Welcome to the forums! c:
Roleplays not based off the Warrior Series go in
Off Topic Roleplaying while Warrior roleplays go in
FanClans. If you just want to talk,
Off Topic Discussion is usually always swarming with people or if you want to share your own art or look at other peoples art, we have an
Art Forum.
Warrior Fan Fiction is where you write your short stories or books about Warriors, any other short stories/books would go in
Off Topic Writing. Since your new, I would suggest reading the
rules, if you haven't already.
To edit your profile, click the profile button at the top of the page, and you'll be sent to your profile. There will be an edit profile button to the right. There you can change your Avatar (Profile Pic), Signature and Your display name.
I didn't know exactly what you wanted to know so I just kinda threw a lot in there. I apologize
edit;; I just saw you were a mobile user. I recommend Desktop mode (found at the bottom of the page) it's easier to use and just better, in my opinion.