow, claustrophobic tunnel deep into the ice leads to a small space where the Skyseer stays. It isn't large enough for more than one cat. Deep down here, the ice never thaws, and since the location is under Aurora's Paw, the cat that sleeps here is closest to her Heart. The Skyseer often sleeps in the day and stands vigil on the icy stones throughout the night, both to watch the sky for Aurora's signs, but also to guard the thin passage into the Womb.
Galewhisker - An older grey tabby she-cat with green eyes. Duet: Autumnripple [details] SKYSEER
Lucentgaze - An old, white tom with ginger markings and amber eyes. [details] CHOSEN
Powderstorm - A massive, fluffy white she-cat with one yellow eye and many scars. Duet: Mistlestone. [details] warriors
Stagblaze - A long-furred brown she-cat with heavy white spotting and amber eyes. Duet: None. [details] Blizzardtuft - A handsome long-furred white tom with black markings and amber eyes. Duet: Oceanfate. [details]Oceanfate - A midnight black tom with a white blaze on his chest and blue eyes. Duet: Blizzardtuft. [details]Cavernstripe - A long-furred cream tom with white paws and a darker stripe down his spine. Duet: Winterleap. [details] Fissurefleck - A long-furred cream tom with darker, light ginger flecks and a ringed tail. He has orange eyes. Duet: Snowfox. [details]Snowfox - Duet: FissurefleckMintfrost - Duet: HollyhopWinterleap - Duet: CavernstripeAutumnripple - Duet: GalewhiskerWildwind - Duet: Antlersnow APPRENTICES Bravepaw - A dark brown tabby she-cat with a white tail-tip and amber eyes. Once SkyClan. [details]Tempestpaw - A large golden tabby she-cat with silvery grey eyes. Polydactyl. [details]Coldpaw - A white tom with golden tabby splotches and desaturated green eyes. [details]Sweetpaw - A solid golden she-cat with soft green eyes. [details] Goldenpaw - A white tom with golden tabby points and grey eyes. Polydactyl. Deaf. [details] Lionpaw - A large, solid golden tom with amber eyes. Polydactyl. [details] Icypaw -Freezepaw -Chillpaw - Ravenpaw - A slight black cat with a white ring around their neck, chest, and tail. They have large amber eyes. [details] Quakepaw - A long-furred dark russet she-cat with white flecks and yellow eyes. Polydactyl. [details] QUEENS & KITS Sleetflower - A long-furred, dark grey toribie she-cat with amber eyes. She has cream dapples cut through with grey tabby markings. Sunnykit - A bright ginger she-cat with amber eyes. Larchkit - A grey tabby tom with amber eyes. Owlkit - A white she-cat with grey flecks and green eyes. Mistlestone - A grey she-cat with severe white spotting and pale blue eyes. Wolfkit - A grey dappled she-cat with amber eyes. Iciclekit - A white she-cat with pale blue eyes. Deaf. Bubblekit - A black tom with lighter tabby markings and orange eyes. Rainpoppy - A long-furred fawn she-cat with blue eyes. She has darker tabby markings on her points. Flurrykit - A fawn tom with seal points and green eyes. Slushkit - A black tom with white paws and hazel eyes. Hollyhop - A fluffy black she-cat with grey eyes. Antlersnow - A long-furred pale ginger tabby cat with amber eyes. Lunablossom - A long-furred silvery grey she-cat with yellow eyes and black flecks. ELDERS Echopath - A long-furred pale grey tom with silvery stripes and large, tufted ears. His eyes were once blue, but are now milky white with cataracts, rendering him nearly blind. [details] FAMILY TREE First color of name is gender (pink=female; blue=male; green=nb; yellow=genderfluid) Second color of name is Clan affiliation
Snowclaw: forging independence
SkyClan: Peace Pact
Glacierpath: a journey on the Ocean's ice. In January 46, a she-cat named Glacierswipe decided she would travel across the ice of the Ocean to find the Granite Edge. The Edge had been found on the shoreline, but the Boundless Ocean extended further, much like Endless Sands of SparkClan's desert: an anomaly when other land had ends. She spent the entire summer season hauling wood and building a sledge, since she knew there would be no prey out on the ice. Throughout the fall, she loaded the sledge with stones and hauled it back and forth across the beaches as the ice grew thicker and the weather colder. As prepared as she could be, Glacierswipe departed on January 3rd, 46. She used the stars as her guides, for the sun hardly rose this far north and was not an accurate compass. Glacierswipe, to the best of her ability, headed directly northwest: the deepest Ocean, the furthest she could go. Day after day she pulled her sledge. She grew more tired, but as her stock of prey diminished, the sledge grew lighter and so she continued, onward until the moon rose on the 17th night, when the largest storm hit. Glacierswipe had weathered storms before on her journey, having built a ledge to shelter beneath on her sledge. She would pile snow --there was always plenty snow-- and create her own bank, so that the sledge's ramp would provide shelter from the biting wind and piercing snow. This storm was different, she felt it in her bones. This storm said: "turn back now" and "you should not be here." Glacierswipe, having lived in SnowClan's dangerous hills her entire life and weathered 17 suns alone on the barren ice, thanked StarClan for the warning and, as soon as the blizzard passed and she could dig out the sledge, turned back home. The storm had lasted two days. She returned 19 suns later, reporting her journey, the storm, and the lack of Edges on the ice plains. She also spoke of the wonderful Auroras that guided her home, easing her loneliness and lighting her pawsteps. She was given the name Glacierpath in honor of the journey she made, as well as her commitment to following the Aurora's path home.
