Post by Fallen Stars on Sept 9, 2016 16:45:25 GMT -5
Camp | Evening Eveningstar | 45 moons | Tom [ ooc ]
Just testing out this. Hmm, when I put in the image it appeared to have stretched down the box a little. ovo" I guarantee this was because I pasted the image while on the Preview rather than pasting in the the BBCode section. I'm sure I can go try this again and test it by making sure to paste it in the BBCode first. I don't mind it overlapping a little actually,and it seems to quality of it is better here. I noticed it seemed a bit squished in the regular box format.
Scrolling for longer posts will definitely be interesting~ o: Well, at least it does make things a little be more condensed and organized? I'll need to figure out what I'm going to do when I have to make more than one reply because I'm used to making all my replies on one post. xD
Also just testing what color font or something to use for text.
Falle decided to be a weirdo and test things out in a peculiar way. She said, "Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3, in solid black." Will this work? Hopefully it will or otherwise she made seem like a lunatic. "Maybe in a lighter color?" She also pondered aloud, wondering which would work the best for her preferences. "Yeah, this lighter color seems to be the best option."
coding by officialrainleafwcf
Post by Fallen Stars on Sept 9, 2016 16:52:32 GMT -5
I caught myself the the "pi" rank! I made sure to get a screenshot of that~ o:
That's not actually a bad idea, and yeah I agree it will make it easier to tell who's admin and whatnot. cx
Also, just realized I do need to make sure that I paste the image into the BBCode instead of the preview because it does affect the text. xD
Official Queen of Fan Clans
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Official ThunderClan & ElmClan Leader
Easing back in
Post by ʀᴀɪɴʟᴇᴀғ 🍁 on Sept 9, 2016 16:54:18 GMT -5
Yeah, never edit in preview. xD It'll mess up the coding.
The layout page. Thunder is first, Shadow is second, then Sky, then Wind.
Post by Fallen Stars on Sept 9, 2016 16:59:27 GMT -5
Location | Time of Day Name | Age | Gender [ x ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse lectus turpis, malesuada eget efficitur aliquet, elementum eget orci. Fusce consectetur id ante varius porta. Praesent quis massa in turpis maximus maximus a ut sem. Integer consequat dapibus eros vel laoreet. Sed scelerisque, leo non volutpat tristique, dui dui dapibus nisl, eu consectetur purus massa ultricies neque. Nullam sollicitudin magna tortor, sodales tincidunt tortor finibus non. Ut dapibus ante ac magna rhoncus, ut vulputate odio faucibus. Ut lobortis non eros id egestas. Nunc risus diam, fringilla sed luctus eget, ultrices non tortor. Nulla pulvinar mattis posuere. Nullam faucibus in nulla id pretium. In at ligula eget leo tincidunt suscipit vel in ipsum. Curabitur nec maximus ante. Vestibulum maximus rutrum tempor. Duis mi purus, dictum eget ornare eget, fringilla ac dolor. Suspendisse facilisis ut nisl a varius. coding by officialrainleafwcf
Post by Featherwing on Sept 9, 2016 17:04:16 GMT -5
Oh my goodness! The layouts look spectacular! Amazing job!
Post by Fallen Stars on Sept 9, 2016 17:05:48 GMT -5
I've learned that lesson. xD
Oh my god the layouts, they're stunning... I'm speechless. o.o You guys did an absolutely amazing job. I really love how they turned out! They were just beyond belief of what I imagined them to be. They really did turn out awesome though, I can't even. XD
Now, as a person will little coding experience, what's the easiest way to copy the coding there so I can get into the process of transferring it over?
Official Queen of Fan Clans
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Official ThunderClan & ElmClan Leader
Easing back in
Post by ʀᴀɪɴʟᴇᴀғ 🍁 on Sept 9, 2016 17:12:21 GMT -5
Quoting and getting rid of the quoting part, really. xD
Post by Fallen Stars on Sept 9, 2016 17:18:41 GMT -5
Really? I thought there would be another way. XD I did that for this coding so ok I guess I'll just keep doing that lol
Official Queen of Fan Clans
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Post by ʀᴀɪɴʟᴇᴀғ 🍁 on Sept 9, 2016 17:28:27 GMT -5
I haven't found a way to put the coding where you can copy it without it going through, even if partially. You can't simply just put a break between the brackets because that didn't work for the form. And you'd have to edit a lot if I put something between them, so quoting is the only easy way for right now until I have more practice. I apologize.
