Post by cappuccinokitty on Dec 13, 2019 15:58:44 GMT -5
Well, I have a few. I dislike Dovewing, Lionblaze is boring af, Squirrelflight and Leafpool don’t deserve hate, Hollyleaf was boring until the Ashfur drama, Alderheart is also boring af I hate Spottedleaf, Ivypool is a queen Greystripe is overrated sorry Skyclan is unnecessary (but I like Hawkwing) Redtails debt was so disappointing
Post by springfoot on Dec 13, 2019 17:20:11 GMT -5
I dislike bluestar, Ashfur is a cr*p villain, Briarlight is overrated That’s all I can think of now, but I feel like I have more
Post by Deleted on Dec 13, 2019 17:49:17 GMT -5
Even after quitting Warriors and coming back (and I'm still kicking myself for this), these opinions of mine about Warriors will never change:
Needletail is one of the worst characters in my opinion. I still believe Mistystar had good reasons to close down her borders. Firestar is still one of my favorite characters. To me, the Clans merging together as one doesn't seem like a good idea. I still think Star Flower manipulated Clear Sky. Breezepelt's redemption was half-hearted. Tigerheart's Shadow is one of the worst Warriors books (the series has started getting stale to me, but this one is a stinker). Yellowfang was actually cool before the later arcs. Mapleshade's Vengeance was a complete clustercuss, with many characters not being likable there (Frecklewish, Ravenwing, Appledusk, Oakstar, and Mapleshade herself).
Post by Deleted on Dec 13, 2019 18:22:47 GMT -5
Onestar will always be my least favorite character ever I don't think I'll ever like Jayfeather, Crowfeather, Blossomfall, or Hollyleaf Brackenfur will always be my favorite character ever Tawnypelt is a little overrated I believe that SkyClan has just as much right to be around the lake as everyone else Mudclaw wasn't that bad, and I think he would have made a decent leader Tigerheartstar and Bramblestar get too much hate
Post by Aspenwing on Dec 13, 2019 19:49:03 GMT -5
To me, the Clans merging together as one doesn't seem like a good idea. honestly if this ever happens i think it'll be the point where i give up on the series tbh my unchanging opinions are: graystripe is best needletail is horrible and i hate her jayfeather is annoying, and his grumpiness is just boring now
Post by Deleted on Dec 13, 2019 19:56:10 GMT -5
To me, the Clans merging together as one doesn't seem like a good idea. honestly if this ever happens i think it'll be the point where i give up on the series tbh my unchanging opinions are: graystripe is best needletail is horrible and i hate her jayfeather is annoying, and his grumpiness is just boring now Yep. I don't mind the Clans working together every once in a while, but to be honest, wild animals that group together will want to ensure the survival of their group.
I do not think, therefore I am not.
Post by mrnnki on Dec 13, 2019 20:27:51 GMT -5
I like Bramblestar. It's one of those "I can't let him go, what is wrong with me--?" attachments.
Bluestar was either boring and stereotypical or annoying depending on when you're reading.
TPB would've been a million times better if Firestar wasn't the only POV. To add onto that, Firestar is/was mind-numbingly boring.
StarClan would've been better if their existence was ambiguous. It would give characters actual motivation and prophecies could be self-fulfilling or even flat out wrong.
After he was captured, Graystripe never should've come back.
Dovewing is annoying.
Post by Hawkflower on Dec 13, 2019 21:13:25 GMT -5
Some of my favorite characters are Dovewing, Hollyleaf, Feathertail Crookedstar, Lionheart, and Jayfeather.
I like Needlefail and I think she is a great complex character.
I think Finleap and Twigbranch are an interesting pair; I like relationships that have real issues and are not black and white, and characters working through those issues.
TNP is my favorite arc.
Post by Skypaw13 on Dec 13, 2019 21:20:22 GMT -5
The family drama in Po3 was far better than the prophecy, and if the series was to be rewritten, the prophecy should be scrapped entirely in favor of the family drama, not the other way around.
On a similar note, Po3 is my favorite series, and likely always will be.
