Glitch in Humanity (short horror)
Mar 12, 2019 21:10:09 GMT -5
~Sapphire~, infernoMarshmallow, and 1 more like this
Post by 🍁Searipple101🍁 on Mar 12, 2019 21:10:09 GMT -5
For the best horror experience, read with the lights off and alone.
So, I’m not entirely sure if this is the place to share my story, but a friend of mine suggested I try it here. If anyone experienced the same thing, or something similar, please, let me know. I need to know I’m not the only one who saw this thing.
Okay, to start off, I work the night shift at a bar in my town. It’s a local place in a decent sized town, not huge but also big enough to be considered a small city to some. Anyway, this means that there are usually people out and about at all hours, although, still not too many during the later night hours.
I was closing up the bar the night this happened, two weeks ago, actually. The last patron had just gotten an uber, after I insisted that he not try to walk home drunk. I, on the other hand, was fully prepared to make the trek. My apartment is only four blocks from where I work, so even in the frigid air, I was prepared to save on gas and walk to and from work every day. Only when it was heavily raining or snowing did I actually drive. This night, it was cold, but I had my thick jacket and gloves.
I locked up the front door to the bar, after making sure everyone was actually out and that the place was decently cleaned up for whomever was opening in the morning. Like usual, I turned and began the short walk back home, gloves hands shoved in my pockets. No snow fell, but my breath still billowed in front of my face with each breath I took, showing just how cold it was outside.
I walked along normally for all about two minutes before I realized something; nobody else was out, and it was eerily quiet. Now, it made sense that most people didn’t want to be outside in the cold at 1 in the morning, but there were usually at least one or two other people wandering about. Even the one homeless guy, Marv, wasn’t on his usual bench. A little side note, Marv and I got along pretty well, and I often times would give him a few bucks in tips from work so he could buy himself some food, and we would usually chat for a few minutes about life. I had the money in my pocket ready for him, but he wasn’t around. I glanced around, wondering if maybe he had actually found a place to haul up for the night. I hoped so with a small smile, not wanting the poor man to be out in this cold any more than he had to.
Since he wasn’t there, I just continued my walk, going only about one more block – making me half way from home at this point – when I turned the corner to see a lone man standing there in the middle of the sidewalk. He was probably 20 yards ahead of me, standing with his right side to me and facing out to look at the other side of the street and directly under a dim street light.
Okay, weird, I thought. But I kept walking, getting progressively closer to this strange guy. I figured he might be another drunk man, or maybe he was waiting for an uber or something. But when I got closer, I noticed something really weird. He wasn’t wearing a coat, or any clothes for the cold weather. Instead, he looked to be wearing a business type suit, black with dress pants and really nice shoes. However, he wore a pretty ratty, blue toboggan that didn’t at all match the rest of his attire.
By this time, I stopped walking again and just kind of stared at him while this weirdo in a suit in 20 degree weather stood and stared across the empty street. It hit me then. That hat he was wearing, the one that was totally out of place on his fancy self, I realized was Marv’s hat. It was something he always wore when it was cold out because he was practically bald. Why was this guy wearing it? I barely whispered a ‘What the ****?’ when this guy snapped his head to the side to stare at me with wide eyes.
I jumped back, startled by his sudden movement. But this seemed to amuse him, as a creepily wide smile spread across his face. He then spun his body around to face me, without moving a muscle. I don’t know how to explain it to make it sound rational, but the guy straight up just spun around, like his feet weren’t even touching the ground and he hovered. Or maybe like a toy. But he just spun to face me in one, fluid motion without his feet or legs moving.
He then started to jerk, like his muscles were spasming. His head twitched to the right over and over, tilting his ear to the ground then coming back up only to do it again in very quick, twitchy movements. The fingers on his left hand started to spas out too, going in all possible directions, opening and closing a fist at times, and looking broken at others.
By this point, I was terrified. I’d taken a few steps back but for some reason couldn’t bring myself to run or look away. I just continued to look on, horrified by what I was seeing. What was wrong with this guy?
Then, he spoke. “Hey, man. I’m Marv. Got any change?” But the way he spoke didn’t sound human at all. The best way I can describe it is like it came from a really old computer on dial up internet, really glitchy and practically toneless, and definitely mechanically generated. The way he spaced out words wasn’t right, either. The way he said it sounded more like, “Heyma-n… I’m Marv…. Gotan….ychan-ge?”
I didn’t even realize I was muttering ‘What the heck’ constantly over and over to myself as this…thing spoke. But it seemed to take notice. Head and hand still spasing out, he repeated the phrase, somehow hearing my quiet words from the distance we were apart. “W-hatthe…he-ck. What theh…eck. Whattheheck. What-the-heckkkkkkkkkk.” It seemed to be practicing the phrase but not quite getting it each time. Then, it said something that really chilled me more than the freezing air ever could, and it said it in Marv’s voice with the still glitchy computer intonation. “What are you doing? Get away from me! Help! Help me!” the words flowed out of its mouth rapidly, like one continuous word.
I only finally moved when the ‘man’ started to come at me, walking as if his legs were broken or didn’t have any knee caps, legs just flopping all over the place. But it still had that twitching movement while propelling itself forward towards me. God, it was like taking the starting frame and ending frame of a video and using only them or lagging, so its legs just appeared in various, awkward positions.
Finally, I felt the adrenaline really pumping with my pounding heart, and I turned and ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction. I don’t honestly remember much else, besides just sprinting down the sidewalks and across streets until I finally found some more, normal people in the local mall parking lot.
By then, my lungs burned so much from the cold air and running so fast. My muscles hurt, too, but when I looked back, I didn’t see that thing there. I have no idea when it stopped coming for me, but I was more than grateful it had given up.
Panting, I went into the mall and just sat on one of the metal benches to try and relax and desperately rationalize. But no matter how much I tried to explain what had happened, I couldn’t come up with anything solid. I wasn’t on any substances or drunk, having finished up my job prior. I never had any history or even family history of schizophrenia. And there was no way that was some psycho pranking me. The voice might have been able to be faked with some kind of weird device, but the way that thing moved… It wasn’t possible by anything real. Maybe in a video it could have easily been faked by removing some frames of movement, but that’s not how real life works.
I just stayed in that mall until morning, since it was open 24/7. Only when the sun was up and more people were out and about did I go home to my apartment, avoiding that street and all the while checking behind my back every five seconds. I called off work for the next couple of days and took my car to from since. I haven’t seen that thing or anything like it since, but I haven’t seen any sign of Marv either. But the worst part is every now and again, when I’m in my apartment, I’ll get a phone call from an unknown number. It just keeps ringing and ringing until I pick up, never stopping until I do, even though my phone is supposed to go to voicemail after five rings. I’ve gotten into the habit of picking up and then instantly hanging up again. But the one time, the first time it happened, I actually answered it I will never forget. There was nothing but silence on the other end for a couple moments and then a glitchy, computerized ‘What-the-heck.’
Guys, I don’t know what that thing was or how it got my number, but I can’t handle this much longer. I think I’m going to move a few towns over and hope that helps. I'm already looking into places, but I can't afford most of them. The calls and having to constantly look over my shoulder when in public are driving me insane, though. I’m so scared I’ll see him, it, again, even in the daylight. I've been waking up screaming in the middle of the night, dreaming of that thing coming after me. I just don't know how much longer I can do this. Please, if anyone knows what this thing was, or if you’ve had a similar experience, let me know. Message me. I have to know what it was. I have to know I'm not the only one. Oh god, I’m so scared. Someone, please help me. Ple-ase helpme pl…eashe-lp me p-lease…he-lpme pleasehelpmeeeeeeeee