Post by Bunny on Jan 21, 2023 16:58:42 GMT -5
look what the cat dragged in….
hi, i’m bunny~ (: i’ve made… quite a few of these over the months but life gets in the way and i don’t want to bump up any old threads from like… last year.
anyways, i really want to immerse myself in writing and stories again. i have many interests, but i’d rather hear what YOU are interested in. one of my biggest problems with roleplays is my partner not matching my interest in the story, and i don’t like being the only one to keep the plot going, make interesting things happen, etc. if our interests don’t connect, we can either work something out, or our fates just aren’t aligned~
assuming i haven’t annoyed everyone away yet PLEASE ROLEPLAY WITH ME my replies vary from multi paragraphs to a few sentences, whatever works the best and keeps things going~
Hello! I used to be on the old forum feel free to message or add as a friend <3
Post by hiraeth on Jan 24, 2023 15:03:47 GMT -5
hello! im actually looking for someone to roleplay with i haven't been on the forums in years especially since it shutdown. i can also be active since i work from home if im going through anything and need a couple days to respond ill also let you know, if you need to reach out for anything i can provide my discord as well! we can coordinate what to roleplay about im interested in various topics! and i can give long detailed replies!
Post by Bunny on Jan 25, 2023 22:31:09 GMT -5
thanks for responding! :3 i happened to see your onexone thread as well, coincidentally maximum ride is one of my favorite things to roleplay. back in the day i created a rather large maximum ride roleplay on the OG forums ~
soooo, that being said, i think that would be really fun to do? but i’m also down for whatever ~
activity wise, between work and life (i’m a server so i generally work short hours) i try to be active every day, but if i happen to miss a day or two i’ll still have a response cooking in my notepad.
Hello! I used to be on the old forum feel free to message or add as a friend <3
Post by hiraeth on Jan 25, 2023 23:25:15 GMT -5
[ oh wow dope! I used to read maximum ride it’s been years tho i can’t lie i need a refresher but i always did like the concept! I’m totally down to do that. And awesome i work from home so I’ll def be able to whip up replies if it’s taking me awhile i can send a quick notification! ]
Post by Bunny on Jan 28, 2023 15:33:24 GMT -5
it’s been a long time since i’ve read them as well, i have no problems with just going off of the concept (:
that being said, do you have any ideas or would you prefer to just wing it no pun intended
i’m fine with either, we could always just get the ball rolling and plot as we go as well.
Hello! I used to be on the old forum feel free to message or add as a friend <3
Post by hiraeth on Jan 28, 2023 15:56:00 GMT -5
[ i haven’t roleplayed in sooo long i haven’t had any specific plots as of yet I’ll actually be thinking of some today. What themes do you enjoy most ? ]
Post by Bunny on Jan 28, 2023 16:03:12 GMT -5
i’m in quite the same boat so i understand. also don’t mind me playing around with fonts, i kind of want to find a new one i like lolol.
anyways, i enjoy drama, action, adventure… you know the basics. and i always include some kind of romance because i am a sucker for it. (‘:
we could always start off with an escape from the lab and build from there, but i’ll get to work thinking of a more complex plot as well!
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Post by hiraeth on Jan 28, 2023 16:09:23 GMT -5
[ no worries try out as many i like experimenting too! & heard you! That could be a good start actually! I’ll def be thinking more too (and about to look up the maximum ride concept again cause i kinda forgot lol) ]
Post by Bunny on Jan 28, 2023 16:42:30 GMT -5
i’m not very meticulous about these sorts of things, i’m 100% fine with taking the general concept and kind of making things our own, so no worries if we don’t keep things completely canon ~
how many characters are you thinking of having…? i’m kind of torn between just one to keep things simple but i’m also kind of down to have a couple to have more of a “flock”-like feel
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Post by hiraeth on Jan 28, 2023 16:57:52 GMT -5
[ probably 2 at most but maybe 3 depending also it doesn’t have to be cannon at all i just gotta remember the concept since it’s been so long haha! I’m thinking maybe they escape the lab, and let’s say the characters are in their early twenties so maybe they go to college to assimilate into society? then ofc because they escaped a lab they’d obviously be hunted so we can figure something out ]
Post by Bunny on Jan 28, 2023 17:49:24 GMT -5
that sounds like a good start! i can definitely form some ideas around that… and i think i’ll have two biological siblings, and maybe a younger character…
assuming they’ve been in a lab their whole life, we could say there’s a good white coat or two that has taught them about the outside and set them up at said college
but maybe they end up betraying them/getting found out and that’s how our poor flock gets caught. cue fight scene
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Post by hiraeth on Jan 28, 2023 19:50:07 GMT -5
[ yeah i like the idea of sibling characters it’s funny how i was thinking that too but honestly i think you can carry it! Maybe they be twins thatd be kinda cool, i think for sure I’ll have a male character and a female one, most likely she might be a regular human tho, we’ll see how I’m feeling but for sure! Take your time with brainstorming btw don’t feel pressured to get started right away i wanna make sure we both have interest in it haha ]
Post by Bunny on Jan 28, 2023 22:43:04 GMT -5
i’m going to go with a male and female as well, i like the twin idea, you know how the experiments have powers? i think i’ll give them some sort of ~twin telepathy~ i also kind of want my female to have a fire power, but if that’s doing too much i can change that.
i also think i’m going to scrap the idea for my younger character (at least for now) as it wouldn’t really fit into the plot.
i think your female character being human could be cool, and it could help them acclimate into society
Hello! I used to be on the old forum feel free to message or add as a friend <3
Post by hiraeth on Jan 29, 2023 1:39:00 GMT -5
[ oh wait they had powers? what how did i not remember that okay cool cool, and it would depend on what type of fire she has, i was thinking about giving my male character a power that is more skill based, but ill see what happens. also yeah maybe having a human involved in all of this would be kinda cool just because i think she could befriend them, and they would have to keep the secret from her ]