Post by Rainstorm1026 on Dec 27, 2019 0:00:57 GMT -5
My theory is that Sorrelstripe's kits are half clan.
My reasoning?
1) At no point has the father been mentioned. This is rather unusual, since at this point in the series the allegiances have always listed the father of the kits. Unless it's the sisters, who don't care. Maybe not always but at least reasonably often. 2) This is at a time when breakers of the code (codebreakers) are becoming a point of serious discussion. A thunderclanner breaking the code in such a serious way would be rather pertinent to the plot. 3) Sorrelstripe is Fernsong's sister and Bristlefrost's aunt. We have no reason to believe that Bristlefrost wouldn't trust and respect this cat, and if she is caught and outed, it might cause her to doubt her ideals when she sees a cat whom she's close kin with and whom she's known and related to be brutally bunished by Bramblewrong (cooined by Moonkitti)
This is a little less solid, but it's interestign to note that one of the plot relevant quotes is a cat from another clan mentioning ThunderClan names are strange and response to learning Baypaw and Myrtlepaw's name, which might make a bit of irony later if they're not all ThunderClan.
Post by Deleted on Dec 27, 2019 0:07:42 GMT -5
This is a solid theory. I can get behind it. Who are some options for the father?
Post by Deleted on Dec 27, 2019 3:11:10 GMT -5
It would be really cool if they did this, it would show that some actual forethought went into this arc. but I kind of doubt it, especially if Kate doesn't know who he is, and didn't she say that she had no idea at one point? like im sure someone asked and she was like idk, instead of wait and see
Post by alphayamergo on Dec 27, 2019 7:03:21 GMT -5
I personally assume everyone we don't know the paternity of is half-Clan. It just adds more diversity. For example, I like to think Greystripe's father is from ShadowClan, because, if nothing else, it means Feathertail and Stormfur have heritage from all five Clans.
Post by Hawkflower on Dec 27, 2019 8:52:11 GMT -5
I really like this theory. alphayamergo Do you think diversity is a good thing in the Clans? I feel like it takes away the individuality of that Clan, since they have their own set of characteristics and specialties. On the other hand, I like seeing half-Clan relationships and how they play out when it’s against these code.
Post by Smokyyy on Dec 27, 2019 15:29:35 GMT -5
This is a solid theory. I can get behind it. Who are some options for the father? Jake. Jake is everyone's father.
Post by Deleted on Dec 27, 2019 15:46:18 GMT -5
I REALLY like this theory. If the father was a WindClan cat, would the kits be more WindClan, or more ThunderClan? Imagine if it's Harestar
Post by Fernshiine on Dec 27, 2019 17:03:28 GMT -5
OOOOOOOOOOH. This is a good theory. Remember the days where it was just up to the she-cat if she wanted to reveal who the father was (other than Mapleshade)? Even if they were given harsh looks and accusing statements they didn't have to disclose the father.
Post by scint on Dec 27, 2019 17:16:52 GMT -5
Honestly, I've been thinking about this since it was revealed that Sorrelstripe has kits. Initially my theory was that her kits were fathered by a tom in the rogue group mentioned in SqH's blurb when it was first released, but clearly the rogue group proved otherwise. I would like to see this happen, if the father isn't someone like Mousewhisker or Molewhisker (it probably is though).
Post by Mistybreeze on Dec 27, 2019 18:59:34 GMT -5
Sorrelstripe having kits came out of left field for me. She appeared maybe twice in AVS and there was absolutely no hint at a possible romance. Now I don't need three books of development for a background romance, but give us something Erins! A passing comment like "Sorrelstripe and X are sharing a mouse" or something similar would have sufficed. But we got nothing.
Her mate is most likely Molewhisker or Stormcloud, but a forbidden romance is certainly possible. But the question is who could it possibly be? A rando from RC or WC seems pretty unlikely, especially if this will evolve into a major plot point. That leaves us with just ShC or SkC.
Dewspring is a pretty good candidate. He hasn't shown interest in anyone, he's a major character which heightens the impact, and he's Rootpaw's mentor. Imagine what that would do to Rootpaw, who is trying to get over his own forbidden crush. It could even be used as a device to push RootxBristle forward. My money is on Dewspring. We'd definitely see Twig and Fin's reactions too.
I suppose it could be a rando from ShC or SkC, since both have a POV and we would see the fallout from both Clans' perspectives.