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:57:46 GMT -5
CINDERCLAN: adaptable CinderClan, named for the many wildfires that rage across their dry grasslands, must be adaptable to survive in their ever-changing environment. Their cats are known for being the toughest cats in the east. Only CliffClan can contest CinderClan's warriors' endurance.
But that isn't all: while CinderClan cats can weather any hardship their inhispitable territory throws at them, they certainly don't want to face all their troubles head-on. CinderClan's leaders are canny and intellegent, always seeking to mitigate potential hazards before they can pose a threat to the Clan.
A unique role blossomed from this ideal: the Advisor. Working beneath the deputy, this cat (or more often, pair of cats) is responsible for evaluating any possible dangers the Clan might face in the upcoming moon, as well as making evacuation plans and drills. The cat chosen for this role must be detail-focused and creative enough to think of all possible scenarios, but not so prone to worry that they overprepare or make overly complex solutions to simple problems. The Advisor is usually a senior warroior.
CinderClan is truly nomadic and their Clan rarely remains in the same camp for more than two or three seasons. Mostly because fire destroys their camp before then! CinderClan is constantly on the move and while they do tend to go back to previous camp locations after the fires have moved on, the landscape the blazes leave behind is never quite the same as new plants and shrubs grow in the ashes of the old. During fire season or in times of drought, the Clan splits into smaller, fragmented communities that have an easier time keeping safe and fed when multiple, small fires smolder around the territory.
CinderClan cats are of eastern blood and retain the lithe, sleek bodies of their ancestors. Many have narrowed or almond-shaped eyes. They tend to have tufted ears and cheeks, with old families having tufted paws and tail-tips too. Other than their tufts, CinderClan cats are nearly always short-furred. Dilute cats are very common, with greys and tortoiseshells being the most common pelts.
They are more willing to take mates outside of their Clan, especially with the other Petals, but also with ElmClan and SkyClan after the second expansion. CinderClan views itself as part of SparkClan and retains attachment to their parent Clan more than HeatherClan does (but perhaps slightly less than WhistleClan, who still gives most of their prey to SparkClan).
ALLIES and ENEMIES BORDERS TERRITORY CinderClan's territory is separated into four Districts: Stonespine, Arborstead, Ashbleak, and Owlwatch. Each quadrant has internal borders and each can be patrolled daily; they are designed to function as independent territories within CinderClan, as while CinderClan has a larger territory than many Clans their size, typically one or two Districts are inhospitable due to current or smoldering fires.
Stonespine is the District in the northeast, along the SparkClan border, where the territory rises in elevation and becomes stonier. Stonespine rarely burns, having sparser vegetation than the other three Districts, and so it's camp is more developed than the others and serves as a more permanent fallback. Prey is also much more sparse in Stonespine and herbs practically nonexistent, so CinderClan only moves their entire strength to this District as a last resort.
Arborstead occupies the far western border of the territory along the ElmClan border, where pine or oak barrens provide some canopy cover. This is CinderClan's most treasured hunting ground, but is the second most likely to burn as wind can blow embers from both Ashbleak and Owlwatch into the barrens.
Ashbleak is ravaged by near constant fire. The northern savannah is a large, open swath of land that is characterized by low hills and rich soil. Even a single season without fire will turn Ashbleak from a blackened, dead land to one teeming with life. The grasses grow so quickly a cat can watch them in real time.
Owlwatch is the last district, consisting of the plains to the south along the HeatherClan border. The HeatherClan border moves with the flames, as HeatherClan has no interest hunting in the ash-covered landscape, but skirmishes between the two can break out once the territory recovers. Owlwatch has some brush cover with some scattered trees, reminiscent of HeatherClan's territory.
