No more then 15 characters per person.
Be kind to each other
No Godmoding
Correct Grammar, Spelling and English.
Respect others
Do not kill another person's character without asking me and them.
Put *Respect* in Other if you have read these rules.
The Warrior Code:
1- Obey the leader, and or deputy
2- No kit, or apprentice can become a warrior unless 12 moons of age.
3- Be sure the Queens, kits, and Elders are fed before you feed yourself.
4- NO cat may put and prey on the pile that is rotten or does not smell good.
5- In order for a warrior to be eligible to be Deputy he must have trained at least 1 apprentice OR is currently training one at the time of him/her being appointed Deputy.
6- No killing a cat out of Cold-Blood or for revenge.
7- Any cat who choses evil over good will be condemned and will have to give up his/her's inheritance in StarClan to be 9in the Dark Forest.
8- Be loyal to your clan at all times.
9- Protect your Clan Mates as you would yourself.
10- You must uphold this code and protect it like you would yourself.