I'll be putting the links in all the pages, finishing my cats, and having a few starters ready for the Clans. If you have issues, just summon me back. xD
Post by Fallen Stars on Sept 9, 2016 17:40:51 GMT -5
No, no, quoting is actually fine. xD I'm currently in the process of getting the layout over to my page, and it isn't really a problem at all. Thank goodness for multiple tabs haha.
Alrighty then Rain. I'll let you in of that if I have any problems. Thanks~
Official Queen of Fan Clans
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Official ThunderClan & ElmClan Leader
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Post by ʀᴀɪɴʟᴇᴀғ 🍁 on Sept 9, 2016 17:58:42 GMT -5
Is everyone here?
Post by Deleted on Sept 9, 2016 18:01:48 GMT -5
-flies in-
I was lurking and nice ob on the layouts X3
Official Queen of Fan Clans
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Official ThunderClan & ElmClan Leader
Easing back in
Post by ʀᴀɪɴʟᴇᴀғ 🍁 on Sept 9, 2016 18:08:32 GMT -5
Thanks! Sand told me that we could go on and open without her.
Post by Featherwing on Sept 9, 2016 18:11:19 GMT -5
SkyClan is done!
Post by Fallen Stars on Sept 9, 2016 18:11:49 GMT -5
Oh ok, if she's cool with that than fine by me~
I'm still working on getting the layout and all my info over, which is more tedious than I thought, so are we all trying to go for the opening at the same time? Or when we finish with whatever we need to do? ovo
Post by Deleted on Sept 9, 2016 18:13:15 GMT -5
No problem X3 I'm currently doing WindClan.
Official Queen of Fan Clans
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Official ThunderClan & ElmClan Leader
Easing back in
Post by ʀᴀɪɴʟᴇᴀғ 🍁 on Sept 9, 2016 18:14:47 GMT -5
I prefer we open at the same time. Don't rush, though.
Post by Fallen Stars on Sept 9, 2016 18:19:56 GMT -5
That's understandable. I just need to finish with a couple of more posts, then I'll be set. Just putting in the information such as forms, I can do the meanwhile after we officially declare we're open. I'll let you guys know when I'm finish with the layout~ c;
Post by ᴍɪsᴛғᴀʟʟ » on Sept 9, 2016 18:44:02 GMT -5
I'm around at the moment getting some other work done- my characters are virtually up anyway, I'll be doing minor edits <3
Post by Fallen Stars on Sept 9, 2016 18:46:57 GMT -5
Alright, Shadowclan is done! Obviously I need to put my cats in there, but at least I have everything in their proper post. xD
So just let me know when you guys want to do the grand opening ~(o0o)~
Post by Deleted on Sept 9, 2016 18:50:18 GMT -5
-Cyn is trying to get the layout for Wind done before she has to do the dishes-
I am determined
Post by Fallen Stars on Sept 9, 2016 18:51:55 GMT -5
Cyn is filled with determination
There's no rush, so take your time~ xD
Post by Deleted on Sept 9, 2016 18:59:38 GMT -5
Yeess XDD I'm trying too XDD once I have the layout set up I'll do the dishes real quick and then put the forms in I have a plan.
Post by Featherwing on Sept 9, 2016 19:04:04 GMT -5
Oh yeah not even at all done putting cats in there. Had to leave -_-
Post by Sand on Sept 9, 2016 19:09:52 GMT -5
Let the show go on; I'm not feeling well + I have to go out for dinner. Yay. :-|
i may or may not come back tonight, it depends on how I feel.
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Post by ʀᴀɪɴʟᴇᴀғ 🍁 on Sept 9, 2016 19:15:51 GMT -5
I was eating dinner.
Sand, do you want us to open Thunder or nah? I can't open around this time tomorrow, we'd have to open earlier because I have birthday dinner.
Official Queen of Fan Clans
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Official ThunderClan & ElmClan Leader
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Post by ʀᴀɪɴʟᴇᴀғ 🍁 on Sept 9, 2016 19:32:46 GMT -5
Everyone poofed. xD
Post by Fallen Stars on Sept 9, 2016 19:36:04 GMT -5
I am here ~(o0o~) I'm just kinda lurking. xD
Post by Deleted on Sept 9, 2016 19:38:21 GMT -5
There we go! Did the WindClan layout now just need to do the dishes and then add the forums in and I'm done for now XD
Official Queen of Fan Clans
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Official ThunderClan & ElmClan Leader
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Post by ʀᴀɪɴʟᴇᴀғ 🍁 on Sept 9, 2016 19:53:36 GMT -5
Fea is offline now..