CAMP CinderClan is nomadic and does not have any true camps. ALLEGIANCES LEADER Hollystar - A very dark grey molly with ginger streaks and amber eyes.
DEPUTY Fenneldusk - A white tom with cream markings and grey eyes. ADVISORS Bonehawk - A white molly with a black spot on her nose and copper eyes.
Mousepool - A grey molly with yellow eyes. WARRIORS Ashenpool - A grey shaded ticked tabby tom with violet eyes.Hazelbranch - A chocolate tom with a darker stripe down his spine and blue eyes.Grassfang - A dark grey point tom with blue eyes.Harrierswoop - A lilac cat with yellow eyes.Basaltflight - A very dark grey tom with amber eyes. White tail tip. [details]Quiverfeather - A silver molly with green eyesStrikedust - A grey smoke tom with blue eyes. Good strategistFlintraven - A silver and grey molly with hazel eyes.Petalflare - A white and grey dappled molly with amber eyes.Jasperfrost - A ginger classic tabby tom with grey eyes.Pythonrain - A black tabby tom with orange eyes.Twilightfrost - A white and cream smoke molly with green eyes. APPRENTICES Heronpaw - A long-furred white and grey smoke tom with yellow eyes.
Windpaw - A white tom with ginger ticked tabby markings and green eyes.
Flashpaw - A dark grey molly with a white tail-tip and amber eyes.
Rosepaw - A lilac molly with faint mackerel tabby markings and green eyes.
Glowpaw - A pale ginger tom with darker ginger mottling and blue eyes.
QUEENS & KITS Jetsight - A white molly with grey ears, a dark grey mask, and bold, blue eyes. Agatekit - A dilute calico molly with blue eyes. Seedkit - A grey smoke tom with a white underbelly and grey eyes.
Tamarackfur - A chocolate tom with bright orange eyes. Nursery queen. ELDERS Flakesoot - A lilac spotted tabby molly with dark green eyes.
Glasstrail - A white and silver tabby molly with green eyes. Created a long time ago.
FAMILY LINES First color of name is gender (pink=female; blue=male; green=nb; yellow=genderfluid) Second color of name is Clan affiliation
= Tamarckfur, Fenneldusk Whisperflight + Jumpsong = Sumacfoot; Driftwing, Grassfang, Mossears Muddywing + Harrierswoop = paw, paw, paw Mallowflash + Grassfang = Huronpaw, Foxpaw, Rushpaw = Obsidianfur, Mousepool, Basaltflash
Thicketsnarl + Basaltflash = Star-once-Sootkit, Flashpaw, Rosepaw, Glowpaw Earthfang + Tamarackfur = Cavernsun, Hazelbranch, Buzzardspine Tamarackfur = Thunderleaf Trembleyew + Ashenpool = Antpelt, Ratleap Jetsight + Jasperfrost = Seedkit, Agatekit
Fenneldusk/Thunderleaf related Twistertooth can have an elder sibling/cousin Brightclover
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:58:14 GMT -5
HEATHERCLAN: the swift HeatherClan's cats are the fastest in the Granite Circle. They are long-legged and nimble, perfectly built for chasing prey across their open savannah. Many HeatherClan cats are short furred, with a thicker "mane" around their neck and chest. They have tall, triangular ears. Cinnamon and fawn coloration are common, as are ticked and spotted tabbies.
HeatherClan lives in SparkClan's old heartland. They look down on SparkClan for hiding away from the Circle's politics and see themselves as the true successors of SparkClan's history: HeatherClan's policy has grown more aggressive since the second expansion and while they haven't quite been brave enough to cede from SparkClan directly, they have begun stealing territory from their neighboring Petals and supposed allies, CinderClan and WhistleClan.
The cats of HeatherClan value pride and nobility, holding the Code and Starpacts in high regard. They are close with the Order of Crows and often have a group of mercenaries posted in their camp, half-jokingly called the "Eastern Nest" by the other Crows. Historically, HeatherClan was the training grounds and source of new blood for SparkClan's Jeweled Claws, but recently their cats have been choosing to give their claws to the Crows instead, causing growing tensions with SparkClan.
ALLIES and ENEMIES BORDERS TERRITORY HeatherClan's territory consists of rolling hills, tall grasses, and very little else. Of all the Clans in the Circle, HeatherClan's is the most homogenous, with little variation in the landscape. It's easy to get lost in their featureless territory, where hillsides obscure the horizon and each slope looks identical to the next. There are few well-trod trails too, as HeatherClan's cats prefer to make their own way, using their height, speed and knowledge of the terrain to path directly to their destination.