Jayfeather is best cat in the Po3-OotS era. He's sort of annoying now, but because I don't really in my heart consider anything after TLH canon, he'll always be best cat. Blatant cherry-picking you say? Nah.
The three losing their powers was never a good idea. There was literally no reason for it other than to actually give Dovewing some conflict six books too late, and we're seeing the negative effects of Jay and Lion losing theirs now in TBC (except that's not actually acknowledged at all because what arc 3 and 4 protagonists? We only see arc 2 cats as important around here). Like actually, this book is what made me stop considering everything after this point canon.
Let go of the arc 2 protagonists already. Give Jayfeather and Lionblaze their time in the only-slightly-important roles that they never got, give Ivypool the same, and then give Alderheart, Twigbranch, and Violetshine theirs as well. The OotS cats minus Dovewing went from protagonists to complete background with no in between (same with the AVoS cats), while Squirrelflight and Bramblestar are still getting considerable attention. Why?
Well this was rambly. My bad.
Post by scarletflames on Dec 14, 2019 15:42:43 GMT -5
-While I dislike many of Breezepelt’s actions and don’t like all the choices he made, he’s one of my favorite characters and I feel sympathy for him growing up in a dysfunctional family and getting manipulated by the Dark Forest. - Ivypool is one of my favorite characters and despite the fact she sometimes reacted immaturely to her jealousy as an apprentice, I felt sympathy for because of how much the others’ seemed to favor Dovewing. Like with Breezepelt, I understand how the Dark Forest was able to manipulate her. - I haven’t finished CT, but I’ll never forgive Crowfeather for his past parenting of Breezepelt. I may grow to like and sympathize with Crowfeather despite this, however. - Lionblaze is my favorite of the 3 and I thought his POV as an apprentice was the most interesting. -I like Hollyleaf after Sunrise (but will never fully get past the deathberries scene), but thought her POV before Sunrise was boring and liked her the least out of her siblings, especially her obsession with the Warrior Code. -I hate Ashfur and believe he deserved the Dark Forest. The only way my mind can ever change is if the Erins make him apologize to his victims and confess he was manipulated by Hawkfrost/the Dark Forest... which I doubt the Erins will do. (I also disagreed with the whole “he loved too much”.) -Despite Bramblestar’s flaws, he’s one of my favorite characters. -I believe Rainflower was abusive and all around awful. Her behavior reminded me of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I hate her even more than Ashfur-I think she takes my most hated character in the series spot. -I thought Tallstar’s father was petty, childish and immature towards Tallstar. I didn’t understand why Tallstar grieved so much for a father who behaved so poorly towards him tbh. -Shadowclan is my favorite clan -Tawnypelt should have become Tawneystar -Graystripe was an awful friend in Fire and Ice and didn’t deserve to be deputy later on -I dislike SilverxGray and highly prefer MilliexGray -I hate CrowxFeather. Especially since even Stormfur reminded Feathertail of Stonefur and Silverstream dying and the dangers of forbidden relationships and Feathertail completely brushed him off! I thought it was a pretty selfish attitude Feathertail had towards Stormfur’s concern considering especially what happened with Stonefur... -I still ship LeafxCrow and wish them to be together in Starclan
Post by Dancing_Totodile on Dec 16, 2019 11:05:07 GMT -5
Onestar will always be my least favorite character ever I don't think I'll ever like Jayfeather, Crowfeather, Blossomfall, or Hollyleaf Brackenfur will always be my favorite character ever Tawnypelt is a little overrated I believe that SkyClan has just as much right to be around the lake as everyone else Mudclaw wasn't that bad, and I think he would have made a decent leader Tigerheartstar and Bramblestar get too much hate I agree with almost all of these.
Name Colour
Warrior Fanatic
*reads books in a corner*
Post by *Ravenpaw* on Dec 16, 2019 19:49:37 GMT -5
I don't like the Three from POT and OOTS. Despite how the Erins write them, Squirrelflight and Bramblestar are still my favorite characters. TNP is my favorite warrior cats series. I don't think I'll ever like Needletail.