Post by plaggy on Dec 8, 2019 21:10:32 GMT -5
With the confirmation that this SE is indeed about Graystripe but taking place during TBC i can see two things happening..
1. Graystripe will be persecute by FakeBramble for falling in love with a Riverclan cat and switching clans and will force him to be loyal to him. He will see FakeBramble continue to do bad things and have this conflict wether keep his vow or go against FakeBramble.
2. Graystripe will eventually find the truth about FakeBramble and his vow is about protect the cats who are currently persecuted.
Also expect to have nostalgic moments of him and Firestar, his first love and kits.
On the other hand this gives me hope that this arc wont end with the intense stuff concluding in the third book with the rest of the books pretty much meh.
Post by Jaysnow on Dec 9, 2019 18:39:59 GMT -5
-Graystripe finds out someone is possessing Bramblestar near the beginning of the Super Edition -Graystripe's Vow is that he promises to unveil the truth before he dies -Graystripe dies a very heroic death near the end of the book, the final chapters are him dying and rejoining his lost loved ones in StarClan -Graystripe dies fighting Bramblestar, that or he is ambushed by him with the purpose of being silenced -Graystripe is exiled during the book -Graystripe is old. He's an elder, and is probably reminiscent of old times, so we will probably see many important moments with him from the series through flashbacks -Graystripe's Vow prologue takes place during the original series
Like you, this SE gives me hope that the stuff with Impostor Bramblestar will continue past the third book, which makes me really happy. It seems like the editorial team is learning from their mistakes.
Post by alphayamergo on Dec 9, 2019 20:27:29 GMT -5
The prologue will be one of four things: meeting Firestar, meeting Silverstream, being made deputy or his POV of the two deputies thing in The Sight.
It will end with him reuniting with either Firestar, Silverstream or Millie as they lead him to StarClan. If the prologue is him meeting Firestar, then it'll be Firestar who leads him to StarClan. If it's meeting Silverstream then it'll be Silverstream. If it's the two deputies thing it'll be Millie. Millie and Silverstream might come together.
The editors will forget that he had more than one litter, or at most will only make a few token mentions of one litter. It'll probably be Feathertail and Stormfur that get forgotten about.