CAMP HeatherClan lives on the top of a hill, sheltered within a massive statue of the Patron Sol. Yes, a statue. Sol lies curled around the hill's peak, his white marble back facing west, blocking the wind and creating a sheltered cove for HeatherClan's cats to mingle and relax. Flaming fur made of red, yellow, and black glass wraps a mane around Sol's neck, reflecting the setting sun and casting a flaming light into the clearing. The statue is easily visible from within HeatherClan's heartland.
A sentry perch sits atop the statue's head, giving a guard a wonderful vantage of the hills surrounding the camp. Pawholds make a stairway up Sol's neck, leading to the flat perch. The stairs are slippery when wet, so early morning guards and those climbing in the rain must be careful not to slip--it's a long fall with only sharp glass at the bottom.
The statue's head is far too tall to make announcements from: instead, the leader uses Sol's right shoulder. A small, smooth room made of glass, hidden inside Sol's mane, lies behind this perch, where the leader sleeps and can talk privately.
In the curve of Sol's stomach there's a long but narrow tunnel formed from the statue's stony fur, creating a warm space safe from the rain and wind and impenetrable from the outside. In the center of the tunnel is the nursery, while the apprentices take the end closest to the statue's hind legs and the elders nest near the entrance by Sol's front legs. If there are kits present, at least one elder and apprentice must always be in camp to stand guard.
Sol's curved front paws are staggered; the shelf made from his right paw under his left shoulder is wide and flat, a perfect place for cats to socialize and relax in the warm sun. This is also where patrols are organized and where apprentices can find their mentors. Cats call this space the Ledge.
Where the crease of the Ledge meets the statue's body is a small chamber. There's just enough space for one nest, two if the cats don't mind being close, but the real treasure is the pair of shelves that encircle the space. This is where HeatherClan keeps their herbs. They rarely have a standing healer of their own, relying heavily on their proximity to the Order of Honey.
Warriors of HeatherClan have no defined den. There are plenty of shrubs and shelters for them to choose from and each group of cats tends to find their own den to tidy up. HeatherClan warriors take great pride in their den-building and many spend their free time making improvements to their dens. It's a bit of a friendly contest within the Clan to have the nicest den and denmates are meticulously chosen. ALLEGIANCES LEADER DEPUTY HEALERS WARRIORS Aldersnap -Hillshock -Valleynight -Quailfoot -Doestream -Termitesneeze -Periwinklefall -Astertail - Snailrush -Featherchaser - A long-furred black classic tabby molly with copper eyes. [details]
Drizzlebloom -
Shiningflash -
Petrichorgleam - Created
Larchstream - - APPRENTICES QUEENS & KITS Chicorybreeze -
Silverroot -
Kildeerthroat - ELDERS Bloomshaper - A title not a name
Hazelstripe - FAMILY LINES First color of name is gender (pink=female; blue=male; green=nb; yellow=genderfluid) Second color of name is Clan affiliation
Kildeerthroat + Raptorblossom = Windypaw, Brightestpaw = Burrowpelt, Batheart (Spark) Leafdusk + Canyonfeather = Crowfire, Larchstream = Moorpaw, Yarrowpaw, Thimblepaw
Spark + Heather = Skydapple, ??? n
WhistleClan names: Cloverstump - Reedglade - Bergamotfeather - Phloxstrike -
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:58:39 GMT -5
WHISTLECLAN: the playful If there ever were a territory that could be mistaken for StarClan's hunting grounds, it would be WhistleClan's verdant meadows. Unlike CinderClan's dry savannah or HeatherClan's hills, WhistleClan's plains are low lying and wet, full of herbs and prey alike.
WhistleClan's bounty was the Circle's best kept secret after the first expansion. It was with the help of their productive lands that SparkClan's population boomed, allowing them to expand into all the plainlands without competition, and WhistleClan's excess prey still sustains SparkClan's current numbers. Of the three Petals, SparkClan has the closest hold on WhistleClan and treats the meadows like an extension of their own territory.
Even hunting for two Clans (and often sharing their excess with their ally, CreekClan) a WhistleClan warrior's day is peaceful. The only major threats are the occasional large bird, venomous snakes (which they do have many species of, and lots of) and rarely an Eclipse Beast that makes it through SparkClan's buffer zone.
They value living slowly and finding joy in everything they do. A WhistleClan cat isn't likely to start a fight and they are a relatively peaceful Clan. They see HeatherClan as their rivals, however, and look down on them for distancing themselves from SparkClan.
WhistleClan cats aren't as lithe or quick as the other Eastern cats; they don't need to be. They specialize in ambush hunting and fishing in the many open ponds scattered around their wet meadows. WhistleClan cats are the only Clan to have rounded features and short tails. There are a lot of black/white bicolor cats in their Clan. They also have a rather high proportion of cats with heterochromatic eyes.
ALLIES and ENEMIES BORDERS TERRITORY CAMP ALLEGIANCES LEADER DEPUTY HEALERS WARRIORS APPRENTICES QUEENS & KITS ELDERS FAMILY LINES First color of name is gender (pink=female; blue=male; green=nb; yellow=genderfluid) Second color of name is Clan affiliation
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 16:59:27 GMT -5
the ORDER of HONEY Order of Honey: Healers, Messengers, and Interpreters of Dreams
ELDERS FAMILY LINES First color of name is gender (pink=female; blue=male; green=nb; yellow=genderfluid) Second color of name is Clan affiliation
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 17:00:32 GMT -5
the ORDER of CROWS Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, Enforcers of the Code
ALLIES and ENEMIES BORDERS TERRITORY CAMP ALLEGIANCES CROWS OWLS CHICKADEES APPRENTICES FAMILY LINES First color of name is gender (pink=female; blue=male; green=nb; yellow=genderfluid) Second color of name is Clan affiliation
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 17:01:49 GMT -5
the ORDER of WOLVES Clanless, Codeless, a growing threat
ALLIES and ENEMIES BORDERS TERRITORY CAMP ALLEGIANCES HEART MIND SOUL VOICE WOLVES CUBS QUEENS FAMILY TREE First color of name is gender (pink=female; blue=male; green=nb; yellow=genderfluid) Second color of name is Clan affiliation
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 17:02:44 GMT -5
ECLIPSE BEASTS ABOUT HISTORY STRAINS MUTATIONS CODEX: known beasts S+ S A B C D F UNIQUE BEASTS First color of name is gender (pink=female; blue=male; green=nb; yellow=genderfluid) Second color of name is Clan affiliation
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 17:03:01 GMT -5
Bonus save
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 17:03:17 GMT -5
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 17:04:50 GMT -5
okay, that's enough saves for me! Time to populate this place and get some layouts up. I might end up pushing things down if the timelines get too big and I need to do some shifting, but two saves should be enough space to let me feel comfortable (and I can take this as a save too if I'm desperate)
Other than that, it's open! If you've been following this over on post-its, feel free to post your thoughts here and help me build this place up from the ground~
Post by Brownie on Jul 12, 2022 17:37:04 GMT -5
mk all the old lore and two Clans that were made are copypasta'd in, time to get layout stuff done and some of the general history. I don't want to write TOO much because I want to have flexibility to add to it with each Clan made, let their customs influence the history and let history influence their customs, make it organic and let them have reason to make the choices they do. So I'll leave a lot of gaps in the history, but make a framework that they can use to grow like little tomatoes
Post by Deleted on Jul 14, 2022 0:46:07 GMT -5
Wow! You must have put a lot of thought into storytelling and plot! I could never do this! Hope this gets more attention
Post by Brownie on Jul 14, 2022 16:06:17 GMT -5
yo thanks, I do try haha and anyone can do something like this, you just have to start somewhere. the #world link in my sig is the game over on misc where this started and would be the place to try out making your own Clans if you'd ever want to try it out yourself! it's super fun and low pressure (tho since I made a new thread for this, now I have to code something to make it look pretty..)
Post by Brownie on Jul 15, 2022 19:55:13 GMT -5
SkyClan is like, quarter of the way formatted. Pain in the butt tho, so it might take me a few passes to finish that up. I think I like the coding tho, it works fine for my needs here and everything should be organized. ik the blocks of text look a bit... gross with this large of text size, but I struggle to read smaller text on screens sometimes so I'd rather keep it large for easy visibility instead of making it tiny for the Aesthetics
Post by Brownie on Jul 18, 2022 17:48:52 GMT -5
SkyClan formatted except for allegiances. Which is probably over half the work but I feel accomplished so far. I'm not a fan of how the territory/camp sections are, but they're acceptable for now. Hard to make blocks of text like that more readable tbh. And the family tree isn't quite done either, got a lot of work to do on those, but I don't want to do more until I flesh out some other Clans and families first, so gaps are good.
Post by Brownie on Jul 20, 2022 20:59:22 GMT -5
Formatting is done. Wowzers. Since this page is going to be long, PLEASE PLEASE use the jump links at the time I took the time to put them in please use them thank you. I have a doc now that I pasted the raw formatting so I can just change the colors which will be super helpful. the only annoying thing will be adding more headers in allegiances but that isn't too bad.